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辽 东 学 院 本 科 毕 业 论 文(设 计)


The Aesthetic Characteristics of Tao Yuan-ming's Poem

学 生 姓 名: 盖淑岩 学 院: 师范学院 专 业: 汉语言文学(师范类) 班 级: B0503 学 号: 1312050326 指 导 教 师: 杨荣祥 审 阅 教 师: 马健 完 成 日 期: 2009年5月

辽 东 学 院

Eastern Liaoning University



作者签名:___________ 日期:__ __


摘 要





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The Aesthetic Characteristics of Tao Yuan-ming's Poem


Tao Yuan-ming is the history of Chinese literature of the first outstanding pastoral poet, is also a unique literary master.Tao Poetry is the treasure house of ancient Chinese poetry in a bright pearl in China's classical literature occupies a special position,with the eternal artistic charm. Tao Yuan-ming's creation by Confucianism,Taoism,Zen philosophy and Taoism in particular the impact of aesthetic ideology,through the poetry of nature,and demonstrated the art of a new realm of poetry.

“Nature” is a guide created by Tao Yuan-ming's life and the highest criteria. The practice of Tao Yuan-ming calmly advocating the idea of nature,making nature of his poetry are required for the ultimate aesthetic. He is truly the“natural” law of the quiet,cool to look欢娱alone the first person to get music,he pursued a detached reality,the beauty of the spirit of indulgence.

And his spirit pure indulgence,of course,makes the pursuit of simple aesthetic pottery is full of poetic verse shows the aesthetic characteristics of the following: natural for aesthetic perfection, far from dense mysterious mood of the United States, with the works of creative content of the main interests of the highly compatible were I one the United States,dull life of the United States of Poetry,the spirit of indulgence and a rational combination of the United States.

Tao's poetry is not poetry,or a treasure,Tao Yuan-ming in his style to create a unique aesthetic of the idyllic realm of art,has expanded the field of poetry and aesthetic creative vision to enrich the aesthetic content of the poetry for the people opened up a broad and情味unique world,the aesthetics of Chinese classical poetry to make a unique contribution;At the same time,also created the history of Tao Yuan-ming in the Chinese literature the status of an immortal.

Keywords: Tao Yuan-ming; Poetry;Aesthetic Characteristics

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