基于plc的机械手控制系统设计(毕业设计) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章基于plc的机械手控制系统设计(毕业设计)更新完毕开始阅读

Xinyu University



学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 指导教师: 学 院:

何友良 1201231016 电气工程及其自动化 谢富珍 副教授 电气与电子工程







作者签名(手写): 签名日期: 年 月 日



作者签名(手写): 指导教师签名(手写):

日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日

摘 要 论文题目:基于PLC的机械手控制系统设计 专 业:电气工程及其自动化 学生姓名:何友良 指导教师:谢富珍 副教授

摘 要




关 键 词:工业自动化;可编程控制器;机械手;远程控制;传感反馈


ABSTRACT Title: Design of manipulator based on PLC control Specialty: Electrical Engineering and automation Applicant: Youliang He

Supervisor: Fuzhen Xie associate professor


With the development of modern industrial technology, industrial automation technology is more and more high, the production conditions also tended to bad situation, the front-line workers skills also put forward higher requirements, and the operation safety of workers has also been a corresponding threat. The workers work environment and work content also requires ideal for some simple, reciprocating work by robot remote control or automatic completion is very important This can avoid some people can not contact with the human body damage, such as metallurgy, chemical, pharmaceutical, aerospace, etc..

In the mechanical manufacturing industry, the application of mechanical hand more, the development of faster. At present, it is mainly used in machine tools, forging press under the material and welding, painting and other operations, it can be in accordance with pre established operating procedures to complete the prescribed operation, and some also have with sensor feedback ability, can cope with external changes. Application of the manipulator, to improve the material transfer, workpiece loading and unloading, tool replacement and machine assembly automation, which can improve labor productivity, reduce production costs, accelerate the pace of industrial production mechanization and automation.

This paper mainly discusses the design of manipulator control system based on PLC. First, the possible use of the programmable controller is related to the introduction, and then choose the design of the PLC model. Then, through the control mode of the manipulator and the realization way of each function, the realization scheme of each function and the equipment used in the design control system are determined. Finally, the software program and hardware structure of PLC control system are designed.

Keywords: industrial; automation programmable controller ; manipulator; Remote control;sensor feedback