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发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语智力题汇总更新完毕开始阅读

Answer: ______________. 卷十四


( )1. It is not in a house. It is not outside a house. It is part ofa house. What is it? A. Ceiling. B. Window. C. Roof. D. Bed. ( )2. He doesn't listen to home truths.

A.恭维的话 B.花言巧语 C.逆耳忠言

( )3. Swimming in this cold weather? It's out of question for me. What does the underlined

phrase mean?

A.正中下怀 B.跑题的 C.不可能的 D.毫无疑问的

( )4. Three children are sharing a bottle of milk. Jacky drinks half of the milk. After that,

Lucy drinks one third ofthe left milk. Then Lily drinks one third ofthe left milk, the same as Lucy. So how much is left in the bottle?

A.50% B.22% C.13% D.8%

( )5. Mark loved pink pencils more than red ones. He didn't like orange pencils at all. And

while he liked yellow pencils, he couldn't say that he really loved them. Which ofthe following is true?

A. He liked red pencils less than orange pencils. B. He liked yellow pencils more than red pencils. C. He liked pink pencils more than yellow pencils. D. He liked orange pencils more than pink pencils. 二、根据问题写出正确的答案。(每小题2分,满分10)

1. You have two little windows which you open in the moming. But you close them at night. When

a man looks into them, he can see his own face. What are these?

Answer: __________.

2. David is 16 years old. Two years ago, his younger brother Don was half David's age. How old

is Don?

Answer: __________.

3. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every halfhour. How many minutes would

the pills last?

Answer: __________.

4. Anyone can tell that she wears the pants in that family. What does “wears the pants” mean

here? You may answer it in Chinese or in English.

Answer: __________.

5. What is the next number in this sequence(序列)? 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 61 5 52 6 63 7 94 8 ___________? Answer:__________. 卷十五


( )1. Which ofthe following is a girl's name?

A. Donald. B. Derek. C. Dorothy. D. David.

( )2. Here are four girls' names. Which one is not the name ofa fiower? A. Violet. B. Lily. C. Rose. D. Sheila.

( )3. Look at the following pictures. Which is the best answer? ( )4. What does “Keep offthe grass!”mean in Chinese?

A.收割草坪! B.勿踏草坪! C.拔苗助长! D.躺在草坪上! ( )5.缩略词“CBA”和“FIFA”分别与下列哪两项运动有关? A volleyball; basketball B.basketball; football C. baseball; tennis D.football; table tennis 二、根据问题写出正确的答案。(每小题2分,满分10分)

1. Its first letter is in “book”,but not in “book”.Its second letter is in “ink”,but

not in “thank”.Its third letter is in both “ink” and “book”. Its last letter is not in “ship”, but in “jeep”. What is it?


2. When can three big men go out under one little umbrella and not get wet? Answer:____.

3. What letter should replace the question mark? Answer: ________.

4. Four students live on the same road. Max lives 2 miles from the school. Claire lives twice as far away as Max. Jim lives between Max and Sue. Sue lives l mile from the school. Who lives farthest from the school? Answer: ________.

5. What appears once in every minute, twice in every moment, but not once in thousand years?

Answer: ________.