【40套试卷合集】上海市普陀区市级名校2019-2020学年英语高二上期末模拟试卷含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章【40套试卷合集】上海市普陀区市级名校2019-2020学年英语高二上期末模拟试卷含答案更新完毕开始阅读

26. _____ on the top of the hill is a monument, dating back to hundreds of years ago. A. Having stood B. Standing C. Being stood D. Having been stood 27. He was determined to hold on to this job ___ difficulties he might run into. A. whatever B. however C. no matter how D. no matter

28. ______ a chance to learn from the teachers from foreign countries is really an honor for me. A. Given B. Being given C. Have been given D. Giving 29. It is impossible that you achieve your goal without effort, ? A. don’t you B. is it C. isn’t it D. do you 30. We hope your suggestion will ______ solving the problem.

A. contribute to B. relate to C. attend to D. devote to 31. ____________, and you will find him very aggressive.

A. Having a talk with Tom B. Given a talk with Tom C. One talk with Tom D. If you have a talk with Tom 32.---Do you feel like ______ your bicycle? ------ No, I’d rather we _______ a taxi.

A. to ride, take B. to ride; took C. riding; took D. riding; take

33.Thinking that her daughter was doing her homework ,the mother left the room, _________. A. quickly and gentle B. quick and gentle C. quickly and gently D. quick and gently 34. -----How can I get to the wooden tower?

------There are two paths here and , I hear , ___________of them leads to it. A. all B. both C. either D. none 35. --- Mr. Wang is a man of few words, but quick in mind. --- _______, you know.

A. A single flower doesn’t make a spring B. A great talker is a great liar C. A light heart lives long D. A still tongue makes a wise head 第二节 完形填空(共20题,每小题2分,满分40分)

A man found the cocoon(茧) of a butterfly, One day a small 36 appeared , He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it 37 to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any 38 . It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go 39 further.

So the man decided to 40 the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon.

The butterfly came out 41 . But it then had a swollen(肿胀的)body and small, shriveled (褶皱的) 42 .

The man 43 to watch the butterfly because he’d expected that , at any moment, the wings would enlarge to be able to 44 the body ,which would contract (缩小) in time . So he waited patiently.

45 happened! In fact, the butterfly 46 _the rest of its life crawling (爬行)around with a swollen body and shriveled wings , It was never able to 47 .What a shame! The man, in his kindness and fast action, made a 48 . He did not understand that the suffering and the struggle 49 for the butterfly to get through the tiny hole were nature’s way of 50

fluid (体液) from the body of the butterfly into its wings 51 it would be ready for flight once it achieved its 52 from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are 53 what we need in our lives. If nature allowed us to go through our lives 54 any difficulties , it would weaken or even disable us. We would not be as 55 as what we could have been . We could never fly ! 36. A. mark

B. insect B. decision

C. sign

D. opening

37. A. learned 38. A. progress 39. A. any

40. A. study 42. A. wings 44 A examine

B. struggled

C. pretended C. choice C. no

D. expected D. noise D. much D. leave D. excitedly D. head

D. support

B. still

B. help C. trouble

B. naturally B. legs

C. easily C. feet C. hoped

41. A. silently

43. A. waited B. stopped 45. A. Neither 46. A. devoted 47. A. walk 48. A. mistake 49. A. wasted 50. A. forcing 52. A. energy 53. A. almost 54. A. with 55. A. wise

B. All

D. continued

D. Both D. gave up D. get up D. fortune D. searched D. letting D. in case D. life

D. exactly

B. cover B. spent

C. trust

C. Either C. put aside

C. get through C. required C. producing C. so that C. hardly C. from C. strong

C. progress

B. fly

B. discovery C. face B. watched B. making B. freedom

B. by

51. A. even though B. as if

B. probably B. satisfied

D. without

D. patient




Nelson Mandela is respected and admired across the world. And to South Africans he is a superstar. He is a hero who shocked the world by fighting for peace between races, despite the 27 years he spent in the prison of the South Africa’s white, racist regime(政权)

Mandela, who won the nation’s first all-race elections after the fall of apartheid(种族隔离) in 1944,retired in 1999. But he remains as popular as ever.

“He’s loved by all people, whether you’re white or black, whether you’re young or old,” said Ali Bacher, South Africa’s former cricket(板球) chief.

His popularity has inspired an entire national industry. His portrait has appeared at many places, including on some goods. His face has appeared on a South African coin, a metropolitan(首都)area was named in his honor and some business leaders hope to build a massive, rotating statue in his likeness---- the Statue of Freedom. It would stand taller than New York’s Statue of Liberty.

His popular appeal is similar to that of John F. ennedy wth US or Winston Churchill in Britain, but

few politicians in his times have achieved his level of admiration, said Tom Lodge, head of the political science department of the University of the Witwatersrand.“ Sometimes it isn’t completely appreciated what a skilled performer Mandela has been throughout his political career. He is a very ,very clever man,”However , he is far from perfect.

Most articles for his birthday, which appeared in every major South African newspaper on the day, briefly mentioned that Mandela did have his shortcomings. Then they returned to their flowing praises. “Through the ages, the human race has had its icons(偶像)---- men and women who rose above ordinary people to inspire their generation,” The Mail and Guardian Weekly said. “In our generation, the gods presented us Nelson Mandela.”

56. Nelson Mandela is loved by all the people of South Africa because_____________. A. he’s as popular as ennedy and Churchill B. he spent 27 years in prison

C. he’s a great fighter against the racialism D. he’s the first all-race elections president

57. Which of the following statements about Mandela’s portrait is true ? A. It helps develop business

B. It appears on the Statue of Freedom

C. It is used to raise money for the Statue of Freedom D. It is similar to that of John F. ennedy or Winston Churchill 58. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means “_____________” A. Mandela is as great as a god

B. We are proud to live in Mandela’s time C. Mandela lives together with us all D. We are proud to know Mandela 59. What can we infer from the text? A. Mandela is a very skilled politician

B. Most articles specially stressed Mandela’s shortcomings. C. The Statue of Freedom is a present for Mandela’s birthday.

D. The article may have appeared in a newspaper on Mandela’s birthday.


There are one billion homeless people living in our world today . The Homeless World Cup exists to end this , so we all have a home , a basic human need .

The Homeless World Cup is an annual , international football tournament(锦标赛) , uniting teams of people who are homeless to take a once in a lifetime opportunity to represent their country and change their lives forever . It has inspired and supported over 50 grass roots(基层的) football projects around the world working with homeless people throughout the year .

The first tournament took place in Graz 2003 uniting 17 national teams. At the 5th Homeless World Cup in Copenhagen in 2004, 48 nations, 500 players were united for a once in a lifetime opportunity to represent their country. 25,000 players were involved in pre-tournament training and trials around the world. Melbourne is the host city for the next tournament from 1-7 December 2008.

The Homeless World Cup is full of players with courage , spirit and determination . Research shows that 73% of the players change their lives for the better after the international tournament by coming off drugs and alcohol , moving into jobs , education , homes , training , reuniting with families and even going

on to become players and coaches for professional or semi-professional football teams . David Duke (Scotland) played in 2004 , came off alcohol , passed his coaching qualifications(资格) . He became assistant coach for Scotland 2005, coach in 2006 and now owns his own home . The best goal scorer in 2004 Yevgen Adamenko(Ukraine) went on to play in a professional club in Ukraine .

The Homeless World Cup supporters include Nike , UN , Manchester United , Real Madrid and international footballers Didier Drogba and Rio Ferdinand .

60. Which of the following statements is true about the Copenhagen Homeless World Cup ? A.It took place in early December . B.25,000 players entered the tournament . C.Nearly 50 teams competed in the tournament . D.David Duke won the best goal scorer in 2004 .

61. Why does the writer give the examples of Yevgen Adamenko and David Duke in Paragraph 4 ?

A.To attract people to join the Homeless World Cup . B.To show the influence of the Homeless World Cup . C.To show the popularity of the Homeless World Cup . D.To inspire people to support the Homeless World Cup .

62. The underlined words “ coming off ” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by “ ”. A.giving up B.falling in C.cutting off D.looking down 63. The purpose of the Homeless World Cup is to . A.find a home for homeless people B.collect money for homeless people C.help the homeless kick bad habits D.help the homeless start a new life


Enjoy a museum visit with your class! Available(可获得的) Programs

Art Tells a Story By looking at the subject matter and by drawing from personal experiences, students can find the story in some works of art. ( All grades)

Learning to Look An interactive (互动的)tour that explores a variety of (各种各样的)art using storytelling, movements, music, games, and other techniques helps introduce children to a museum. (Preschool~ Grade 3)

Native American Collection This program explores relationships that exist between art, culture, the geographic location and natural resources. Students will see a bowl made by Maria Martinez, a Towa storyteller, a Northwest coast mask, and Inuit clothing. ( For Grades 2~5)

The Language of Art Classes are welcomed into the museum to take part in an interactive tour of American Art. It gives participants a new set of vocabulary while helping them feel comfortable. Art-on-the-Move Teachers may borrow suitcases filled with art objects. Free organizations with Education Membership.

Planning Your Visit