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endeavor n.

[C, U] an effort to do sth., esp. sth. new or difficult 努力;尽力

Driving is a serious endeavor and all drivers must remain alert, awake, and aware to reduce the number of accidents on the roads. 驾车是一个严肃认真的行为,所有的司机都必须保持警觉,头脑清醒,尽力减少道路事故的发生。 vi.

(fml.) (~ to do sth.) try very hard to do sth. 努力做(某事);尽力做(某事)

They endeavor to tell the stories behind each picture, allowing visitors to see paintings of landscapes with a greater understanding. 他们尽力去讲述每幅画背后的故事,让参观者欣赏风景画时有更深层的理解。

statesman n.

[C] an experienced political leader that many people respect 政治家

diligent a.

(fml.) sb. who is diligent works very hard and very carefully 勤奋的;用功的 Both ants and bees are extremely diligent insects. Therefore, we have a saying for a person who works very carefully and hard: \蚂蚁和蜜蜂都是极其勤劳的昆虫。因此,对那些工作认真努力的人,我们有句俗话说得好:“他像蜜蜂一样勤劳。”

diligently ad. 勤奋地

He worked diligently and spent long hours in the laboratory. 他工作勤奋,大量的时间都花费在了实验室。

pursuit n.

[U] the process of trying to achieve sth. 追求;寻求

The main reason for the changes was the pursuit of profit. 作出这些改变主要是为了追求利润。

ranch n.

[C] a very large farm in the western US or Canada, where cows, horses, or sheep are bred (美国或加拿大西部的)大牧场

prestige n.

[U] the high reputation and respect that sb. or sth. has earned, based on their impressive achievements, quality, etc. 声望;名望;威信

The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige. 古老的牛津大学和剑桥大学仍然享有很高的声望。

circuit n. [C]

1 a series of places that are regularly visited by sb. involved in a particular activity (与某种活动相关的人)定期前往的一系列场所

2 the complete path that an electric current flows around 电路;回路;线路 3 a journey all the way around the edge of sth. 环形路线

unprecedented a.

1 never having happened or existed before 前所未有的;史无前例的

The vice-president would take the unprecedented step of using federal money to raise the salaries of some teachers. 副总统将采取史无前例的措施,利用联邦基金来提高部分教师的工资。

2 the greatest in size, amount, degree, etc. that has ever been known (大小、数量、程度等)前所未知的,空前的

In the late 1950s, the slaughter of dolphins began on an unprecedented scale. 20世纪50年代后期,对海豚前所未有的大规模屠杀开始了。

nominate vt.

officially suggest that sb. should be given a job, or that sb. or sth. should receive a prize 提名;推荐

The private school's director nominated Mr. Williams as his official representative at the conference. 在这次会议上,该私立学校的校董提名威廉斯先生为他的官方代表。

appoint vt.

1 choose sb. to do a particular job or have a particular position 任命;委派;指派 He was hospitalized last week, the next day after he was appointed to the finance ministry. 他上周在被委派到财政部任职后的第二天就住院了。

2 (fml.) choose a time or place for sth. to happen 确定,指定,约定(时间或地点) His young instructor failed to turn up at the appointed time. 在约定的时间,他的年轻导师没能出现。

abortion n.

[C] a medical operation in which a developing baby is removed from a woman's body so that it is not born alive 人工流产;堕胎 expend vt.

(fml.) use time, energy, money, etc. to do sth. 花费;消耗;支出

We will have to expend all our energies on the development of our communities

rather than on political party quarrels. 我们必须把所有的精力放在社会发展上,而不是政党之争上。

threat n.

1 [C, U] a situation or activity that could cause harm or danger 危害;威胁 Even the most security-conscious computer user is under constant threat from

computer viruses. 即使是最具有安全意识的计算机用户也常常面临计算机病毒的威胁。

2 [C] an occasion when sb. says that they will cause you harm or problems, esp. if you do not do what they tell you to do 恐吓;威胁

Officials say they received a bomb threat at about 9:30 a.m. 官员们说上午9:30左右他们收到了炸弹恐吓。

inward a.

1 (only before noun) felt or experienced in your own mind but not obvious to other people 内心的;精神的

The story caters to everyone's inward yearning for success. 这个故事迎合了大家内心追求成功的渴望。

2 going toward the inside or center of sth. 向内的;向中心的

It is useful to consider the external and inward factors of landscaping for the new building. 考虑一下新建筑环境美化的内外部因素是有用的。

robust a.

1 firm and determined 坚定的;强硬的

I would prefer to take a robust attitude. 我宁愿采取坚定的态度。 2 (of a person) strong and healthy (人)强壮的,强健的

The healthy and robust young man has a glorious future before him. 这个年轻人身强力壮,前途辉煌。

maintain vt.

make sth. stay the same; keep 保持;维持

Only a few people nowadays are able to maintain friendships into adulthood. 如今只有少数人能将友谊维持到成年了。

slack vi.

try to avoid working 偷懒;逃避工作

He felt so tired after the long journey that he ignored his job and began to slack off when he was at work. 长途旅行后他感到非常疲倦,于是对工作漠不关心,开始

在工作中偷懒。 a.

1 loose and not pulled tight 松弛的;不紧的

After being washed too many times, the elastic band in her skirt became slack, and she had to replace it with a new one. 她裙子上的松紧带洗的次数太多了,都变松了,她不得不换了条新的。

2 not taking enough care to make sure sth. is done well 松懈的;懈怠的;疏忽的 Since he came into power one month ago, the new mayor has done a lot to change the slack image of his city's government. 自从一个月前上任以来,新市长做了许多工作来改变市政府的懒散形象。

transcend vt.

(fml.) become free of negative attitudes, thoughts, or feelings that limit what you can achieve 超越,摆脱(消极的态度、思想或情绪)

She was able to transcend her own suffering and help others. 她能够战胜自身的痛苦并帮助他人。

handicap n. [C]

1 a disadvantage that prevents you from doing sth. well 障碍;不利条件 Smoking is a known handicap to sleep. 人们已知吸烟对睡眠不利。

2 (old-fashioned) a physical or mental injury or illness that is severe and permanent (身体或智力的)缺陷,残疾(该词现在被认为具冒犯义)

Often some physical or mental handicap prevents a child from learning. 身体或智力上的某种缺陷常常妨碍孩子学习。

feat n.

[C] sth. impressive that sb. does 技艺;业绩;功绩

This feat has never been approached by any player in baseball history. 在棒球历史上,这一业绩还没有任何选手达到过。 Phrases and expressions

remove sth. / sb. from sth.

take sth. or sb. away from a place 移开;拿开;去掉;从…机构开除

The new computerized system removed 700 people from their jobs. 新系统的计算机化使得700人失去了工作。

deviate from sth.

be different from sth.; do sth. differently from what is usual or expected 背离;偏离;违背

Those who deviate from one part of the plan are almost certain to deviate from the whole in the end. 偏离部分计划的人最终几乎一定会背离整体计划。