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1) 对贫困的担心使他忧心忡忡。 He is obsessed with fear of poverty. 2) 洞庭湖盛产鱼虾。

Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps. 3) 汤姆的聪明丝毫不亚于班上第一名的学生。

Tom was every bit as intelligent as the top boy in his class. 4) 我认识他,但我们说不上是朋友。

He is an acquaintance of mine, but not a friend. 5) 在压力下,他别无办法,只好离职。

Under pressure, he had no other choice but quit office. 6) 最后他被她说服了,决定改变原计划。

In the end he succumbed to her persuasion and decided to change his original plan.

7) 那时许多儿童死于天花。

Many children succumbed to small pox then. 8) 他发现船舱里进了很多水,十分惊恐。

Much to his horror, he found the cabin flooded. 9) 孩子们考试成绩优异,家长和教师都很满意。

The kids did extremely well in their exam, to the great satisfaction of both parents and teachers. 10) 彼得的特点正是如此。 That’s Peter all over.

11) 直到半夜医生才做完手术。

Not until midnight did the surgeon finish the operation. 12) 历史课使我们对古代文明有所了解。

The history course has acquainted me with ancient civilizations. 13) 老作家根据这个民间故事写成了一个电影剧本。 The old writer shaped the folktale into a film scenario.

14) 新上演的那出话剧充分表现了中国人民大无畏的革命精神。

The dauntless revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people finds full expression in the new play.

15) 当时形而上学十分猖獗。

At that time metaphysics was rampant. 16) 我没有预料到会卷入这场争端。

I did not anticipate that I would get involved in this dispute. 17) 如果你想学到一些东西,就应该自己参加到这项工作中去。

You must involve yourself in the work if you want to learn something. 18) 陪审团裁决他有罪,法官判了他三年徒刑。

The jury brought in a verdict of guilty and the judge sentenced him to three years’ imprisonment.

19) 虽然种族隔离是违法的,但种族歧视在美国仍然以不同形式存在着。

Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the United States though racial segregation is against the law.

20) 他认为这两个观点是可以一致起来的。

He thinks he can reconcile the two views. 21) 他好像也就接收这个主意了。 He seemed reconciled to the idea. 22) 观众对被告充满了同情。

The spectators’ hearts went out to the defendant. 23) 当时伦敦的报纸认为纳粹德国即将垮台。

The London papers expressed the view that the collapse of Nazi Germany was at hand.

24) 他估计手头的侦查员只有三至五人。

He estimated the number of scouts on hand as ranging from three to five. 25) 合同签订后不久,工程就开始进行了。

The project got under way soon after the signing of the contract. 26) 不用着急,慢慢来。

There’s no call for hurry. Take your time. 27) 你的意思是说我在说谎吗?

Are you suggesting that I am telling a lie? 28) 他企图尽一切办法掩盖事情的真相。 He tried every means to conceal the fact.

29) 虽然成功的机会很少,我们仍然要竭尽全力去干。

Our chance to succeed is very slim. Nevertheless we shall to our utmost. 30) 如不另行通知,我们的会在明天上午十点开。

We will have our meeting at 10 tomorrow morning unless notified otherwise. 31) 我俩谁也不善于计算数字。 Neither of us is adept at figures.

32) 假定五点出发,我们在黄昏前能到达那里吗?

Would it be possible to reach that place before dark assuming we set out at 5 o’clock?

33) 他不愿依从她的要求。

He was reluctant to comply with her request. 34) 我知道你是南方人,一听你的口音就知道了。

I know you are from the south. Your accent has betrayed you. 35) 在这件事情上,我们没有任何选择的余地。 We have no alternative in this matter.

36) 每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。

Every plane must be checked out strictly before taking off.

37) 居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为她们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。

The residents are strongly against starting a waste incineration plant nearby, because they are concerned about the air pollution the gas would bring about. 38) 在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿元。

In this area, investments on ecological projects mount to billions of dollars. 39) 干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。

The dried-up creek bed is strewn with stones of all size.

40) 虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。

Despite the great loss the war had brought to the country, the local cultural tradition did not perish.

41) 为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的、具有民族特色的建筑物都被拆毁了。

In order to build modernized buildings, many ancient and ethnic-featured architectures were demolished.

42) 在地震中多数质量差的房子的主体结构都散架了。

In the earthquake, the main structure of most low-quality houses went disintegrated.

43) 他为实现自己的目标付出了最大的努力,但最后美好的梦想还是化成了泡影。 He made great efforts to achieve his goals, but at last his dreams vanished. 44) 上海世博会的文化多样性是世界上有史以来最为丰富的。

The cultural diversity in the Shanghai Expo is the richest ever seen on earth. 45) 那个地区的贫困状况几乎是无法想像的。

The poverty status in that area is almost beyond imagination. 46) 不要问他父亲在车祸中丧生的事,这事连提都别提。

Don’t ask him nor even allude to his father’s death in the accident. 47) 在这片荒原上连棵大树也看不到。

There’s no big tree in sight on the wilderness.

48) 尽管遭受了特大自然灾害,灾区的人民依然相信爱、相信未来。

Despite the serious natural disaster they suffered from, people in disaster-stricken area still believe in love and believe in future. 49) 总的来说,你的报告写的很好,但还有很大的改进余地。

Overall, your report is well written, but there’s still plenty room for improvement. 50) 我决定不买汽车,在城市里我更喜欢骑自行车。

I decided not to buy a car, because I prefer riding a bike in the city. 51) 不少儿童对网络游戏的爱好近于痴狂。

Many children’s love for online games borders upon craziness.