高考英语词汇默写本 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章高考英语词汇默写本更新完毕开始阅读

13. 这条铁路横贯平原.把那个偏远山城与海港连接了起来。(connect)

The railway crosses the plain and connects the remote mountain city with the seaport.

14. 经过两个小时的讨论,他们决定向经理投诉这件事情。(complain)

After two hours' discussion, they decided to complain to the manager about it.

15. 他缺乏当众承认错误的勇气。(courage)

He lacked the courage to admit his mistake in public.

16. 顺便问一下,你考虑去听后天的讲座吗?(consider)

By the way,do you consider attending the lecture the day after tomorrow?

17. 在他对自己有了信心之后,他在学习上取得了很大进步。(confidence)

After he had confidence in himself, he made great progress in study.

18. 在我看来,这幅画并不难看;相反,我觉得它很漂亮。(contrary)

The picture doesn't seem ugly to me;on the contrary, I think it is very beautiful.

19. David没有意识到已经冒犯她了。(conscious) ① David wasn't conscious of having offended her. ② David wasn't conscious that he had offended her. 20. 警察的来访与丢失的孩子无关。(concern) The visit of the police is not concerned with the lost child.


1. n.顾客 customer

2. vt.破坏,毁灭 destroy 3. adj.危险的 dangerous

4. adj.困难的;艰难的 difficult 5. n.文化 culture

6. v.装饰,装潢 decorate 7. n. /adj.侦探(的)detective 8. n.骑自行车的人cyclist 9. v./n.辩论;争论 debate 10. n.舞会 dance 11. n.牙医 dentist

12. n.勤奋,勤勉 diligence 13. vt./n.打败 defeat

14. n.窗帘;大幕 curtain 15. n.钻石 diamond 16. n.群,人群 crowd

17. adj.发展中的 developing 18. n.日报 daily

19. v./n,减少,降低 decrease/decline 20. vt.治疗,治愈;改掉(坏习惯)cure 21. vt.拨(电话号码)dial

22. adj.美味的,可口的 delicious 23. vt./n.损害;损坏 damage 24. n.塾子;气垫 cushion

25. decay v..(使)腐烂,(使)蛀浊;衰退 26. cultivate vt.耕作,培植;培养,陶冶 27. despite prep.尽管 28. dialect n.方言

29. definite adj.确定的

30. cruel adj.残忍的, 残酷的 31. declare vt.宣布

32. destination n. 目的地,终点 33. curiosity n.好奇心 34. criticize v.批评

35. defend vt.防御,保卫;为……辩护 36. design vt.设计

37. digestion n.消化,吸收 38. delete. vt.删除

39. depart vi.离开,出发

40. current adj.现时的;最近的 41. determination n.决心;确定 42. crown n. 王冠;国王;王位

43. devotion n.奉献.献身;忠诚;挚爱 44. dignity n.尊严

45. device n.装置,设备 46. definition n.定义 47. deadly adj.致命的

48. depress vt.使沮丧;使不景气 49. dairy 牛奶(制)的;乳品的 50. delegate n.代表


1. 处理,对待 deal with

2. (在…方面)与…不同 differ from... ( in…)=be different from.. (in...)

3. 对…感到好奇 be curious about

4. (主要)取决于… depend (mainly) on 5. 日以继夜 day and night 6. 在日常生活中in one's daily life 7. 要求做 demand to do

8. 决定(不)做 decide (not) to do

9. 随着…的(快速)发展 with the (fast/rapid) development of


10. 红十字会 the Red Cross 11. 节食 on a diet

12. 做某事有困难 have difficulty/trouble (in) doing

13. 记日记 keep a diary 14. 削减 cut down (on) 15. 详细地 in detail

16. 一整天 all day (long) 17. 献身于,致力于 devote oneself to = be do


1. 我决定不出席晚宴,除非你答应和我一起去。(decide)

I’ve decided not to attend the dinner party unless you promise to go with me.

2. 人类依靠鱼作为蛋白质的来源。(depend)

devoted to

18. 相声 cross talk

19. 在某种程度上 to a certain degree 20. 应得… deserve sth. /to do 21. 天黑时 at dark

22. (营养)均衡的膳食a (well-)balanced diet 23. 欠债 be in debt

24. That/It (all) depends.那得看情况而定。 25. 天亮时 at dawn

26. 满足某人/对某物的要求、需求 meet the demand(s) of sb. /for sth.

27. 把…描述成… describe... as 28. 挤满… be crowded with

29. 查词典 turn to/refer to/consult the dictionary 30. 赶上截止时间 meet the deadline 31. 推迟做 delay doing 32. 灭绝 die out 33. 追溯到,起源于 date from = date back 34. 难以描述,无法形容beyond description/ words/expression

35. 在白天 in the daytime

36. 令某人(大为)高兴的是 to one's (great) delight

37. 做好事 do good deeds 38. 在暗处 in the dark

39. 渴望(某人)做 desire (sb.) to do

40. 博士/硕士/学 士学位 a doctor's/ master's/bachelor's degree 41. 至今 to this day

42. 百货商店 department store

43. 切断(水、电、煤等)cut off 44. 决定… decide on/upon

45. 否认做过 deny doing/having done 46. 处于(…的)危险中 in danger (of...) 47. 做决定 make a decision

48. 投递某物给某人deliver sth. to sb. 49. 脱离危险 out of danger

50. 下决心做 be determined to do = determine to

Human beings depend on fish for protein/as a source of protein/to get protein.

3. 我认为你找到男生宿舍不会有困难。(difficulty) I don't think you'll have any difficulty finding the boys' dormitory.

4. 他要求出国进修,但被公司拒绝了。(demand) He demanded to go abroad for farther study, but was refused by his company.

5. 不管谁指出我们的缺点都应受到回报。(deserve)

① Whoever points out our shortcomings deserves a reward.

② Whoever points out our shortcomings deserves to be rewarded.

6. 那些为科学献身的人们推动了社会的发展。(devote)

Those who are devoted to science have promoted the development of society.

7. 第一次到纽约的时候,我对所见所闻都很好奇。(curious)

The first time I visited New York, I was curious about what I saw and heard.

8. 他否认违反交通规则,而将事故责任推到卡车司机身上。(deny)

He denied breaking the traffic rules and blamed the truck driver for the accident.

9. 由于经验不足,他不知道如何处理这情形。(deal)

He didn't know how to deal with the situation because of his inexperience.

10. 她下定决心不惜任何代价不让父母失望。(determined)

She is determined not to let her parents down at any cost.

11. 人们经常将香港描述成国际金融与商业中心。(describe)

Hong Kong is often described as an international financial and business center.


12. 我校正不遗余力地满足学生对课外活动的需求。(demand)

Our school is making every effort to meet the demands of students for activities after class 13. 他在外貌和性格上都与妹妹截然不同。(differ) He differs completely from his sister in appearance and character.

14. 他们由于忘记付煤气费,所以供气中断了。(cut)

Their gas was cut off because they had forgotten to 16. adj.钝的;迟钝的;乏味的dull 17. adv.往(在)楼下 downstairs 18. n.盘装菜肴;盘,碟;餐具dish 19. vt. 打扰;扰乱;使不安disturb 20. vi.消失.disappear 21. n.龙 dragon

22. adj.隔壁的 next-door

23. vt.不服从;不遵守disobey 24. n.灾难 disaster

25. n.绞子;汤团 dumpling pay the bill.

15. 希望你早点给我们回信。(desire) ① We desire you to reply to our letter early. ② We desire your early reply to our letter.

16. 由于需要作进一步修改.他将书推迟到明年出版。(delay)

As the book needs further revising, he has delayed publishing the book until next year.

17. 请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机。(or) Please make a decision as early as possible, or you'll miss the good chance.

18. 阅读时,你不必碰到生词就查词典。(look) You needn't look up every new word you come across in reading.

19. 凡是想要生存的人都要依靠社会。(dependent) Whoever wants to survive must be dependent on society.

20. 他仍然昏迷不醒,随时有生命危险。(danger) He remains unconscious and is in danger of losing his life at any moment.


1. vt.使失望,使扫兴disappoint 2. adj.有效果的 effective 3. n.戏剧;剧本 drama 4. n.疾病 disease 5. n.玩具娃娃doll

6. adj.哑的;无言的 dumb

7. n.不利条件;不利地位 disadvantage 8. n.经济;节约 economy

9. adj.杂乱的,混乱的disorderly 10. n.药房 drugstore 11. vt.发现 discover 12. n.地震 earthquake

13. n.寝室,宿舍 dormitory

14. adj.残疾的;丧失能力的disabled

15. adj.受过良好教育的;有教养的 well-educated

26. adj.效率高的;能干的 efficient 27. n.图画,素描 drawing 28. donation n.捐赠

29. distant adj.远的;疏远的 30. discount n.折扣

31. domestic adj.国内的;家庭的;驯养的 32. direct vt.指导,指引;指挥(乐队),导 演(电影)

33. distrust vt./n.不信任 34. edit vt.编辑

35. undoubted adj.无疑的 36. discipline n.纪律 37. dizzy adj.头晕目眩的 38. diplomatic adj.外交的 39. dismiss vt.解雇;解散

40. dominate v. 支配,占优势 41. edge n.边,边缘;刀刃 42. dirt n.污物,灰尘

43. discourage vt.阻止;使气馁,使灰心

44. distinct adj.有区别的,不同的;明显 的,清楚的

45. divorce v. /n.离婚

46. disapprove v. 不赞成;不批准

47. earnest adj.认真的;真挚的;热心的 48. diploma n.奖状;毕业文凭 49. drunken adj.酒醉的

50. download v. /n.【计】下载


1. 对…有影响/效果 have an effect/ effects on 2. 令某人失望的是 to one's disappointment 3. 毫无疑问 There is no doubt that... =No/Without/Beyond doubt... 4. 把…分成… divide... into 5. 晚礼服 evening dress

6. 在…上做得好/不好 do well/badly in 7. 对…置若罔闻 turn a deaf ear to


8. 讨论某事物 have a discussion about/ on sth. =

discuss sth.

9. 实现某人的梦想 realize/achieve one's dream 10.因果(关系)cause and effect 11. (使)干涸 dry up

12. 在远处 in the distance 13. take drugs 吸毒

14. 究竟,到底 on earth 15. 餐厅 dining room/hall 16. 为…举杯祝贺 drink to 17. 教育某人做 educate sb. to do 18. 尽职 do one's duty/part 19. 容易地 with ease

20. 生效;奏效 take effect 21. 看医生 see a doctor

22. 由于…病倒了 be down with 23. 顺便拜访某人drop in on sb. 24. 遵照指示、说明 follow the directions instructions

25. 经济型车,廉价实用的汽车economical car 26. 开车送某人回家/去… drive sb. home/to... 27. 捐赠…给… donate... to 28. (介)由于 due to 29. 安逸的(地)at ease

30. (药物等的)副作用side effect 31. 挨家挨户 from door to door

32. 使某人博得(名声、赞赏等)earn sb. sth. 33. 极大地消耗了… be a great drain on 34. domestic animals 家畜

35. 渴望某物 be eager for sth.

36. 按打/小时计算 by the dozen/hour 37. 诊所 the doctor's

38. 值班/不值班on/off duty 39. 溺水儿童 drowning child 40. 穿着… be dressed in

41. 陈列着,展览着on display

42. 说比做容易 Easier said than done.

43. 接受高等教育,接受大学教育receive higher/college education 44. 几十个 dozens of 45. 不遗余力做某事 make every effort to do sth. = spare no effort to do sth.

46. 区别 A 与 B distinguish A from B

47. 在商业区,在市中心 in the downtown area 48. 把…分给… divide... between/among

49. 对…感到失望 be disappointed with/ to do/that 50. 梦见;梦想 dream of


1. 他厌倦了喧嚣的城市.而渴望一种宁静的乡村生活。(eager)

He was tired ot the noisy city and was eager for a quiet country life.

2. 近年来,旅游业对环境的影响引起了人们的关注。(effect)

In recent years, the effects of tourism on the environment have attracted people's attention.

3. 考虑到他最近身体不好,这次期中考试他已经考得很好了。(do)

Considering his pool health these days, he did well in the mid-term examination.

4. “神舟五号”圆了中国人的飞天梦。(dream)

“Shenzhou V” realized the Chinese people's dream of flying into space.

5. 从考官的表情判断,他对面试者大失所望。(disappoint)

Judging from his expression, the interviewer was greatly disappointed with the interviewees.

6. 要教育人们注意保护环境并不容易。(educate) It is not easy to educatc people to pay attention to protecting the environment.

7. 我们认为有必要为地震的受害者捐款。(donate) We think it necessary to donate money to the earthquake victims.

8. 那个穿白衣服的女孩多才多艺,给我留下了深刻印象。(dress)

The girl dressed in white was of many gifts, which left a deep impression on me.

9. 把一个国家分成四个时区是否会给人们带来不便呢?(divide)

Does it give people inconvenience to divide a country into four time zones?

10. 为了与时俱进,专家们正努力改进教科书。(effort)

To keep pace with the times, the experts are making great efforts to improve the textbooks.

11. 不仅年轻人爱好这项运动,许多中年人也跃跃欲试。(eager)

Not only do the young enjoy the sport, but also many middle-aged people are eager to have a try. 12. 服药时,请遵照使用说明。(direction)

Please follow the directions when you take the medicine.

13. 这个孩子梦想着有朝一日能登上月球。