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be the same as look like be similar to 44. “拜访” call at sp call on sb. drop in at sp. drop in on sb.

注意call on 还有“号召”的意思, 句型为call on sb. to do sth. 45. hope与wish句型汇总 hope to do sth. hope that…… wish to do sth. wish sb. to do sth. wish that…

hope sb. to do sth. (╳) 46. “翻译” translate … into… turn … into… change … into…

47. suggest句型汇总

suggest that……(虚拟语气) suggest to sb. that…… suggest that……(表明 ) suggest doing sth.

suggest sb. to do sth. (╳) 48. advise句型汇总

advise sb. against sth/doing sth advise sb. to do sth. advise sb. not to do sth. 49. …to doing sth汇总 look forward to doing sth. devote oneself to doing sth.

devote one’s life to doing sth. pay attention to doing sth. be used to doing sth. be accustomed to doing

stick to doing sth. 坚持做…… be opposed to diong sth. be similar to doing sth. get down to doing sth.

give one’s mind to doing sth. give rise to doing sth. lead to doing sth. object to doing sth.

prefer doing A to doing B respond to doing sth.

take to doing sth. 喜欢上;从事;养成…的习惯;沉湎于…

turn to doing sth.求助;转而从事于 in addition to doing sth. 50. “容忍” put up with stand bear

51. “对……厌烦” be tired of be fed up with be sick of

be bored with

52. tired句型概览

be tired of 对…厌倦,对……烦 be tired with/from sth./doing

sth. 因…感到疲劳

be tired out 精疲力竭 ( =be

exhausted) 53.“擅长”

do well in sth.\\doing sth. be good at sth.\\doing sth. be expert at sth.\\doing sth. be clever at sth.\\doing sth. be great at sth.\\doing sth. be excellent at sth.\\doing sth. 54. “弱” be weak in be bad at be poor at

55. 感叹句句型汇总

what + a/an + adj + [C] + 主+ 谓! What + adj+ pl./[u] +主+ 谓! How + adj/ adv + 主+ 谓! How + 句子!

56. “双宾语”总揽

show sb. sth →→ show sth. to sb. pass sb. sth. →→ pass sth. to sb. post sb. sth. →→ post sth. to sb. give sb. sth →→ give sth. to sb. take sb. sth. →→ take sth. to sb. lend sb sth. →→ lend sth. to sb. throw sb. sth. →→ throw sth. to sb. do sb. harm →→ do harm to sb. offer sb. sth. →→ offer sth. to sb. wave sb. sth. →→ wave sth. to sb. tell sb. sth. →→ tell sth. to sb. send sb. sth. →→ send sth.to sb. wish sb. sth. →→ wish sth. to sb. read sb. sth. →→ read sth. to sb. teach sb. sth. →→ teach sth. to sb. sing sb. sth. →→ sing sth. to/for sb. write sb. sth. →→ write sth. to sb. save sb. sth. →→ save sth. for sb. order sb. sth. →→ order sth. for sb. pour sb. sth. →→ pour sth. for sb. make sb. sth. →→ make sth. for sb. buy sb. sth. →→ buy sth. for sb. cook sb. sth. →→ cook sth for sb. get sb. sth. →→ get sth. for sb. win sb. sth. →→ win sth. for sb.

His hard work won him a lot of praise. His hard work won a lot of praise for him.

leave sb. sth. →→ leave sth. for sb. 57.“毛病”

there is sth. wrong with sth./sb. sth. is wrong with …… →

58.doing与to do,意思别模糊 forget doing sth. 做了忘了 forget to do sth. 忘了做了 remember doing sth. 记得已做 remember to do sth. 记住要做 stop doing sth. 停止做 stop to do sth. 停下来去做

watch/see/hear sb. doing sth. 看/听见某人在做

watch/see/hear sb. do sth看/听


go on doing sth. 继续(同一件事) go on to do sth. 继续(另一件事) try doing sth. 努力做 try to do sth. 尝试做

mean doing sth. 意味着… mean to do sth. 打算做

learn doing sth. 学过(不一定会) learn to do sth. 学会做 59.“告别”

wave sb off 挥手告别 wave goodbye to sb. say goodbye to sb. see sb. off

60. 给某人打电话 call sb ring sb. call up sb. ring up sb. phone sb

phone sb. to do sth. give sb a phone give sb. a call

call sb. at+电话号码 dial +电话号码 61.“吃惊” be surprised at be amazed at be astonished at

be shocked at 对……很震惊 62.“生气” 的句型 be angry with sb. be angry about sth. be angry at sb./sth.

be angry with/at sb. about sth. be angry that…… be mad at sb.

be annoyed with sb.

63.“严格”三句型 be strict with sb. be strict in sth.

be strict with sb. in sth. 64. “根据” base A. on/upon B A be based on/upon B 65.“尽力”句型汇总 try to do sth.

try one’s best to do sth. do one’s best to do sth. do one’s upmost to do sth.

put one’s effort into sth./doing sth

spare no effort to do sth. 全力以赴做…go out of one’s way to do sth. 66. “哪儿残疾” be blind in… be deaf in…

67. “视而不见”与“充耳不闻” be blind to

close one’s eyes to sth. be deaf to

68.“洗耳恭听”与“目不转睛” be all ears be all eyes

69. “与某人做生意” do business with sb. make a deal with sb.

70. “surprise”句型汇总 in surprise

to one’s surprise

be surprised at sth./doing sth. with a surprised look 71.“call”句型汇总 call sb. call sb.up

call on sb. 拜访某人

call on sb. to do sth. 号召某人做…drop in on sb 拜访某人 call at sp.

call sb. at + 电话号码

call off sth. = cancel sth. put off sth. = postpone sth. 72. “care”句型汇总 care sth. 在意…

care for sth./sb. 喜欢…; 照顾… care about sth./sb.关心…;担心…;

对…感兴趣 take care of

take good care of take care to do sth. take care not to do sth. be under the care of be careful about/of… be careless about/of…

It’s careless of sb. to do sth. 73. “如何打、抓人” catch sb. by the +身体部位 hit sb. on/in the +身体部位 tap sb. on the back/shoulder

74. 关于“up with” 的句型 catch up with 追赶

keep up with 与…保持一致 put up with 容忍 come up with 提出 be fed up with 厌恶

75. “choose”句型总汇 choose to do sth choose sb as +职位

choose A before B 选择A而非B choose sb. sth. choose sth. for sb

76. “把……视为” take A as B look on A as B regard A as B treat A as B consider A as B think of A as B

77. “充满” be filled with

be full of

be crowed with

78. “in”句型汇总 in danger in trouble in surprise

in black and white in brief in case in case of in that case in charge of in the charge of in common in depth in fact in effect in favor of in future in general in hand in order

in order to do sth. in order that… in other words in pairs in person in private in public in progress in rags

in reality in return in short

in spite of = despite in terms of

in the air=in the sky in the end in turn in view of in want of in need of

in one’s twenties

interest sb. in sth.\\doing sth. be interested in sth.\\doing sth. have difficulty in doing sth. succeed in doing sth.

spend some time in doing sth. be weak in sth.\\doing sth. do well in sth.\\doing sth. in (full) bloom 盛开 in blossom 盛开 in ruins

in the blink of an eye 眨眼间,瞬间79.“decide”句型汇总 decide to do sth, decide sb. to do sth. decide on sth.

You decide. = It depends on you. 80. “dream”句型汇总 realize one’s dream

make one’s dream come true dream of doing sth. follow one’s dream

81. “鼓励”与“泄气”句型 encourage sb. to do sth.

discourage sb. from doing sth. 82. 五“照顾、照看” look after sb. take care of sb. attend to sb. wait on sb. care for sb.

keep an eye on sth./sb. have an eye for sth. 83. fail的句型 fail (in)sth. fail to do sth.

fail sb. = make sb. disappointed 84. 从“做成”到“做败” succeed in doing sth. manage to do sth.

attempt to do sth. fail to do sth.