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Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world

4. To show love to someone special. People might give flowers on Father’s Day,

Teacher’s Day or other special days for the same reason. III. Reading task (Workbook P44)

Picture of a snowman: Hey, I’m a snowman. I guess you know it. But have you ever thought of having a carnival in winter. I bet you’ll like it. Now, come with me.

T: So, let’s go together with the snowman to see the winter carnival in Quebec. (on page 44)

First of all, do you know anything about Quebec? (Geography) Quebec is the largest province of eastern Canada; it is three times the size of France and seven times the size of Great Britain. (Language) The official language of Quebec is French; it is the sole Canadian province whose population is mainly French Canadian, and where English is not an official language at the provincial level.(Climate )Quebec's climate is generally temperate, with variations among the regions. Tourism is important throughout the

province during the summer season, and in the winter the Laurentian Mts. attract skiers. And what about the winter carnival in Quebec? Now read the context. Remember there are questions for you.

Q1. Why do you think that dogs are used to pull sleds in cold climates?

Q2. Which activity at the Quebec Carnival do you think would be the most fun?


Q3. Which activity at the Carnival do you think would be the most dangerous?


Q4. If you could go to the Quebec Carnival, what would you do and see? Why? Q5. If you had to draw a poster for the Carnival, what things would you put on the


Q6. What would you wear if you went to the Carnival? Name three things. (after reading) (checking) A1.

Dogs are used in cold climates because they can run on top of the snow, which horses cannot/ because they have very thick fur which keeps them warm. They are also very strong/ do not eat grass and grain as horses and cattle do/ can be fed on meat/ do not eat too much. A2 .

(Students give their own answers). A3.

Probably the canoe race through the ice would be the most dangerous. A4 .

(Students give their own answers). A5 .

(Students give their own answers).


Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world

A6 .

I would wear a thick / warm coat / jacket / hat / gloves / mittens / boots / underwear / scarf / socks.

Compare what you know about Harbin with Quebec City Harbin Quebec Similarity Ice sculptures Ice sculptures Difference Snowboarding competitions, canoe races, dog-sled races Snow sculptures, skiing, skating and other activities just for fun, but not part of the festival


Try to find some information dealing with Carnival in different parts of the world.

Period 4 Using language Listening and speaking

Teaching goals

1. To train the students’ listening ability through the listening context.

2. To learn about the Carnival in Trinidad and how people celebrate it so as to enable them to learn more about different cultures while learning different language. 3. To develop the students’ speaking skills, with the help of the sample dialogue. Important points

1. Information grasping of the listening part.

2. Mastery of the words and phrases concerning festivals in daily expression Teaching aid

A computer, a projector, courseware, a tape-recorder

Teaching procedures

I. listening (p6)

T: Hello, boys and girls. Can you have a guess? What are they doing in the pictures? Ss: They are having carnivals.

T: Have you ever seen a real carnival? Ss: No/yes.

T: Let’s enjoy a real carnival in the video. (after the video)


Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world

T: What would people do in a carnival? Ss: They would dance.

They would go on a parade.

T: Very good. Do you know there is a big and famous carnival in Trinidad every February? Li Mei and Wu Ping are visiting Trinidad and they are getting ready to go to the carnival parade. Listen to the tape and find out what the plans for the parade are. Then answer the question. Part 1:

1. What is wrong with Li Mei’s clothing and shoes?

Li Mei’s clothing is too thick and her shoes are not comfortable enough to walk in for a long time.

2. What advice does Carla give Li Mei?

Carla suggests that Li Mei change her shoes to something more comfortable, wear some lighter and cooler clothing and also take a hat. Part 2:

3. Why is it important for them to have water?

It is important to have water because it is very hot/the temperature is thirty-five degrees/they will be doing a lot of walking and dancing all day/until midnight. 4. Why is it difficult for them to hear each other?

They can’t hear each other because the music is very loud. 5. Why do they plan to meet at the parking lot at 8 o’clock?

They plan to meet at the parking lot at 8 o’clock because they might get separated in the crowd.

II. Speaking (p6)

T: Now, Suppose you are Li Mei or Wu Ping.

You have just visited Carla in Trinidad and seen the Carnival. Make a phone call to invite your friends to a Chinese festival. In pairs make a conversation of at least five turns each. Be ready to present your conversation to the class. The expressions on Page 6 below might help you.

T: (Give a sample dialogue to students first).

T: So, now it’s your show time. Get your dialogues ready and present it to the whole class. SA… SB …


Preview the reading context A Sad Love Story on page 7 and do the relevant exercises thereafter.


Book 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world

Period 5 Using language---reading and writing

Teaching aims:

To introduce a cross-cultural view of lover’s festivals – Qiqiaojie and Valentine’s Day. Train the students’ reading ability.

Enable the students to engage imaginatively in the story and to use their own ideas of changing the ending.

Improve the students’ writing ability. Reading

Teaching procedures 1. Lead-in

T: In the last period, we have learnt many kinds of festivals. Some are set in memory of the dead, some are set in honor of some great people and some are set in celebration of harvest. Do you know the festivals set for lovers?

S: Yes. Qiqiaojie in China and Valentine’s Day in western countries.

T: You are familiar with them. Look at the screen. Can you guess who the two lovers are? S: Maybe they’re the weaving girl and the head boy – Niulang and Zhinv. T: You’re right. Do you know something about them? S: …

T: Then do you know something about Valentine’s Day, which are quite popular in China now? S: …

T: (introduce the origin of Valentine’s Day) Today, we are going to learn a love story. 2. While-reading

T: Go through your text quickly and silently. Then finish the true or false exercises. 1. Hu Jin failed to meet Li Fang at 7:00.(T)

2. If it is raining on Qiqiaojie, it means that Zhinv is weeping and the couple will be

able to meet.(F)

3. Because her most lovely daughter got married to a human secretly, the Goddess

got very angry. (T)

4. Li Fang thought he could get married to Hu Jin, just like Niu Lang and Zhi Nu.(T) 5. When Li Fang met Hu Jin, he felt very glad.(The story didn’t tell us.) T: Read the passage again and answer the following questions one by one. 1. Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed?

The TV story was a sad story about lost love---the same situation as Li Fang. 2. Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival?

People want the weather to be fine so they can meet the one they love. 3. What more do you know about Qiqiao Festival?

(Answers will vary)

S: Li Fang: Made an appointment with Hu Jin—Waited in the coffee shop—Not met her—Heart-broken; along with…; like a fool—Would not hold his breath for her to