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products, It's friendly and restful. It can be cool and soothing, the colour of apples and mint, but it can also be quite strong and many people associate it with unpleasant ideas of decay or slimy creatures.

Presenter But most colours are not primary colours, they're a combination. Dr Hudson Absolutely. So yellow-orange is common, and often used to give an

Presenter Passage2 Presenter Sally Presenter Sally Presenter

impression of style and class, it looks like gold. But it's not often used in letters because it's not very strong. And yellow-green reminds people of feeling sick. Blue-green works well as a cool colour, suggesting freshness, and is sometimes used for toothpaste products, bathroom products, food and household cleaning products. It has many of the advantages of blue without the disadvantages of green.

Fascinating. Thank you very much, Dr Hudson. Market Colours by Dr

Jenna Hudson is on sale from next week, priced £15.99...

What makes you embarrassed, Sally?

Oh, I'm easily embarrassed. If anybody notices me or looks at me, I get

very embarrassed. When people sing me Happy Birthday on my birthday, I get very embarrassed.

And what makes you upset?

When people are selfish, people who think only of themselves. And

cruelty -I can't bear people who are cruel, especially to animals or children.

Jake, what makes you depressed?


Jake I hate it when it rains, and I don't like people who look down on me, who

think they're superior to me without any reason.

Presenter And what makes you angry?

Jake When people don't behave properly in public, bad behaviour like

dropping litter or people pushing each other on the bus or the train.

Presenter Andrew, what makes you cheerful?

Andrew I like to see everyone around me being happy and having a positive

attitude towards the future, optimistic people.

Presenter And what makes you jealous?

Andrew Well, to be honest, I just never feel jealous. I can't see the point of it. Presenter Monica, what makes you proud?

Monica I'm proud when I'm successful, especially in my work. Being recognized by

my boss for what I can do makes me feel really proud. Oh, and my family. I'm very proud of them.

Presenter And what makes you nervous?

Monica Every time I teach a new class. The night before I'm very nervous. You

don't know what the kids are going to be like and how they might behave, or if they're going to like you.

Presenter Anything else?

Monica Doing interviews like this.

Unit 3

Listening In

Passage1 6

Patrick I read a funny story today in the paper – true story. Steve Go on, then.

Patrick OK. This 72-year old guy stole a pair of trousers from a department store

Steve Patrick Steve Patrick Steve Patrick Steve Patrick

in Paris. A security man saw him and alerted the police and they were waiting for him when he came out of the shop. The shoplifter started running, but the policeman soon caught up with him. The man then bit the policeman on his arm several times.

He bit the policeman?

Yes – you have to remember, he was 72. I’d forgotten that.

Problem was, it didn’t hurt the policeman at all, ’cause the guy had

forgotten to put his false teeth in before he left home.

Very funny!

And the moral of the story is –

Always remember to wear your false teeth if you’re going to bite someone. That’s good. I read a funny crime story the other day. Let’s see … yeah …

this guy …this guy robbed a supermarket somewhere in America – I can’t remember where exactly – anyway, he got away with about 4,000 dollars. The next week the local newspaper reported the story but said he’d stolen 6,000 dollars. The thief rang the newspaper office to complain. He said, ―Look, I only took 4,000 dollars. I’m wondering if the supermarket manager took another 2,000 and said I’d taken it. I did not take 6,000, I promise you.‖


Steve He was probably telling the truth.

Patrick He probably was. Anyway, the newspaper managed to keep the guy talking

while they rang the police. And the police traced the call – the guy was ringing from a phone booth – and they arrested him while he was still talking to the newspaper.

Steve That’s good. Stupid guy! I’ve got another true story … This – this – old guy

was in court for some crime – and he fell asleep. His case began and his lawyer stood up and said, ―My client pleads not guilty.‖ The man suddenly woke up, but wasn’t sure what was happening. He jumped up and shouted, ―I plead guilty! I plead guilty!‖

Patrick So what happened?

Steve The judge allowed him to plead not guilty. Patrick That’s the best, I think.

Passage2 Presenter You’re listening to Kevin Fallon and my topic for today is street crime.

Being mugged is something that can happen to anyone – and it’s a very frightening experience. So it’s positive when you hear of someone who was attacked by a mugger and defeated them – especially when that person is a woman. Anna Black was attacked by a mugger. She’s here to tell us about it. How long ago did this happen, Anna?

Anna Just over a week ago. The day it happened, I was coming home from work a

bit later than usual – I think it was about seven. I was on my mobile phone, talking to my husband.