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九年级英语教案、导学案总第(1)课时 【课题】Unit6When was it invented?

主备人:Jiang Yanling 审核人:

Section A(1a----2c)


1. 那个用一般过去时的被动语态描述和询问发明史。 2. 能够用分析和归纳一般现在时,一般过去时和一般过去时的被动语态,并结合实际生活情境理解和运用。

【导学流程】 一、【自学】——学会自学,您将技高一筹!

1. 预习单词并理解意思 写出下列单词

1.鞋跟,足跟 ____________ 2.勺,铲子_____________3.电,电能______ 4样式,款式____________ 2、用所给词完成句子

1、H used a ________to eat the ice cream.

2、While I was cooking supper the ____________went off. 3、She was wearing high _________. 4、They sell shoes in all _______. 2. 翻译下列短语

1带灯的鞋______________2.用电加热______________ 3……的样式_____________4.被用于__________________ 翻译下列年代:

1 nineteen seventy-one____________ 2 eighteen eighty-five__________ 3. eighteen seventy-six__________ _4.1927_________________ 5.1976__________________ 二、【释疑】——认真阅读,您会明白很多!

1.invent (v.)发明;创造

invent指发明创造出自然界本来不存在的东西,如工具、方法、手段、 汽车、电器、合成材料等。

例:Bell the telephone. 贝尔发明了电话。

Smith a new teaching method. 史密斯发明了一种新的教学方法。 【横向辐射】

discover, find, create

1.discover是“发现”的意思,是指发现原来就有而一直没被发现, 如发现电、煤、石油等矿藏及新星、星系或科学真理等。 Columbus America in 1492.1492 年哥伦布发现了新大陆。

Recently they have a comet. 最近他们发现了一颗彗星。 2.find的意思是“寻找”,强调找的结果,并不指发现。

I've tried to another copy but couldn't one. 我试图再找一本,但没能弄到。

3.create指有目的地把原材料制成新产品,也指创造出原来不存在的 或与众不同的事物。

Man himself. 人类创造了自己。

A novelist characters and a plot. 小说家塑造人物并设计情节。 小试牛刀

根据语境提示,用invent, discover,find或create的形式填空,完成句子。 1.When _____ the stream engine(蒸汽机) ___? 2.I can’t ____ my bike, I’m looking for it.

3. Scientists are now trying to ___ if this is possible. 4. Do you know who______ the plane?

5. He ____quite a number of wonderful characters in his play.

三、【合作交流】——共同探究,不依附,不从众,让思考成为习惯! 1、做1b2a2b听力



【归纳整理】 本课讲述了哪些内容? 请你自己归纳总结一下: 用括号内的单词适当形式填空。

1. The workers are made ________ (work) 10 hours a day.

2. The sick door can stop the wind from __________ (come) in to the room. 3. My father often teaches me___________ (play) the guitar in his free time. 4. Lots of trees and grass were ________ (plant) last year. 根据要求完成句子。

1. I don’t like watching TV because the ads are boring.(对划线部分提问) _______ ______ _______ like watching TV

2. Were the dishes washed by yourself ? .(作否定回答) ____________, ___________ ___________

3 .My elder sister asked me to go shopping with her. (改为被动句)

I ______ ________ ________ go shopping by my elder sister.

【教学反思】 ——反思使人进步!

九年级英语教案、导学案总第(2)课时 【课题】Unit6When was it invented?

Section A( 2d and Grammar focus ) 主备人:Jiang Yanling 审核人:


能够用对比分析的方法掌握一般现在时的被动语态。 理解掌握和运用一般过去时的被动语态。

一般现在时,一般过去时和一般过去时的被动语态的区别。 【导学流程】 一、【自学】——学会自学,您将技高一筹!

(一)预习单词、 1)写出下列单词

1、项目,工程________2.高兴,愉快_______3.拉链,拉锁________ 4.每日的,日常的___________5.有道理_________________ 6.先锋,先驱__________7.列表,清单,名单___________

8.提到,说到__________9.冰箱_________10.低的,矮的_____________ 11.某人,重要任务________12.翻译_________13.锁,锁上________ 14.地震_________15突然地__________16.突然,猛地____________ 17钟,铃__________18.饼干__________19.曲奇饼____________

20.音乐的,有音乐天赋的_____________21.器械,仪器_____________ 2)用所学单词完成句子

1、The ______ is a wonderful invention. 2. He writes for the ______newspaper. 3It’s a ______ to work with you.

4 There is a lot of food and milk in the ______. 5Don’t forget _____ ______the door. 6Thousands of people died in the ______.

(二) 翻译下列的短语

1、我很乐意____________2.在那时__________3以很低的价_________ 4.单独外出 _________ 5.把······翻译成___________-6.按门铃_______ 7少于,不到__________



_________________________________ 2 想想在我们的日常生活中.它多久被用到一次?

__________________________________________________________ 3.因为上周我看到一个网站,所以我想到了它。



__________________________________________________________ 5我们的父母建议我们不要独自外出。


二【合作探究】——共同探究,不依附,不从众,让思考成为习惯! 1. Read Grammar

2. complete 4a.4b and 4c


1. It’s a Pleasure./ A pleasure与You are welcome.等习语意义相同,用于当别人对你说Thank you. 时,即“不用谢”。例如:

-Thank you for coming to see me . -It’s a pleasure.-谢谢你来看我.-不用谢。

2. With pleasure与All right, No problem. I’d like to等习语意义相同。用于别人求你做某事,你很乐意去做的时候。例如: -Could you post the letter for me ? -With pleasure. -你能否替我把这封信寄走?-愿意效劳。

简单讲,It’s a pleasure用于事情发生之后,而with pleasure用于事情发生之前。

3. My pleasure?是相当正式的说法,意思是“我的荣幸之至”。你可以把它想成是It has been my pleasure to help you.(能够帮助你是我的荣幸。)的省略结果。这个句子还能有如下的用法:

- \.\.\(\很高兴认识你。\哪里,我才是呢。\)

- \?\.\(\你可以帮我一下吗?\我很乐意。



1Tony ______to take part in the talk show on CCTV _3 the day before yesday. A. invites B. invited C .is invited D. was invited

2In the old days ,they ________in the factory from morning to evening .

A. were made to work B. asked to work C. made to work D. were asked for work

3. In our hospital ,the number of women doctors ____ larger and larger. A. is B. are C. be D. 【教学反思】 ——反思使人进步!