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Task 2 error correction

Directions: This section consists of a short passage. In this passage there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You are required to find the mistakes in it and correct them. Mark them and write your answers on the Answer sheet. Optimistic people are more likely to live longer, healthier

lives than pessimists, according as a new study. 11.______________________ Researchers at University of Pittsburgh looked at death rate and chronic health conditions among participants of the Women‘s Health Initiative study, which has followed more than 100000

women aged 50 and over in 1994. 12.______________________ Women who were optimistic-those who expects good 13.__________________ rather than bad things to happen –were 14 percent less likely to die from any cause than pessimists and 30 percent less likely to die

from heart hospitals after eight years of follow up in the study.14._______________ Optimists also were less likely to have high blood pressure,

diabetes or smoking cigarettes. 15._______________ The team, guided by Dr. Hilary Tindle, also looked at 16.________________ women who were highly mistrustful of other people – a group they called‖ cynically hostile‖ – and compared them with women who were more trusting. Women in the cynically hostile group used to agree with 17.________________ questions such as:‖I‘ve often had to take orders fom someone

who didn‘t know as many as I did‖ or ―It‘s safest to trust nobody,‖ 18.____________ Tindle said in a telephone interview. ―These questions make a general mistrust of people.‖ said 19.____________ Tindle. ―Cynically hostile women were 16 percent more likely to die

(during the study period) compared to women who were the less 20._____________ cynically hostile,‖ Tindle said.


16. If you want to let us feel more confortable, you‘d better____D______ that next time. A) not to do B) not did C) not doing D) not do

17. You must be careful when you‘re driving ____D______the narrow bridge. A) for B) through C) in D)across

18. Mr.Brain wishes his wife _____A______ in america for one more month. A) could stay B) is staying C) stays D) has stayed

19. By the time you arrive in London, the Smiths _____D_______ in Europe for three weeks. A) have stayed B) have been staying C) shall stay D) will have stayed 20. they are nice boys and I‘m sure you‘ll ____C________ them very well. A) go on with B) come up with C) get on with D) catch up with 21. it is said that Mary earns a high____B______ as a sales manager. A) income B) salary C) payment D)money 22. Hardly____B_______when a loud explosion was heard A) the train had started B) had the train started C) the train started D) did the train start

23. _____C_________surprises me most was to see some of the villagers seated on the benches. A) It B) That C) What D)Which

24. It is in room 315____C__________ the meeting will be held A) where B) in which C) that D) when

25. Which do you think is ______C______ inportant, wealth or health? A) the most B) most C) the more D)more Part III Reading Comprehension

Driection:This part is to test you reading ability. There are 4 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Task 1

Direction: after reading the following passage, you will find 5 question or unfinished atatements, numbered 26 through 30. for each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A),B),C),D. you should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center. A sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive amout of anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout(燃料烧尽;烧坏). Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time eddjoyable. The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sportsetting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be usedthrounghout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all time, that their feedback(反馈) to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents‘ and coaches‘ criticisms to heart and find a flaw in themselves. Coaches and parents should also be caution that youth sport participation does not become work for children. The outcome of the game should ot be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In today‘s youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find fault with youngsters‘ performances. Positive reinforcement should be provided regardless of the outcome. Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout. 26. An effective way to prevent the burncome of young athletes is ____D________. A) to increase their sense of success B) to make sports less competitive C) to make sports more challenging D) to reduce their mental stress

27. Why is sport positive for young people according to the passage? B A) Because it can help them learn more about society. B) Because it can provide them with valuable experiences C) Because it enables them to find flaws in themselves

D) Because it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves

28. Many coaches and parents are in the habit criticizing young athletes___D______. A) believing that criticism is beneficial for their early development B) in order to make them remember life‘s lessons C) so as to put more pressure on them

D) without realizing criticism may destroy their self-confidence

29. Acording to the passage parents and coaches should_______C________. A) enable children to understand the positive aspect of sports B) help children to win every game

C) pay more attention to letting children enjoy sports D) train children to cope with stress

30. The author‘s purpose in writing the passage is ______C_______. A) to discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragement B) to persuade young children not to worry about criticism

C) to stress the importance of positive reinforcement to children D) to teach young athletes how to avoid burnout Task 2

Directions: this task is the same as task 1, the 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 31 to 35. The moon is our nearest natural neighbor in space. It is also the earth‘s only natural satellite, for the word ―satellite‖ means ―companion‖ or ―follower‖. As the earth journeys thousands of millions of years and will probably continue to do so for many thousands of millions of years to come. It is therefore already a very old moon, although every time it visits our skies it seems to grow and die within a month. We are surprised when an artificial earth-satellite, a few feet across, is sent up a few hundred miles and made to go around the earth. But this is really a small thing compared with what nature has done. Nature‘s earth-satellite, which we call the moon, is 2160miles cross. Its average distance is 238900 miles, but since its path is slightly oval(椭圆形) this can increase to 252700 miles and decrease to 221500 miles form the earth. 31. which of the following statement is NOT true? C

A) like the moon, all the artificial earth-satellites revolve round the earth. B) our neighbor in space includes the moon

C) the moon is one of earth-satellite sent to the space D) the moon‘s distance from the earth varies accordingly.

32. The moon is considered very old because___A_________. A) it has been traveling round the earth for many years B) it is quite distant from the earth

C) it seems to grow and die within a month D) new satellites have come into existence

33. The main reason for the moon‘s varied distance form the earth is _____B______. A) its old age B) its path shape

C) the changeable weather

D) the transportation difficulties

34. what does the word ―artificial‖ in paragraph 2 mean? B A) False

B) Man-made C) Not natural D) Wrong

35. The best title for the passage could be _______C_____________. A) Artificial Earth-Satellite B) Nature History

C) Nature‘s Earth-Satellite D) The Age of the Moon Task 3

Direction: the following is a resume. After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions(No.36 to No.40) that follow. You should write your answers in no more than 3 words on the corresponding answer sheet. Resume Name: Yi Ran Address: No.3 Zhongshan Road, Chongqing Tel: (023)67654321 Born: April 19,1983 Birth Place: Chongqing Marital Status: Single Sex: Female Job Objective: To apply experience and education to position in personnel administration in a Sino-American Joint


Experience: From July 2005 to present Personnel Manager, LH Electric Appliance Group Company.

Responsibilities Include Conducting salary surveys,establishing salary ranges and progression rates for each level, marking job evaluation plans, questionnaires, application froms, etc., recruiting new employees, formulating and revising training programs, initiating and inplementing programs to inprove and utilize potential of staff members.

Education: From September 2001 to July 2005, majored in Personnel Administration at Beijing University. Special Skills: Fluent English (reading/writing/speaking) Experienced in operation of IBM-PC(0520) microcomputer. Reference: Upon request 36. where did Yi Ran born

__________________Chongqing ___________________________________________________ 37. where would she like to work?

____________sino-American joint venture _________________________________________________________ 38. what position is she in LH Electric Appliance Group Company?

___________________personnel Manager __________________________________________________ 39. how many responsibilities her present work includes at least?

_______________six______________________________________________________ 40. what was she doing during 2001 to 2005?

_____she was studying _____________ at Beijing University. Task 4

Direction: the following is a brief introduction of CSC, after reading it, you should complete the informantion by filling in

the blanks marked 41 through 45 in the table below. You should write your answers in no more than 3 words on the answer sheet correspondingly.

―CSC‖(Country Style Cooking) was established inChongqing on November 23rd,1996, along with the introduction of operation model of american CSC international Management Corporation. CSC is going to open more than 100 restaurants under its own control in municipalities and provincial cities throughout china in 3 years with its market expansion from early Chongqing to Shanghai, Chengdu, and Xi‘an etc. and it ushers into the third generation of CSC standardized operation Model。

As the leader in china‘s healthy quick-service restaurant industry, CSC has adopted such operation measures as direct operation by CSC itself, centralized production and standardized product to continuously keep the food quality, and try to establish a product quality guarantee system which consists of three licenses QS, ISO, and HACCP so as to supply fresh and delicious healthy food, which will be the top choice for those who wre pursuing healthy life and fashion. CSC is striving for being the number one brand for its prompt and convenient service in china‘s quick-servce restaurant industry.

CSC has created the best record that it provided service for more than 2800 customers in a rush day. Its professional restaurant management team and kitchen management team stick to the principles about L(location), Q(quality), S(service), C(circumstances), P(promotion), V(value) in order to become such kind of brand as ―customer‘s home kitchen‖. As a result,

CSC has been the Some information of the introduction quick-servicIn chongqing, CSC is run with_____41__operation model __ of American CSC international e restaurant Management Corporation. brand with According to CSC‘s plan, it has____42_ more than 100____ restaurants in china now. the largest CSC is a _____43__healthy quick-service ___ restaurant industry market CSC takes many measures to guarantee_________44___ food quality____ in CSC‘s management team wants to become such kind of brand as 45 customer‘s home kitchen share

southwestern areas of china.