现代大学英语精读2课后答案 联系客服

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(3) Public servants _______ take advantage of their position for their personal interests.

(4) As the eldest son of a poor family, I _______ help support the family, and _____ start work at 15 when my father was out of a job.

(5) Once Galileo said, \You ____

only help him discover it within himself. \ (6) —________ I have another ice cream?

—No, you _______. You've had two. Too much ice cream _______ upset your stomach.

(7) —What ____.... I do? My passport's stolen.

—I think you _______ tell the local police about it immediately.

(8) —I badly need a copy of yesterday's China Daily. Where do you think I _______ get one?

—Why don't you go to the post office? I saw quite a few there just an hour ago. There _______ still be some.

(9) —Do you think the director ______? still be in his office? I've got something that I _______ report to him without delay.

—He _______ be there at this hour. And his car isn't where he usually parks it.

(10) —Someone's fixed our computer. Who do you think it _______ be?

— It____________ be Xiao Lu. He's the expert in the department. But It

_______ be somebody else. Many people have offered to help.

(11) —I'm afraid I _________be going now. It's getting late. —_________ you stay a little longer?

—I'd like to. But I __________catch the last bus. —I won't keep you then.

—Good night. It's been a pleasure. 4. Put in proper prepositions.

1) He got to know his wife _____ a Marriage Bureau.

2)1 don't think it's proper to discuss such important matters _______the telephone.

3) People may not know that sometimes they act _____ their father or mother.

4) _____ a hardened businessman he never admits that sometimes he wants to cry _____ a baby.

5) He slept _____ the concert and woke up only to find everybody gone.

6) ________ the past fifteen years the coastal town has grown _______ a prosperous port.

7) The bullet went _____ the wall and fell on the man's desk. 8) What he likes to do after a day in the office is to chat with a friend or two _____ a glass of wine.

9) Patting the family dog can help you to live longer, said Jim. _____a psychologist (心理学家), he believes that pet owners suffer less _____stress and high blood pressure than people _____ a cat or dog _____ the house. _____ part of a three-year study he brought groups of people together _____ their pets. He found that their blood pressure was much lower when they were alone _____ their pets than when they were left to talk ________ each other.

10) Many patients who don't want to tell their doctor how much they really drink are often more honest _____ a computer. The computer used _________ this purpose is programmed to be friendly. For example, if a patient called Ann says that both her

parents are dead, the computer will say: \sorry to hear that, Ann. \

expressing sympathy, the computer can also question and remind. If a patient says he never drinks alcohol, the computer can ask him: \Not even parties or __ Christmas?\the computer mean that we do not need doctors any more? It depends. Computers are useful because they do not look shocked if you say you drink two bottles _____whisky a day. And they do not stop to talk ______ the phone as doctors often do.

But as a doctor said: \smile and we give a patient a handkerchief or

put an arm _____ her shoulder if she is crying. That is why people will always want us.‖

5. Identify and correct the mistake in each of the sentences. 1) Something which a witness said during the trial has been bothering me.

2) Many parents mistakenly believe that the more toys children have, they will be more creative.

3) A house without a book is as a room without a window. 4) He was very glad to see his old friend that tears ran down his cheeks.

5) People believe that tomorrow's car will be bigger, faster, and more comfortable as before.

6) Both on land and sea, helicopters (直升飞机) have rescued many people.

7) Jim is intelligent, but not as hard-working like his sister. 8) The most humorous person whom I've ever met is my teacher of Chinese.

9)1 don't believe an old man of 80 could be so strong to knock down a door.

10) All those that the people want are lasting peace and social progress.

IV. Written Work

Describe how the Nightingale built a red rose out of music in about 150 words.

Key to the Exercises II. Vocabulary

I. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the compound nouns from the text are formed Work out their meanings. Add more words that are formed in the same way.

These compound nouns are formed by noun+noun.

2) Examine how the word \meaning of the noun suffix \with the help of a dictionary.

sincerity; sincere + -ity

The suffix \that refer to the state of having a particular quality or sth. that has that quality.

e. g. certain + -ty —? certainty

Note: \

3)Turn the following adjectives into nouns ending with \or \ Adjective Noun Adjective Noun able ability stupid stupidity

active activity capable capability

available availability creative creativity certain certainty human humanity

cruel cruelty responsible responsibility curious curiosity original originality relative relativity possible possibility probable probability special specialty visible visibility

4) Complete the sentence with the words in the brackets in their noun forms.

(1) construction (8) humanity

(2) Creativity (9) Poverty (3) motivation (10) ignorance

(4) difference (11) sincerity

(5) investment (12) Politeness

(6) capabilities (13) Curiosity

(7) activity (14) shortness

2. Give words or expressions with similar meanings. 1) to freeze 10) to pick/to pull off 2) precious 11) exactly

3) soft 12) true/genuine/actual

4) low/soft/weak 13) foolish/stupid/unwise/dumb/brainless 5) to throw/to toss/to cast 14) to watch over/to look after/to control/to

6) big/gigantic/huge/large preside over/to manage/to direct/to guide

7) to cut/to cut short/to cut off/to destroy 15) to shake/to shiver/to quiver

8) ache/pain 16) to sob/to cry 9)area/field/patch/space/section/lot 17) miserable/unhappy/pitiful/unfortunate/ sorrowful/ broken-hearted

3. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms .

1) blind with 2) pressed, against 3) For want of 4) in return 5) lingered on 6) compared to

7) was fond of, something of 8) Compared to 9) For want of 10) compared to 11) was blue with

4. Put the following into English.

1) to give/hold/have a ball 8) to press the doorbell

2) to give/hold/have/throw a party 9) to sacrifice/give/lay down one's life'

3) to give a press conference 10) to nip the buds 4) to bury the treasures 11) to pierce the heart

5) to bury/cover one's face in one's hands 12) to deny the fact 6) to pluck/pick the flowers 13) to deny the charge 7) to pay the price 14) to fill up the bottle

5. Complete the sentences with the following phrasal verbs of \ forms.

1) go ahead 2) go by 3) went off 4) going up

5) going on 6) went on with 7) gone over 8) going through 9) go into 10) go with, go together

6. Give the meanings of the underlined parts in the sentences below. Note how the meanings are different in different contexts.

1) 清了清(嗓子) 7)细胞 2) 放晴了 8)登机

3)清醒清醒(头脑) 9)董事(委员)会 4)还清(债务) 10)伙食 5)清楚地 11)木板 6)牢房

7. Give the sentence patterns of the underlined parts in the sentences below, and then using the patterns, rewrite the sentences that follow.

Sentence patterns: imperative + and + clause imperative + or + clause

One possibility of the sentences;

1) Read Lu Xun and your mind will include a piece of his. 2) Drink tomato juice for some time and you will not be afraid of seeing blood.

3) Rest for a while and your headache will be gone.

4) Give Jimmy less money, or he will develop some bad habit.

5) Improve the quality of your product, or you will lose your market.

6) Punish these people severely, or illegal trade in wild life will never stop.

7) Take this opportunity, or you will live to regret it.

8) Stop polluting our rivers and lakes immediately, or we will be in deep trouble.

8. Put in the missing words.

(1) lives (2) noticed (3) but (4) or (5) heard (6) to (7) plant (8) by (9) calmed (10) used

(11) dollars (12) seems (13) slower (14) shopping (15) weekends

(16) be (17) create (18) to

III. Grammar

1. Combine each pair of the sentences as shown in the example.

1) Xiao Fang is the smartest girl I've ever known. 2) This is the most fantastic story I've ever heard.

3) 15,000 yuan is the lowest price we can offer for this laptop.

4) Pearl Harbor is the best American film I've seen for quite a while. 5) Lin is the most easy-going professor I've ever met. 6) The storm last night was the worst I can remember.

7) I think Dialogue is the most thought-provoking talk show CCTV offers.

8) I think Mr. Cui is the wittiest talk show host you can find at the moment.

9) In the 1930s, nursing and teaching were the best jobs capable women could dream of.

10) These are the most delicious noodles we've had since a long time ago.

2. Complete the sentences by translating the -Chinese in the brackets Into English, using \etc. +a relative clause\

1) The doctors did all they could

2) I don't always agree with everything he says 3) anything they ask for

4) All he got from a week of hard work 5) All that is written in his wife's letter 6) Nothing the doctors said 7) anything you suggest

8) Something he read in a popular magazine 9) All that can be done is done 10) Anything the artist painted

11) something that never existed before

3. Put in the blanks proper modals listed below. (1) can't (ability) (2) must (obligation) (3) mustn't (obligation)

(4) must (obligation) , had to (necessity) (5) cannot (possibility), can (possibility)

(6) May (permission), can't (permission), might (possibility) (7) can (possibility), must (obligation)

(8) can/may (possibility), must (subject certainty)

(9) might (possibility), have to (necessity), can't (possibility) (10) could (possibility), could (possibility), might (possibility)

(11) must (necessity), can't (possibility), have to (necessity) Note: According to the Ox ford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, the 2000 edition, there

isn't much difference between \and \to\in American English. The latter is more common, especially in speech. In British English there is a difference between them. \is used to talk about what the speaker or listener wants, and \(got) to\about rules, laws and other people's wishes. There are no past or future forms of \

4. Put in proper prepositions.

1) through 2) over 3) like 4) As, like

5) through 6) Over/In/During, into 7) through 8) over 9) As, from, without, around. As, with, with, to

10) with, for, Besides/Apart from, at, at, between, of, on round/around

5. Identify and correct the mistake in each of the sentences. 1) Something (that) a witness said during the trial has been bothering me.

2) Many parents mistakenly believe that the more toys children have, the more creative they will be.

3) A house without a book is like a room without a window. 4) He was 50 glad to see his old friend that tears ran down his cheeks.

5) People believe that tomorrow's car will be bigger, faster, and more comfortable than before.

6) Both on land and at sea, helicopters have rescued many people.

7) Jim is intelligent, but not as hard-working as his sister. 8) The most humorous person (that) I've ever met is my teacher of Chinese.

9) I don't believe an old man of 80 could be so strong as to knock down a door.

10) All that the people want are lasting peace and social progress.

IV. Written Work

Describe how the Nightingale built a red rose out of music in about 150 words.


When the moon rose, the Nightingale set her breast against the thorn of (he Rose-tree. She sang of the love between a boy and a girl and a white rose blossomed. The Tree urged the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn to finish the rose before dawn. The Nightingale did as she was told and the thorn went deeper. She sang of the passion in the soul of a man and a \the Nightingale to press still closer because the heart of the rose remained white. She obeyed. She sang of the love that was perfected by death but did not die in death. Throughout the night, the Nightingale sang. Her song grew louder and louder while her pain became bitter and bitter. Finally the thorn reached her heart and she died, but the rose was finished. It was red all over, petal and heart. (155 words)

Lesson Five Say Yes

I. Discuss the following questions. (Work in groups of three.) Do you personally approve of \marriages\What is the opinion of your group? What problems might there be in mixed marriages? What strengths or advantages might there be in mixed marriages? Be prepared to summarize your group's ideas to me class. II. Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the words \Statistics\and \basic\are formed. Find out the meanings of the suffixes \-ics\-ic\

The suffix ―ics‖ is used to form. It means . The suffix ―ic‖ or its variant form ―ical‖ is used to form , meaning .

2) Translate the following into English giving both the noun and the adjective. Add more words to the list.

3) Translate these sentences. Observe how adjectives are used as verbs.

(1) They were doing the dishes, his wife washing while he dried. (para. 1)

(2) She waited until the audience gradually quieted down. (3) Wrongs must be righted once they are discovered.

(4) The train slowed down gradually as it came near to the destination.

(5) His hair was beginning to thin out. (6) You should not idle away your time.

(7) I busied myself with this new textbook during the vacation.

(8) It is natural for young people to look for opportunities to better themselves.

(9) When anger blindsthe mind, truth disappears.

(10) The rescue team bravedthe storm to reach the sinking ship.

(11) These pills can only dull your pain. They do not cure your headache.

4)Complete the sentences based on the Chinese in the brackets.

(1) Ann's answer to the question was quite _______(逻辑的). (2) William Faulkner's novels have been praised for their _______ (带诗意的)qualities.

(3) This will make the plan less _______(浪漫的) and more _______(切合实际的).

(4) We are all ______(乐观) about the future.

(5) Population statistics are beginning to reveal a ______(戏剧性的) imbalance between the sexes.

(6) His unhappy experience has made him rather ______(玩世不恭的). He does not trust anyone and has few friends. (7) _______ (经济学) and ______(统计学) are the main subjects we are studying.

(8) Shakespeare's plays are literary ______ (经典作品).