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Once there was a man traveling in a faraway village. As he was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped. He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains(锁链), no cages. It was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn’t try to get away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that rage, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they still believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can hold them, so they never try to break free.”

How could it be? These animals could at any time break free from their ropes. But because they always stuck right where they were, they believed they couldn’t.

Just like the elephants, how many of us go through life believing that we cannot do something, just because we failed at it once before?


______________. We should never give up the struggle(挣扎) in life.

1. What did the writer see in the village? A.Chains B. Elephants C. Cages D. Farmers

2. Why do the elephants never try up to break free from the ropes?

A.Because they think they can’t. B.Because they are too old to do it. C.Because they like their living places. D.Because they get on well with the trainer.

3.How did the man feel after he heard what the trainer said? A.Moved B. Surprised C.Angry D. Nervous

4.Which of the following is the missing part in the last paragraph?

A.Failing is part of learning.

B.We should be different from others.


C.Helping animals is helping ourselves. D.Traveling always makes people relaxed. 5.What is the best title for this test? A.Pleasant trip B. A Cruel Trainer C. Elephant Training D. The Elephant Rope

( B )

Would you like to experience what going to school was like in the late 1800s? to start with, imagine everyone in school only one classroom.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, most American students went to a one-room schoolhouse. A single teacher would typically(典型地) have students in the first through eighth grades, and she taught them all. The number of students varied from six to 40 or more. The youngest children sat in the front, while the oldest students sat in the back. The teacher usually taught reading, writing,


arithmetic, history, and geography. Students memorized(记忆) and retold their lessons. The classroom of a one-room schoolhouse probably looked much like your own. The teacher’s desk stood on a raised platform(讲台) at the front of the room, however, and there was a wood-burning stove since there was no other way of heating. The bathroom was outside in an outhouse.

In Honeoye Falls, New York, there is a one-room schoolhouse where kids today can experience what it was like to the students in the late 19th century. For a week during the summer, they wear 19th century clothes and learn the way children learned more than a hundred years ago.

What else has changed about school since the 19th century? For more information, please visit our website: www. Locallygacy.com. 1. What does the word “varied” in the Paragraph Two mean in Chinese? A. 变化 B. 排列 C. 调整 D. 减少