英语专升本冲刺资料教师用书 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章英语专升本冲刺资料教师用书更新完毕开始阅读

―Because of my work,they think I am inferior and can only work in the washrooms .But I am not,‖she says .And the young woman,who had been eager to do everything well since she was a child,vowed to prove it.

Four years ago, she was honored as Excellent Sanitation Worker by the National Tourism Administration. It was the happiest day of her life.―Standing on the stage,I cried, because it is not only a prize, but a kind of understanding and recognition,‖Liu says.(She overcame many difficulties and succeeded in her job.)

In spite of the heavy work during the daytime, Liu spends every night learning from her sister‘s textbooks.

―Sometimes I read till 3 o‘clock in the morning and get up at 6 to go to work,‖she says.Two years ago,she passed the entrance examination for the ―Worker College,‖and this year, she obtained a diploma in finance. Her thesis/paper was selected for excellence and was honored at the commencement.(380 words)

(In her free time, she worked hard in the Worker College and graduated with good grades/result.) 摘要:

Xiao Liu is a model worker doing clean-up work in a restaurant .Her daily jobs include cleaning the washrooms and bathrooms.When she first started at the age of 17,she felt ashamed of it,and people laughed at her.But the young woman has overcome all difficulties and excelled in her work .For this,she won an award.She also studied hard at night,

sometimes well into the small hours.In the end she graduated from the ―Worker College‖ with good results.

二. Note

写作部分题型以应用文为主(包括信函、简历表、申请书、便条等),在最近的11次考试中,重点考查应用文体写作,其中信件写作频率最高,选用题材最广(包括邀请信、求职信、投诉信等)。 Tips:

1. 认真审题(包括文体要求、写作要求、内容要求、字数要求等) 2. 规范语法,尽量避免使用没有把握的句型、单词 3. 合理分配考试时间

4. 保持卷面整洁,字迹工整 Letter: heading(信头), date(日期), inside name and address(收件人姓名、地址), greeting(称呼), body of the letter(正文), complimentary(结束语), signature(签名)

日期的写法: January (Jan.), February (Feb.), March (Mar.), April (Apr.), May, June, July, August (Aug.), September (Sept.), October (Oct.), November (Nov.) ,December (Dec.); eg. Apr. 25, 2009

称呼: Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Mrs. Li, 署名: yours, yours sincerely, yours faithfully

March 27th, 2011 Dear Mr. Wang,


Yours, Linda

(注:称呼: Dear sir/ Madam, Dear Mr. Wang, Dear Mrs. Wang; 结束语: Yours/ Yours truly/ Yours sincerely/ Yours faithfully )

写作题目一:求职信(application letter)

以王晓明的名义于2005年2月15日写一封求职信。 内容:


2.介绍本人情况:25岁,女,两年前毕业于黄河大学英语系,毕业后一直从事英语教学工作,做过兼职翻译工作,自信能胜任该公司的工作。Graduated from, have been doing 3.随信附上个人简历并期待回答。 4.联系电话:13841083650

February 15th, 2005

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have learned from your advertisement in 21st Century of February 14, 2005 that there is a vacancy for a translator in your company. I would like to apply for the position./ I am very interested in this job. (Salesperson, sales manager, guide) My name is Huang Xiaoming, female, and 25 years old. I graduated from English Department of Huanghe/Beijing University in 2003. I have been teaching English in a college since then as well as a part-time translator. I believe that my ability and experiences will make me well qualified for the position. I am enclosing my resume as you required.

I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of my application./ I am look forward to your reply.

If you can offer/give me an interview, please contact me through the cell phone number: 13841083650. Yours faithfully, Wang Xiaoming 申请信常用句型:

I have learned from … that your firm is looking for a … and I would like to apply for this job. In reply to your advertisement, I wish to apply for …

I am writing in response to the advertisement you placed in … for … I have pleasure in applying for the post. Born in …. , I graduated from university majoring in … I have been working in … since my graduation.

I believe I have appropriate qualifications and experience for the post.

I am experienced in operating computers. I have a fair master of English, both spoken and written. I have passed College English Test Band 4(6). I should welcome a personal interview. 练习:

以张明的名义于2009年6月4日写一封求职信。 内容: secretary

1.从2月14日的《中国日报》上得知贵公司招聘一名秘书的广告。 China Daily

2.介绍本人情况:24岁,女,两年前毕业于湖北大学英语系,毕业后一直从事英语导游工作,英语口语流利。相信能从秘书工作中找到更大的乐趣。I have been working as an English guide after graduation. I am good at spoken English./ I am very fluent in English. I am sure that I can get more pleasure as a secretary. 3.希望能被贵公司录用,并愿意为公司努力工作,盼回复。

June 4th, 2009 Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope that I can be accepted by your company, and I will work hard for your company. I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Zhang Ming 写作题目二: 邀请函(invitation letter) 以张达的名义给王伟写一封邀请信。

要求如下:invite you to take part in the party, lecture, wedding 1.写信时间:2004年12月20日。Dec. 20, 2004

2.邀请王伟前来听有关实用英语考试应答技巧的讲座。 3.时间:12月28日下午2点。11 a.m. 4.地点:学院大礼堂。


Dec. 20th, 2004

Dear Wang Wei,

I am writing to invite you to take part in a lecture about the skills for Practical English Test for Colleges. The lecture will be given by our famous expert at 2 p.m. on Dec. 28 in the school assemble hall. I think it will be a help for us to pass

the examination in the coming January. Would you like to come and attend the lecture with me? I‘m looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly, Zhang Da

写作题目三:感谢信(Letter for Thanks)

上周末,Lee邀请Johnson 和 Lisa 到纽约游玩:沿曼哈顿岛乘船观光,帝国大厦的鸡尾酒会,在四季餐厅的晚餐,在百老汇欣赏到的音乐片,以及在Lindy快餐店品尝到的著名的奶酪蛋糕,都给他们留下了深刻的印象。请以Johnson 的名义给Lee写一封感谢信。

Words for reference: I am writing to thank you for your help to my son John in Chongqing. Inviting last weekend 曼哈顿岛: Manhattan Island, 百老汇:Broadway

Feb. 20th, 2010

Dear Lee,

I am writing to thank you for the great weekend you give us in New York. It is an occasion/a meal that will be long remembered. (The dish I ate in your house impressed us deeply./The help you gave him impressed us deeply.)

Everything we saw and did in New York was so exciting and impressed us deeply: the boat trip around Manhattan Island, the cocktail party in the Empire States Building, dinner at the Four Seasons, the musical movie at the Broadway and finally the famous cheesecakes at Lindy‘s.

Many thanks to you for your invitation and we deeply appreciate your hospitality.

Lisa sends her best wishes. We‘re both looking forward to seeing you again. I hope that I may return your kindness any time when you are in London.

Yours sincerely, Johnson 常用句型

◎I still remember the invaluable help and warm hospitality you gave me last weekend in CQ. ◎Many thanks to you, and accept my best regards.

写作题目四:道歉信(Letter of apology)apologize for

请以ABC进出口公司销售经理王林的名义给一位叫Robert Smith的客户写一封道歉信,具体内容如下: 1.你已经收到了对方3月10日关于索取产品价格单的来信。 Price list

2.很抱歉,公司现在无法及时提供。原因主要是部分产品价格正在调整(adjust, product ),所以半月之后新的价格单才能印刷好。我们一旦收到印刷公司的供货,即给你寄去一份。I am writing to apologize that we can not give you the price list which you asked for in the letter of March 10. The main reason is that the price of some products are adjusting.So the new price list will be available after half month.As soon as we get the list, we will send it to you. 3.代表公司对此给客户带来的不便表示歉意。

4. 写信日期为:2009年 12月6日,注意信件格式。 We are very sorry for the inconvenience we bring to you.

Dec. 6th, 2009

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to apologize that we cannot send you immediately the price list of our products for which you asked in your letter of March 10. The main reason is that the prices of our products are under adjustment and therefore, the new price list is expected to be printed well in half a month. As soon as we receive the supply from the printer, we will send you a copy. We deeply regret for the inconvenience the delay may bring to you. Yours faithfully, Wang Lin 写作题目五:便条/请假条

便条:catch a bad cold, have the flu

你是英语系的Amy,由于得了重感冒,因此写信给老师Mr. Johnson,告诉他你不能参加将在周一举行的会议,并要请假四天,并附上医生的证明。

March 11th, 2008

Mr. John Smith,

I am writing to ask for leave. The main reason is that a heavy snow strikes my hometown and all the roads are blocked. I need to go back to the hometown with helping solve the heavy snow.

I‘ve got/caught a cold and the doctor said I must stay in bed for a couple of days. So I‘m writing to ask for a leave of four days. I hope that my request will be given due consideration. I am enclosing the doctor‘s certificate. Encl. Doctor‘s Certificate

Yours, George Chen Accounting Department

March 11th, 2008

Dear John Smith,

I am writing to you to ask for a leave. The reason is that there is a heavy snow in my hometown, and all the roads are blocked. I need to go back to help with tackling the snow. I hope that my request will be given consideration.

Very truly yours, George Chen Accounting Department

写作题目七:个人简历(Resume/C.V.) Resume

Name:__ Zheng_ Yidao_________________ Sex:__Male/Female___

Date of Birth _July 23, 1972_ Place of Birth_______

Marital Status:____married/divorced/single_________ Address:_________________________ Tel:_____________________________ E-mail:__________________________

Job Objective:___general manager_________________ Education:1._______________________ 2._______________________

Work experience: 1.______________________ 2.______________________


Dec. 31th, 2009 Dear sir,

I am writing to you about the sweater I bought from your shop before Christmas. Yesterday when I was putting it on I found a large hole at the side. As you may understand, I was extremely upset to discover this.

Therefore, I would like either a replacement or a refund of the purchase price. Please send me authorization to exchange my size for a new one, or you may send me a full refund of 960yuan as soon as possible. I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully, Wang Wei Congratulation Letter

March 13th, 2009