人教版八年级英语下册第六单元unit6测试题及答案带听力材料 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章人教版八年级英语下册第六单元unit6测试题及答案带听力材料更新完毕开始阅读

W: What is it ? M: The Ugly Duck.

4. W: Which book are looking for Tom?

M: The book about a little girl with a red hat and her grandmother. 5. W: Mike. Why do you like the Monkey King? M: Because he helps the weak. 1---5ECDAB

II. 听下面一段对话, 回答6--10题(5分) M: Hello, Meimei. How was the play last night ? W: It was wonderful. I’m interested in the play very much. M: What’s the name of it ? W: The sound of Music.

M: When and where did the story happen ?

W: It took place in Austria in 1938. The story is about Maria and a family. She goes to look after the seven children. In the end, their father falls in love with Maria and married her.Maria is very pretty and sings beautifully. The best part of the play is the music. It’s very beautiful and interesting. 6--10BABCA

III. 听下面一段文章, 选择最佳答案(5分)

One day a man was on his way to the town carrying many hats. He was walking through a forest. It was very hot and he wanted to have a rest. He put one hat on his head and left the others on the ground. Then he sat down under a tree and soon fell asleep. When he woke up half an hour later, the man could not find his hat on the ground. Then he looked around and found many monkeys in the trees . Each monkey had a hat on its head. He shouted at monkeys and asked them to return his hats, but the monkeys couldn’t understand him. At last he was very angry and threw his last hat onto the ground. Then the little animals threw their hats onto the ground, too. So the man picked up all his hats and went away. 11---15 CCCBA IV. 听完下面的短文, 完成句子。 (5分)

Let’s talk something about the main characters in the children’s story Goldilocks and the three bears. Goldilocks is a young girl with golden-colored hair . She visits the house of the three bears while they are out. She tries sitting in each of their chairs ,tastes each of their bowls of porridge, and lies in each of their beds until she finds the one she likes best. When the bears come back, they realize that someone has been in their home. They each ask : Who’s been sitting in my chair ?” “ Who’s been

eating my porridge?’ And Who’s been sleeping in my bed ? “Until they finally find Goldilocks asleep in baby bear’s bed. Goldilocks then wakes up and runs away. 16. golden-colored 17. porridge 18. bed 19. is sleeping 20 runs away V. 单项选择(10分)

21--25BDBAC 26--30DAABB VI .选词完成句子 (10分)

31. J 32. A 33. B 34. E 35. C 36. F 37. G 38. D 39. H 40. I VII、完形填空 (15分)

41--45ACBCB 46---50CCADB 51----55CABBD VIII.选择适当的词填空, 注意适当的形式变化(10分)

56. place 57. asked 58. tried 59. his 60. woke up 61. never 62. cat 63. before 64. follows 65. slow X. 阅读(20分)

A) 66---70ADBCD B)71---75BABBC C)76--80DBAGF XI. 补全对话(5分)

81. What are you doing ? 82. How do you like it?

83. What do you think of Hou Yi ? 84. What happened next ? 85. Did Hou Yi drink the medicine ?

XI 写作(10分)

Our school Drama Club is holding a film activity. We saw Life of Pi last week. It is

directed by Ang Lee. And he gets the Best Director Award for it. The film is about the story of a young man called Pi. He takes a boat trip alone. He not only has to deal with difficult weather conditions but also needs to find enough food for himself. And at last he comes back home safely.

Many people think Life of Pi is one of the year’s best films. It tells us we should brave enough to face any problem and find ways to solve them. We are heroes of ourselves.