M5-u13,14,15写作词汇复习 联系客服

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62. approve of 63. urge sb. to do sth. 64. in other words 65. fight for sth. 66. be relevant to sth 67. one in three 赞成 催促某人做某事 换句话说 为??而斗争/奋斗 与?相关 违背,与…相反 三分之一 24. 坦率地说,过去的四年是很艰辛的,但是是值得的。

Frankly speaking, the last four years have been hard work, but it‘s been worth it. (Unit 15-L1)

25. 我想失业了将会证明是发生在我身上的最好的事情。

I think that getting laid off will prove to be the best thing that ever happened to me.


1.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or phrases. suspect, secure, swell, status, lay off, frankly speaking, aside from 1. We all are interested in the __________that we are in of the world affairs. 2. ______________ chatting, you can also listen to some music during the breaks. 3. ___________________, I don‘t think your idea of accepting this job is very good. 4. I __________ that Jim stole the book.

5. People in this rich country felt very _________ until the economic crisis broke out.

6. --What happened to the workers?

-- They ____________________. (他们下岗了。)

7. His heart _________ with happiness as he heard the good news.


1.status 2.aside from 3.Frankly speaking 4.suspect 5.secure 6. were laid off 7.swelled

2. Please complete the sentences by filling in the blanks. 1. A torch is an object that carries a f________.

2. I _______by Lei feng‘s spirit, the young pioneers were determined to do more good deeds.

3. Your help was greatly a________. That is to say, we were grateful for your help. 4. There is a lot of air in l______ snow, which helps to keep out the cold. 5. The only means of a _______to their house is along a narrow road.



6. We had to fight: there was no other a________.

7. If your password gets known by anyone else, your data may not be s____ ___.

8. The person who _______(指导) you obviously did not know much about map-reading!


1.flame 2.Inspired 3.appreciated 4. loose 5.access 6. alternative 7.secure 8.instructed



模块五 写作相关练习

材料一: 写作常用词组短语总结 1. concentrate on 把注意力集中于 2. focus on 把注意力集中于 3. come up with 想出某事

4. get on (well) with sb. 和某人相处得好 5. have a hard time (in) doing sth. 做某事很


6. in terms of 关于,在…方面 7. be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事

8. be positive about sth. 对某事持乐观态度 9. fall behind 落后

10. at the top of the mountain 在山顶上 11. be full of anxiety 充满渴望 12. put up with sth. 忍受某事 13. take sth. up 开始从事某事 14. show sth off 炫耀某物 15. glance at sth. 瞥一眼 16. get over sth. 克服某事

17. get down to sth. 开始认真做某事 18. be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎 19. be devoted to sth./sb. 献身于某事;忠实


20. set an example 树立榜样

21. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事

22. The instant/moment/minut一……就…… 23. dream of/ about (doing) sth. 梦见;梦想 24. believe in 信任;信仰

25. overcome a lot of difficulties 克服不少


26. without doubt 毫无疑问 27. instead of 取而代之 28. as before 像过去那样 29. on one‘s own 独立地 30. in case (of) 以防万一 31. due to 由于

32. stand out from/among…在…中凸显出来 33. in addition 另外

34. graduate from 从?毕业

35. be proud of/ take pride in 以?为骄傲 36. contribute to 贡献 37. participate in 参加 38. hand out 分发 39. get together 聚会


40. go over 复习,检查 41. set up 建立,创建

42. lack confidence in myself 对自己缺


43. have access to 接近,使用?的权利


44. be eager to do sth 渴望做某事

45. tend to do sth. 往往会做某事,倾向于 46. be unwilling to do sth. 不情愿做某事 47. put forward sth. 提出?

48. urge sb. to do sth. 催促某人做某事 49. in other words 换句话说

50. fight for sth. 为?而斗争/奋斗



1. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我不能集中注意力工作。

I can not ___________ _______ my work with all the noises going on. 2. 他焦虑地等着兄弟的归来。

He was waiting for his brother‘s return with _____________. 3. 我对你的解释还满意。 I ________ ______________ _________ your explanation. 4. 他们站在那里怒视着对方。 They stood there, ________ _____ each other. 5. 感谢那些曾经帮助过我的朋友。 I am ________ ______ the friends who have helped me. 6. 听到这个消息他禁不住哭了起来。 He could not help __________ at the news.

7. 和整个地球相比,最大的海洋似乎也并不大。 ____________ with the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. 8. 坦诚地说,我认为他赢不了这场比赛。 ______ ______ _______, I don‘t think he will win the game. 9.他总是很努力,他应该得奖学金。 He always works hard. He _________ the scholarship. 10. 毫无疑问,高智商不能决定一个人未来的成功。

_______ _____ _________ _________ that high IQ doesn‘t determine one‘s success in the future..


He asked me ________ I ________ __________ that film. 12. 那些学生为他们的迟到编造了一个借口。

The students __________ _______ an excuse for their being late. 13. 只要我们有决心,我们就能克服这些困难。

______ ________ _______ we are determined, we will be able to ________ _____ ____________.

14. 大学毕业后他努力工作,最终他的努力得到了回报。

After ___________ _________ university, he worked hard and in the end his efforts _______ __________.

15. 当我问她是怎样取得成功时,她回答说好奇是很重要的一个因素。

When I asked her how she ________ ________ ________, she replied that ________ _________ was one important factor. 16. 我们应该与时俱进以防被落在后面。 We should _______ ________ ________ society in case of being _________ ___________. 17. 我写信想在你们公司申请个职位。 I am writing _______ _________ _________ a position in your company. 18. 坦率地讲,我在去年下岗了。 ____________ ____________, I got ________ _________ last year. 19. 我当时有些懒惰,要是那时多做些练习就好了。

I was a little lazy at that time. Now I wish I ________ __________ more exercises.