Book1 Unit2 English around the world 联系客服

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Book1 Unit2 English around the world

一、 重点单词展示(根据右边中文意思写出单词) __________ n. 地铁;地下人行道

__________ adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 __________ n.航行;航海

__________ adv.实际上;事实上

__________ vt.&n.以……为根据;基部;基地;基础 __________ vt.使富裕;充实;改善

__________ adj.较后的,后半的,后者的 __________ adj.流利的;流畅的 __________ adj.频繁的;常见的

__________ n.使用;用法;词语惯用法 __________ n.&vt.命令;指令;掌握 __________ n.词语;表示;表达 __________ n.本身;本体;身份 __________ adj.东方的;东部的 __________ vt.辨认出;承认;公认

__________ adv.&adj.直接;挺直;直的;笔直的;正直的 二、语法填空单句填空

1._______________( not see) him for a long time, I can hardly recognize him.

2. They went straight home without stopping at the gas station, __________ it was too late.

3. The result of the long police investigation is __________ the identity of the killer is still a complete mystery. 4.You’d better find a native to tell you _________ to get there.

5. As a patient, you should follow the instruction that your doctor________(give) you. 6.Reading is one of the best ways of ___________(large) your vocabulary.

7.__________(base) on a real story happening in Shenzhen,the film attracted a lot of audience.

8.He is a strong ____________ and he ____________ the whole nation with an iron hand. (government)

9.Recovery from the disease is very ____________.As the weather ____________ becomes warmer and warmer,he will pick up. (gradual)

10. He looks handsome and gentle, ________ he is actually a thief.

11. He went to Britain, __________(hope) to learn standard English there.

12. “Apartment ” is often used in American English _________“flat” is used in British English.

13. Some English people have a strong accent, _________ adds difficulties to our understanding of them.

14. In the recent years, many subways ____________(build) in Guangzhou. As a result, people can travel much faster than before.

15. If you don’t know how to use the medicine, read the directions _________(careful) before using it. 16. _________ we are in other countries, we should respect the culture there.

17.The government _______ gave an _______ statement that the officer would be put into prison. (office)

18.His facial _____ suggest that he’s quite satisfied with the result and he always ____ things in this way. (express) 19. The group of monks from the _____ are heading back _________.(east)

20. Mr Li, who speaks English _______, says that ________ develops gradually over time and practice. (fluent) 三、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):

be based on; at present; because of; because; in some ways; such as; make use of; more than; come up; fluent 1. She can speak Italian_______________.

2. This film ________________ a novel by D.H.Lawrence

3. I decided to go with them, mainly ________________ I had nothing better to do.

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4. It is partly ________________ her sick mother that she hasn’t taken the job abroad. 5. I’m sorry he’s out_________________.

6. You can _________________ your talents to become rich as well. 7. I know many of them, _________________John, Peter, and Tom.

8. He rang to say he would be late home—something ________________at the office. 9._________________a quarter of the students never finished their courses. 10. As you see, we look the same____________________. 四、语法填空

There are thousands of languages in the world. English is one of the world’s most ___1___(wide) used languages. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in the United States, Britain, Canada, some Caribbean countries, and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for business, education, information ___2___ other activities in ___3___ good many countries such as India, Pakistan and so on.

It is also one of the ___4___ (work) languages in the United Nations and is used ___5___ (much) than the others. English___6___ (become) the language of international trade and transport.

___7___ has been said ___8___60 percent of the world’s radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world’s mail are in English. At international sports meets, at meetings of scientists ___9___ different countries and at talks of writers and artists from the corners of the earth, English is mostly used.

So English has also become the language of international cooperation ___10___ science and technology. 五、单项选择:

1. I can hardly _____ my friend John who is wearing dark glasses. A. know B. see C. recognize D. realize

2. Western dinner usually ________ an aperitif, main course, dessert and coffee. A. includes B. is C. remains D. holds

3. Hong Kong was once ________ by the British before she returned to China in 1997. A. commended B. ruled C. managed D. controlled 4. I request that you __________ the task on time.

A. finished B. should finish C. could finish D. would finish 5. _________ which direction should we go, west or east? A. On B. To C. In D. With

6. Mike is always gentle and __________. He is a man of culture. A. pleased B. amazing C. happy D. polite

7. It is said that getting ________ nature may help people live longer. A. close B. far from C. close to D. closely 8. The problem ________ at the meeting yesterday.

A. came to B. came across C. came up D. came up with 9. We should ________ to study.

A. make time good used B. make good uses of time C. use of time D. make good use of time. 10. The famous film is ________ a Chinese fairy tale.

A. basing at B. based on C. bases on D. to base at


Using Standard English Properly(恰当使用标准英语)

At present, standard English ________________(扮演角色) in modern official international culture. But American native English isn’t changing rapidly but ________________(逐渐), including the usage of vocabulary, phrases and accent. ____________(实际), many differences have appeared. For example, an American boss with an important identity came up straight to an Englishman and ___________(命令), “Use trucks which still have gas to send candies to the apartment.” When retelling, the Englishman said politely and influently, “Use lorries which still have petrol to send sweets to the flat.

_________(因为) the above point, the present ruling government frequently put on rubber boards with directions everywhere in the blocks, _______(例如) in elevators, subways and so on, and requested the people __________(认出) these differences and make use of English properly.

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1.Not having seen 2.for 3.that 6.enlarging 7.Based 8.governor;governs

9.gradual; gradually 10.but 11.hoping 12.while 13.which 14.have been built 15.carefully 16.When 17.official;official 18.expressions;expresses 19.east; eastward 20.fluently;fluency 三、短语填空

1.fluently based on 3.because 4.because of present 6.make use of 7.such as 8.had come up 9.More than some ways


1.widely 2.and 3.a 4.working 5.more 6.has become 7.It 8.that 9.from 五、单项选择

1-5 CABBC 6-10 DACDB

Ⅰ. 重点单词

1.actually adv.实际上;事实上→actual adj. 2.gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的→gradually adv. 3.identity →identify vt.确认,认出 4.fluent adj.流利的;流畅的→fluently adv. 5.frequent adj.频繁的;常见的→frequently adv.

6.Spanish adj.&n.西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班牙语的;西班牙语→Spain n.西班牙 7.eastern adj.东方的;东部的→east n.

8.straight adv.&adj.直接;挺直;直的;笔直的;正直的→straighten v.使变直;变正

- 3 - n.航行;航海

10.native adj.&n.本国的;本地的;本地人;本国人 11.apartment n.[美]公寓住宅;单元住宅 12.base vt.&n.以……为根据;基部;基地;基础 13.vocabulary n.词汇;词汇量;词汇表 14.command n.&vt.命令;指令;掌握 15.request n.&vt.请求;要求 16.recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认 17.accent n.口音;腔调;重音 18.lightning n.闪电

19.petrol n.[英]汽油=gasoline n.[美]

20. official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 →office n.办公室;政府部门→officer n.官员 Ⅱ.重点短语

1.make use of利用;使用 that time在那时

3.such as例如……;像这种的

4.the number of ……的数量;……的号码 5.instead of代替 a part in在……中扮演一个角色;参与 7.more than one...不止一种 different from one another彼此不同 9.English around the world世界上的英语 the end of the sixteenth century在十六世纪末 11.because of因为;由于 12.come up走近;上来;提出 13.communicate with交流 based on建立在……基础上 present目前;现在

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