啤酒废水开题报告(珍藏版) 联系客服

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【摘要】:随着科技的发展,发展与环境的矛盾日益突出。要实现可持续发展,必须高 度重视环保工作,因此环保问题受到社会各界越来越多的关注。其中,水源不足、水体污 染和水环境生态恶化已成为发展的主要制约因素。啤酒行业废水作为水体污染的一部分, 其废水处理技术引起环保技术人员的高度重视,特别是我国加入世界贸易组织(简称WTO) 以后,对污染物排放标准要求也越来越严格。 [18] 陈远新;UCASS新型生物反应器的研制开发与处理性能试验研究[D];长安大学;2004年 【摘要】:序批式活性污泥法(Sequencing Batch Reactor)通常简称SBR。它不同于常规的活

性污泥法,是采用间歇曝气方式来运行的污水生物处理系统。从目前的污水好氧生物处理 的研究、应用和发展趋势来看,SBR技术是一种简易、高效且低耗的污水处理技术,它的 研究得到国内外学者、专家的重视,它的应用与推广十分迅速。 [19] 焦蓉婷;水生植物对啤酒废水处理厂尾水的净化效果研究[D];浙江大学;2007年 【摘要】:水体富营养是当今世界面临的一个严重环境问题。啤酒废水中富含有机物, 其中COD、BOD质量浓度高达数千mg / L,另外还含有大量的N、P无机盐,这些废物 本身并无毒,但含有大量可被生物降解的有机物质,若不加治理直接外排,将导致地表水 体的富营养化。虽然啤酒废水已经经过生化处理,但仍含有大量的N、P无机盐。尾水的 直接大量排放已成为水环境污染的重要因素之一。

[20] Charles B. Bott. Elucidating the role of Toxin-induced microbial stress responses in biological wastewater treatment process upset.Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Sate University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY In Civil Engineering.2001

【Abstract】t: The overall hypothesis of this work is that the physiological microbial stress response could serve as a rapid, sensitive, and mechanistically-based indicator of process upset in biological wastewater treatment systems that receive sporadic shock loads of toxic chemicals. The microbial stress response is a set of conserved and unique biochemical mechanisms that an organism activates or induces under adverse conditions, specifically for the protection of cellular components or the repair of damaged macromolecules. Using traditional immunochemical analysis techniques, the heat shock protein, GroEL,was found to be induced in activated sludge cultures exposed to perturbations of chemicals at all concentrations tested (cadmium, pentachlorophenol, and acetone) or heat stress. As total cadmium concentrations increased above 5 mg/L,there was a significant and consistent increase in effluent volatile suspended solids concentrations from activated sludge sequencing batch reactors relative to unstressed controls, but there was no additional increase in GroEL levels. Stress proteins may serve as sensitive and rapid indicators of mixed liquor toxicity which can

[21] Belinda Sue McSwain, B.S.P.H. Molecular investigation of aerobic granular sludge formation. Submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Notre Dame in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.2005

【Abstract】:The efficiency of biological wastewater treatment depends upon the selection and growth of metabolically capable microorganisms and upon the efficient separation of those organisms from the treated effluent. Researchers have developed operational guidelines and microbial selection theories in order to design reactors that form fastsettling floes and select against filamentous bulking sludge. In recent years, the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) has been used to form even more compact sludge structures, in the form of aerobic granules.

[22] Valnyr Vasconcelos Lira, Jose Sergio da Rocha Neto, Pericles Rezende Barros, Adrianus Cornelius van Haandel. Automation of an Anaerobic-Aerobic Wastewater

Treatment Process. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2003, 52( 3):909-915 【Abstract】:In this paper, the treatment capacity and effluent quality of an anaerobic-aerobic sewage treatment system composed of a upflow anaerobic sludge blanket unit in


series with a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is evaluated. The aerobic part of the system (the SBR) is automated and the concentration of dissolved oxygen is used as a control parameter for the aeration period.