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Part IV Translation-English to Chinese

46.To understand intercultural communication, we seek to understand the difference between trading andmodernization. B

A) 要了解跨文化交际,我们大力搜集传统和现代的资料 B) 要了解跨文化交际,我们力图探索传统和现代的差异。 C) 要了解文化之间的联系,我们需要了解传统和现代的不同。

D) 正因为要了解跨文化交际,我们才得以理解传统与文化的不一样。

47. They wouldn‘t be feeling so tired if they hadn‘t been walking for a whole day. C

A) 他们走了一天的路,一点也不疲倦。

B) 如果他们没有走一天的路,就一点不会疲倦 C) 要不是走了一天的路,他们现在不会这样疲倦 D) 他们要不是一天都在走路的话,就感觉不到疲倦

48. Not having been discovered, many laws of nature actually exist in nature. C A) 存在于大自然中的很多法律还没有被科学界发明出来。

B) 存在于自然界中的规律实际上存在于自然界中,尽管不能被发现。 C) 虽然许多自然界的规律尚未发现,但他们确实存在于自然界中


49. sometimes the words just come out wrong, but I do hope you understand that I really mean no harm. D

A) 有时我会说错话,但我真的希望你能理解我不是那意思。 B) 有时有些话就是会说错,但我真的希望你理解我并没有恶意。 C) 有时会说错一些单词,但我希望你能明白我不是故意说错的。 D) 有时就是会说错话,但是我希望你能了解我真的没有伤害之意。

50. The word Expo(博览会) is a large-scale, global, non-commercial expo. It aims to promote the exchange of ideas and development of the world‘s economy, culture, science and technology, to allow exhhibitors to publicize and display their achievements and improve international relationships.

Task 1 summary writing

Directions: this part is to test your ability to do basic academic writing. You are required to read the following passage and then write a summary (no less than 80 words) about what you have read. The summary must be written on the Answer Sheet.

Culture shock is a well – known but little understood term. Although most people have head of it, few people understand what it means. Recent research has taken a closer look at this phenomenon, and as a result we understand it a little better. Now we know for sure what it is and how it can be managed. Here is a geed working definition for you. Culture shock is a consequence of: the stress experienced as result of contact with a new culture; and the feelings of loss, confusion, and impotence that result from the loss of accustomed cultural cues and social rules. It can cause both psychological reactions. If we hope to adapt to life in China, we need more than abstract information on the external realities which confront us in a foreign culture. We also need detailed information on the internal reactions we may experience from time to time when confronted by something that is outside the range of our previous experience. We may have difficulty understanding these. These reactions may include, for example: anxiety, alcohol abuse, depression, emotion/ psychological

crises, extreme anger, interpersonal and social difficulties, fatigue, loss of identity, irrational suspicion, uncomfortable physiological reactions, stress, and uncharacteristic changes in behavior. All changes are stressful, and culture shock is a normal reaction to change, although we may not think so at the time. Culture shock is not a mental illness, and with a little self-knowledge it can be managed successfully. Being aware of the typical reactions to cultural shock helps adaptation. We can then reinterpret difficult situations in light of this awareness, and work towards developing useful coping strategies. Task 2 Applied writing

Directions: this part is to test our ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an invitation letter according to the following instructions given in Chinese. You should wite your letter (no less than 80 words) on the Answer Sheet. 说明:请以某汽车销售公司经理张源的名义给某汽车生产厂家写一封询价信。 写信日期:2010年4月17日 内容: 从网上获悉贵厂正在生产各种价位的家用轿车,为此我们很感兴趣。能否请贵厂寄一份产品目录和价格表?我公司是重庆最大的经销商,并在很多地区设有分公司。如果贵厂的轿车质量令人满意,价格合理,我们将大量订货。

注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓,写信日期,发信人署名等基本格式。 Task 1 Close

Directions: there are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A,B, C, D. You should choose the best answer to complete the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Low levels of literacy (读写能力) and numeracy(计算能力)have a damaging impact on almost every aspect of adult life. Tests and interviews with hundreds of people born in a single week in 1958 illustrated the handicap of educational underachievement. The ____1____were seen in underemployment, family breakdown, low incomes, depression and social inactivity Those who left school at 16 with poor basic skills had been employed for up to four years less than good readers by the time they ___2___37.professor John Bynner, of City University, said that today‘s unqualified teenagers would ___3___even greater problems because the supply of manual jobs had dried up. Almost one in five of the 1700 people interviewed had poor literacy skills and almost half struggled with numeracy, a proportion _____4____ other surveys for the Basic skills Agency. Some could not read aloud from a child‘s book, and most found ___5___in following written instructions. Poor readers were twice ___6__likely to be on a low wage and four times as likely to live in a household where____7___ partner worked. Woman in this position were five times as likely to be classified as depressed, ____8___ both sexes tended to feel they had no control over their lives, and to be less trusting of others. Those with low literacy and numeracy skills were ____9___involved in any community organization and much less likely than others to have voted in a general election. There had been no ____10___ in the level of interviewees reporting problems since the sample was surveyed at the age of 21.

1. A. cases 2. A. got 3. A. face 4. A. due to 5. A. interest 6. A. as 7. A no . 8. A. as 9. A. of 10. A. idea

B. causes B. arrived B. solve B. contrary to B. difficult B. even B. all B. if B. with B. reward

C. effects D. reasons C. acquired D. reached C. resolve D. acknowledge C. by means of D. in line with C. satisfaction D. willingness C. much D. more than C. both D. neither C. seldom D. exceptionally C. for D. to

C. adjustment D. improvement

Task 2 error correction

Directions: This section consists of a short passage. In this passage there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You are required to find the mistakes in it and correct them. Mark them and write your

answers on the Answer sheet. Halloween history is one of religious tradition, sacrifices and 11._______ folklore. While it seems strange to understand the motivation of

these ancient actions, it is good to knowing the roots of our current 12.______ practices of Halloween. The history of Halloween, like any other festivals‘ history is inspired through traditions that have transpired through ages from

one generation into the next, and as this process goes on, much of 13.______ their original meaning and roots are distorted by newer additions

and alterations. It happens so gradual, spanning so many years, 14._________ that we don‘t even notice the drastic change from traditional practices to today‘s way of celebration. Digging into its history

help sieve the facts from the fiction which we, more often than not, 15._______ didn‘t even know existed. Yet, doubts still run deep, especially

when today‘s reality is so vastly from traditions that were initially 16.________ deeply rooted beliefs of our ancestors. The history of Halloween comes from Celtic and Christian

cultures, and for those what are interested in peering through the 17.________ superficial hues to understand the core of present day Halloween

practices, the wearing of costumes says to help people ―blend in‖ 18.________ with the wandering souls who roam the earth on Halloween night. Frightening fantasies and scary stories featuring ghosts, witches, demons, and animal sacrifices… How does this

compare with innocent children we watch smiling when going 19._________ through their candy stash at the end of a ―trick-or- treating‖

adventure? Modern day Halloween practices encompass some of

the reality with the age-old customs; I guess we can say that 20.________ celebrating Halloween is commercialism draped in a veil of mysticism.

Zhang Yi