高考英语语法词汇单选易中圈套 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章高考英语语法词汇单选易中圈套更新完毕开始阅读



1. We keep in touch _____ writing often. A. with B. of C. on D. by

这应该是一个比较简单的问题,你能选对吗?此题考查的是keep in touch with这个短语吗?

2. Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had _____ went wrong again.

A. it B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired

此题答案是选B吗?考查的是“have +名词或代词+过去分词”这个结构吗?如果是考查这个结构,你能解释理由吗?如果不是,你能说出是考查哪个结构吗?

3. Whom would you rather _____ with you, Jim or Jack? A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. has to go

从选项来看,似乎选B、C、D均可以,因为have to go, have gone, has to go等本身从语法上看都是可能的,而最不可能选的就是A,因为have go这结构本身就有点怪,似乎不妥。同学们,你也这样认为吗?但其实正确答案正是A,你想知道是为什么吗?



The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _____ the next year.

A. carried out B. carrying out C. carry out D. to carry out

此题结构比较复杂,语言基础较差的同学可能无法理清句子结构。正确的句子结构分析是这样的:that they would like to see the next year是修饰名词the plan的定语从句,而在这个定语从句中,关系代词that (即指先行词the plan)用做动词see的宾语,所以定语从句的本来面目便是they would like to see the plan the next year。显然,其中的the plan与横线处的carry out有被动关系,故应填过去分词carried out,即此题正确答案为A。


2.是protect ... from还是prevent ... from

(1)Use an umbrella to _____ you from the rain. A. stop B. prevent C. keep D. protect

许多同学一看到题干中的from,再联系到选项中的prevent,便马上想起了prevent ... from ...这个常用搭配,于是选择了B答案。这样分析的同学,没有完全弄清prevent ... from ...的用法特点。在prevent A from B这一句式中,A和B通常具有主谓关系,如在The rain prevented us from going out (下雨使我们不能出去)中,“我们”与“出去”就具有主谓关系。而上面一题不具备此特点,此题正确答案应是D,protect ... from ...意为“保护??免受??”。下面一题也应选protect:He was wearing dark glasses to _____ his eyes from the sun. A. prevent B. Protect C. Keep D. stop请再看一例:

(2)He was in great need of money, so he _____ $5, 000 for his car. A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent

许多同学根据pay ... for ...这一搭配推断出此题应选A。但是错了,当然若单独说He paid $5 000 for the car (他付了5 000美元买这车)也没什么不妥,但问题是,本句前面有这样一句He was in great need of money (他急需要钱),既然是“急需要钱”,又怎么还会花5 000美元去买车呢?尤其还需注意的是car前的物主代词his,这说明是为自己的车花5 000美元,不合情理。此题的正确答案是B,take在此表示“获得”,句意为“他急需要钱,把自己的车以5 000美元给卖掉了”。

3.是考查keep in touch with这一短语吗? We keep in touch _____ writing often. A. with B. of C. on D. by

许多同学根据keep in touch with (与??保持联系)这一搭配推断出此题应选A。但是选A错了,因为套此搭配此句意思不通,正确答案应是D,by表示方式,by writing意为“通过写信”,全句意为“我们通过经常写信保持联系”。 4.这是谓语动词并列还是非谓语动词并列? (1)They weren’t a particularly good team, but they refused to give in and _____ defeat.

A. accept B. accepted C. accepting D. to have accepted



 (2) Mother told Jim to watch the milk until it boiled and then _____ off the gas.

A. turn B. turning C. turned D. having turned

答案为A,turn off the gas与 watch the milk until it boiled并列。 (3)He just does what he pleases and never _____ about anyone else. A. think B. thinks C. thinking D. thought

答案选B,thinks与前面的does为并列谓语,同用一般现在时。 (4)I don’t know whether to stay in teaching or _____ another job. A. trying getting B. to try to get C. trying to get D. try get

答案选B,to stay in teaching与to try to get another job为两个并列的选择成分,故同用不定式。另外比较:try to do sth=设法做某事,try doing sth=做某事看看有何效果。


Please make my excuse at tomorrow’s meeting—I’ve got too much work _____.

A. to do to come B. doing comingC. to do coming D. doing to come

此题最佳答案为A,不定式to do与have got much work搭配,即have got much work to do (有许多工作要做);不定式to come与much前的too搭配,构成too ... to ...句式,全句意为“我有太多的工作要做,不能来”。 6.此处为什么填have go而不填have to go?

(1)Whom would you rather _____ with you, Jim or Jack? A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. has to go

有的同学一看选项便首先排除了A,认为have go这种结构本身就有问题。而事实上此题的正确答案正是A。请同学们先看下面一句: I would rather have Jim go with me.我宁愿要吉姆同我一道去。 句中的have为使役动词,所以其后用做宾语补足语的不定式go with me不带to。假若对此句中的Jim提问,不就成了Whom would you rather have go with you了吗?


(2) Who did the teacher _____ an article for the wall newspaper? A. has write B. have write C. has written D. have written

此题很容易误选C或D,因为从选项本身来看,A和B的搭配结构显然不对。其实,此题的正确答案是B,此句可通过对下面一句的Jim提问得来:The teacher had Jim write an article for the wall newspaper.其中的had为使役动词,故其后用做宾语补足语的不定式短语to write ...不带to。 7.这是强调结构,但同时包括有定语从句

(1) It was in the small house _____ was built with stones by his father _____ he spent his childhood.

A. which, that B. that, which C. which, which D. that, where

答案选A。填对此句的关键是要弄清第二空必须填 that,因为这是一个强调句,被强调部分为in the small house (以及修饰它的定语从句which was built with stones by his father);第一空填which,用以引导定语从句。 (2) It was the boy had been in prison stole the money. A. who, where B. that, how C. who, that D. that, which

此题答案选C,全句为强调句,被强调成分是the boy以及修饰它的定语从句who had been in prison。

(3) It was just in this room _____ he was born _____ he died.  A. where, which B. that, that C. where, that D. which, that

此题答案选C,全句为强调句,被强调成分是in this room,where he was born为修饰the room的定语从句。 8.考查了两个搭配

(1)The point is not who said the words, _____ they are true or not. A. but whether B. and whether C. but how D. and how

答案选A。此题涉及两个搭配:一是not ... but ...(不是??而是??),二是whether ... or not (是否)。

(2)He was not an actor, who often appeared on stage, _____ a writer, writing stories.

A. but B. and C. then D. so

答案选A,主要考查not ... but ...结构。
