新编英语教程book6 unit8 Appetite英汉对照 联系客服

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爱恋或记忆。 Life is short and precious, and appetite is one of its guardians, and loss of appetite is a sort of death. 生命转瞬即逝,弥足珍贵,而渴望则是其守护神之一,失却渴望也是一种死亡。 So if we are to enjoy this short life we should respect the divinity of appetite, and keep it eager and not too much blunted. 所以,要享受短暂的生命,我们就应尊重渴望的神圣性 ,保持渴求状态,切勿让渴望过分减弱。

It is a long time now since I knew that acute moment of bliss that comes from putting parched lips to a cup of cold water. The springs are still there to be enjoyed—all one needs is the original thirst.很久以前,我就感悟到干渴的双唇触到一杯冷水时心中的极乐狂喜。清泉就在杯子里 等人享用---而人们需要的就是最初的渴望。