现代大学英语精读2课后答案 联系客服

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2) The, a, his, the, some, his, /, /, this, the, that, the 3) One, an, an. The, her, the? her

4) The, his, his, the, some, his, the, his, his, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, his, a, the, the

More Work on the Text Written Work

1. Summarize, in about 120—130 words, the three characteristics of a quick-fix society. You are expected to begin with a definition of a quick-fix society.

2. Do you think people in China have more or less adopted this quick-fix lifestyle ? (Answer the question in about 130 words.)


1. A quick-fix society is one where people are concerned more about what they can achieve quickly than about what can benefit them in the long run. In such a society, people are eager to get quick results in every aspect of life. For example, for things they can't afford now, hey use their credit cards. Second, people want to get everything done quickly, they hate to wait, and they don't like to do anything that takes time but is good for them in the long run. Finally, as people have lost sight of their long-term interest and are satisfied with the superficial, they no longer want to do things thoroughly. So they read condensed books and listen to excerpts of great works of music. (121 words)

2. I think to a certain degree this quick-fix idea has also affected our way of doing things. For example, this lifestyle has created a huge market for books such as \Guide\and \Manual\where the answer key to exercises in textbooks is provided, and major issues are summarized or \Students who depend heavily on such books actually don't learn as much as those who work on their own and think for themselves. Also, family relationship has been weakened because, more often than not, contacts between parents and adult children are maintained chiefly through the telephone. When they occasionally get together, they either go to a restaurant for dinner or have frozen semi-prepared food, so they are deprived of the fun in making Chinese dumplings together. (128 words)

Lesson Ten The Richer, the Poorer

Discuss the following.

1) Think about Lottie's attitude to life before Bess returned. Put yourself in Lottie's shoes. Explain why your life is best. Defend the choices you made.

2) Think about Bess' attitude to life. Put yourself in Bess' shoes. Explain why your life is best. Defend the choices you made.

3) Would you rather be Lottie, who has not had much fun in life, but is financially secure in her old age or Bess, who has had a full exciting life although she is alone and penniless at the same age? A wise man once said that happiness is somewhere between too much and too little. Do you agree? More Work on the Text Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation

1) Examine how the word \the meaning of the prefix \trans-\with the help of a dictionary.

transform: ________ + _________

2 ) Match the words in Column I with their corresponding meanings in Column II. I II

(1) transfer a. 横穿大西洋的 (2) trans-Atlantic b. 运输

(3) transgenetic c. 调动(工作),转让 (4) transcontinental d. 改变 (5) transform e. 移植 (6) transition f. 过渡 (7) translate g. 转基因的 (8) transnational h. 洲际的 (9) transmit i. 翻译

(10) transplant j. 跨国的(公司) (11) transport k. 传播,传输

3) Turn the following into verbs by adding suffixes or prefixes.

bright dark danger tight light glory quality simple unity identity able drama

large special courage economy class intense note pure just

4) Complete the sentences based on the Chinese in the brackets.

(1) Camels are the principle means of______________ (运输) in the Arabian desert.

(2) She told me that she had just had a kidney______________(移植)

(3) The troubles we have today are merely______________(一时的,过渡性的)

They will disappear by and by when our market becomes more mature.

(4) Water can______________ (使变为) a desert into good farmland.

(5) Don't______________(戏剧性描述) the affair so much, just give us the facts.

(6) This photograph is too small; I'd like it to be______________ (放大).

(7) Apples______________ (变甜)as they become ripe. P (8) The spread of urban (都市的) areas has______________ (危害) wildlife.

(9) The teachers have decided to______________ (减轻) the burden of the students.

(10) Lisa has been______________ (调动工作) from Guangzhou to a new post in Shanghai.

(11) Can you_____________ (总结) your experience in foreign language learning?

4. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms. above all

to be better off to marvel at by comparison to go about

to put one's mind to to add up to

to have sth. to do with to save for

1) They have sold their cotton at a higher price this year, so they ____________ than last year. 2) If you _____________ your work instead of fooling around, you would have finished your work long ago.

3) This work is complicated. We must ____________it carefully, step by step.

4) After the third round, his score ____________270. He knew that the gold medal was within his reach.

5) Joe started to ____________a computer as it was particularly useful for him.

6) The tourists all ___________the beautiful scenery up at the lake.

7) My father often says that we need a lot of things in our life, but____________, we need love. I agree with him.

8) There are still 50—80 million poor people in our country. But ____________ we are already enjoying a high living standard.

9) What we are reading may not ____________ our job training, but I believe it will be useful for us as responsible citizens.

10) The amount people have saved up these years in the banks ____________ $800 billion.

11) The students want to know how they should ____________ the preparation for the final examination.

5. Based on the Chinese in the brackets, complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs of \

1) The school leadership still want t ___________ (留用地) although her retirement is long overdue.

2) Soon it began to snow and I thought that we should go back. But he insisted that we should _________ (继续) going.

3) The government has promised to do everything possible to___________(不使艾滋病) spreading.

4) This is none of your business. ___________ (你不要参与)

5) Jogging is good. So long as you _________ (把它坚持下去), you'll be a different man in six months.

6) The doctor advised me to __________ (别吃) greasy food. 7) The situation there is getting more and more serious. We must _____________ (跟上) the latest development.

6. Put the nouns/noun phrases listed below in the proper place to form collocations. attention

her embrce business her anger children humiliation errands terms her attempts the furniture

1) to accept ___________ 5) to reflect ___________