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发布时间 : 星期四 文章外研版三年级起点三年级英语上册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读



2.课后用英语向自己的好朋友介绍自己的家人。 教后反思:本节课单词较多,但好在是学生感兴趣的内容,贴近学生的生活,;学生能大胆进行尝试,因此课堂气氛活跃,教学效果良好。


Unit2 He's a doctor.


1学生能掌握新单词:doctor, driver, policeman, nurse, farmer, teacher并了解其含义。

2能熟练表达句型:He’ s a…/ She’ s a…, 能运用新句型介绍他人的职业。 教学重点:




能区分使用He’ s与She’ s。 教学课时:1课时 教学过程: (一)热身:

1、Greeting: T: Good morning boys, How are you? Good morning girls, How are you? Boys: I’m fine , thank you. Girls: I’m fine, thank you.

Ss together: And how are you? T: I’m fine too, thank you.. 2、Chant:

Sister, sister, This is my sister. Brother, brother, This is my brother. Mother, mother, This is my mother. Father, father ,This is my father. Grandma, grandma, This is my grandma. Grandpa, grandpa, This is my grandpa. (二)导入及新课教授:

1、(1)T: Show the picture of Part 3 in page 52, and say: Who’ s him?...Who wants to be Sam to introduce your family


members?...(找两个学生来说进行小组评价,之后全班说一遍。) (2)T: Good job! Do you know what does Sam’s mother do? Ss: Teacher. 教读teacher,n+1法操练。

2、听警车的声音,T ask: What can you hear? What ‘s the job? Ss: Policeman. 教读,拍手读单词(师生同拍同读,师停生停)操练。

3、Teacher describe the job, Let Ss to guess what’s the job? T: A person who works in hospital, we go to see him when we are sick.

Ss: Doctor.

教读doctor, 两两读操练。

4、PPT show a picture, T ask: What does she do? Ss: Nurse.


5、T do action and say: Look, what’s the job? Ss: Driver.

教读driver, 左右手男女生读操练。

6、图片出示锄子,让学生猜,T: Guess, what does he do? Ss: Farmer. 教读farmer, 接龙操练。 7、整体操练:



(2)游戏What’ s missing? (3)单词、图片配对比赛。 (4)Page54, 听音标号。

8、PPT 看图引入句型:He’s a… She’s a… 9、Page 53, Listen, answer and read. Q1: What does Daming’ s father do? Q2: What does Daming’ s mother do? 找生领读,之后齐读。


1、T: When I was a child, I want to be a doctor, Everyone has a dream? What do you want to be?(师问个别生)

T: Let’s do a survey, ask your partner: What do you want to be?

两分钟后叫小组展示对话。 2、情感教育:

Each kind of job is necessary for society.

板书设计:Module 9 Unit 2 He’ s a doctor.

He’ s a teacher.
