泽林牛津版7A - Unit8 - Fashion单元测试卷(D)含答案 联系客服

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4.喜欢穿蓝色牛仔裤和运动鞋,认为牛仔裤和运动鞋适合于运动。 5.想做名篮球运动员,希望他的梦想成真。

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二. 1. dark 2. purple 3. gloves 4. ladies 5. designs

6. smart 7. includes 8. spend 9. model 10. smooth 三. 1. comfortable 2. gentlemen's 3. more 4. players 5. scarves

四. 1. isn't cleaning 2. What, doing 3. lend, to 4. Both, and, are workers 五. 1-5 BDCBD 6--10 CDBCB 11-15 ABDCA 16-20 CDAAD 六. 1. doesn't match 2. to feel 3. are, waiting 4. Is

5. spend 6. giving 7. tastes 8. are having 9. is singing 10. goes 七. 1-5 CACDB 6- 10 CDACD


八. 1--5 BADBD

九. 1. Tom likes the jacket because it's not too long or too large. 2. My sister isn't looking for me. She is writing to her friend.

3. Mum, can I spend ten more minutes (lying) in bed/lie in bed for ten more/another ten minutes? 4. That's all for today's dancing lesson.

5. These songs are very popular among young people.

十. I have a good friend called lack. He is 14. he comes from Wuxi. He's tall and strong. He doesn't wear glasses. He likes playing basketball. He often goes for sports in his free time. He likes wearing blue jeans and trainers. He thinks jeans and trainers are fit for sports. He wants to be a basketball player. I hope his dream comes true.