外研版三年级起点三年级英语上册全册教?- 百度文库 ϵͷ

ʱ : 外研版三年级起点三年级英语上册全册教?- 百度文库ϿʼĶ

policeman doctor driver farmer

She s a nurse.


Unit1 This is his head.


1ϻ head,arm, hand, leg, foot, hisȵʡ 2This ishis(my) ...һԼ˵岿λ ѧص㣺

ϻhead, arm, hand, leg, foot, hisȵʣThis is his (my)...һԼ˵岿λ ѧѵ㣺


ݴhisá ѧʱ1ʱ ѧ̣

(һ) Warming up1Greetings

T: Good morning,boysand girls.S: Good morning,teacher. T: Sit downplease.2Sing a song: Please stand up( 볪Ӣĸ )T: Point to һ˵һ仰Lead in and Presentation:1T: Whats this?(ʾŶͼƬ) SsIts a... ϰ֪ʶ¿

T: Today Daming goes to the zoo. What animal doesDaming see? Lets have a look,ok?SsOk. 2.T: (1)Whatdoes Daming see? (ʲô)(2)Whatshis name?(ֽʲô)T: let us listen carefully.SsAnswerС (1)A panda

T: Yes,Daming sees a panda. His name is Panpan.(2)Head(T:.)T: Today well learn M10 Body U1 This is hishead.()3Teach the words.T: Look at this word . 鵥ʣhis.Sshis ChisT: his (ʦ飬ѧ)T: This is my book . This is his book This is (ѧǦʵȼϰhisӶϤ)T: Headhead.ͷ

SsT: head head, my head.ָԼ


T:Look! How to read this word? T: arm--arm(첲)SsT: Look!Can you read this word? ʾhandHand--hand()Ss...T: This is his leg.Leg--leg(ε)Ss...T: This is my foot.Foot--foot(ţ)Ss...T: Look, this is a panda. This is his body .Bodybodyζ壬 Ss...

ϰ⼸ʡ5PracticeLook! This is a panda.ѧָè岿λϰ

This is hisӶϰ岿λĵʡ()¼ܵصӢ¼1.T: You learnt very well. Now Listen and repeat twice.2.Lets act .ͨ¼Ϥʼ͡ϰʦָελ˵This is his headϰͣȻһ飬ֱָ岿λϰ͡() 1Game:ϷѧϰӢõĿﵥһѧѧѧ֡A:Point to your ʦ˵ѧָB: This is my ˭ָֺֿá壩 1.ѡһѡ˭ֺֿá Ϊ·Ӧôһλ

2.è ʾ/첲/塱ͼȿ׼ָè岿λ



Unit2 Point to her nose.


1˵eye, ear, mouth, nose, herѧϰĿPoint to her nose.

2þPoint to her nose.ָָܸȷλ 3ѧϰӢȤ ѧص㣺

eye, ear, mouth, nose, herĿPoint to her nose. ѧѵ㣺

mouthear ķhis, herȷʹ ѧʱ1ʱ ѧ̣

1. Warm-up and review

Greet to students. áHi How are you? 𳵵ʽʺ Review Activity: Body chant head, head, this is my head; arm, arm, this is my arm; ָ߳ 2. Presentation and Practice
