中西方家庭教育观对儿童心理发展的影响 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章中西方家庭教育观对儿童心理发展的影响更新完毕开始阅读

本 科 毕 业 论 文

题 目 中西方家庭教育观对儿童心理发


学 院 师范学院 专 业 应用心理学 学生姓名 ··· 学 号 201011512000 年级 2010级 指导教师 职称 副教授

2014年 4 月 10 日


专 业: 应用心理学 学 号:201011512117

学 生: 指导教师:


本研究以中国与西方“家庭教育观”的差异为研究对象,运用文献法和访谈法进行研究,通过对比和分析,找出当前中国家庭教育中存在教育观念、教育方式上的误区,中西方家庭教育存在教育倾向、教育目的、教育重心、教育方式、亲子关系等方面的差异,并针对这些误区与差异最后为中国家长形成正确的家庭教育观提出几点建议:1.端正对家庭教育的认识2.承认孩子是独立的个体。3.让孩子顺应其天性发展4.注重孩子的意志品质的培养5. 重新建构正确的教育方式。6.中国家长应不断提高自身素养,发挥榜样作用。 关键词:中西方;家庭教育;家庭教育观;差异;儿童心理发展


Chinese and Western Family Education of Children's

Psychological Development

Major:Applied Psychology Student ID:201011512119

Student:Wang Lin Instructor:Liao Caizhi

Abstract:Family education play a decisive role in the growth and development of children, good family education is the key to cultivate good children.Therefore, family education has become a long-term concern social problem.However, many parents have realized the importance of family education, but some errors still exist in the concept of family education.Majorities of parents still feel difficult faced with family education problems, thus affecting the quality of Chinese family education .

In this study, We take the difference China and Western \study, use the literature method and interview method,finally find out the misunderstandings existed in family education concept and family education action by the methods of comparison and analysis.The differences between Chinese and Western family education are education aims ,education objective, education tends , education mode and the parent-child relationship, etc.According to these misunderstandings and differences ,we puts forward some suggestions: 1 .Correct understanding of family education. 2.Admitting that the child is the independent individual. 3 .Let the child to develop naturally .4 .Focus on children’s mental quality training .5 .To reconstruct the correct way of education. 6. Chinese parents should constantly improve their own quality, as good model of children.

Key words:China and the west; Family education concept; Family education mode ; Differences; Children’s psychological development


目 录

绪论 ........................................................................ 1 一、 中国家庭教育观 .......................................................... 2 (一)家庭教育与家庭教育观 .................................................. 2 (二)中国家庭教育现状 ...................................................... 2 二、 中西方家庭教育观的差异 .................................................. 5 (一)西方家庭教育观 ........................................................ 5 (二)中西方家庭教育观的差异 ................................................ 6 三、 中西方家庭教育观对儿童发展的影响 ....................................... 7 (一)李云龙pk安德烈,赢了比赛输了教育 ..................................... 7 (二)洋媳妇教育孩子的方法,让中国婆婆大开眼界 .............................. 8 四、 中国家庭教育观正确的发展趋势 ........................................... 12 (一)端正对家庭教育的认识 ................................................. 12 (二)承认孩子是独立的个体 ................................................. 12 (三)让孩子顺应其天性发展 ................................................. 13 (四)注重孩子的意志品质的培养 ............................................. 13 (五)重新建构正确的教育方式 ............................................... 14 (六)中国家长应不断提高自身素养,发挥榜样作用 ............................... ........................................................................... 15

结论 ....................................................................... 15 参考文献.................................................................... 16 致 谢 ..................................................................... 17