(完整版)新视野大学英语第三版第二册Unit3教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(完整版)新视野大学英语第三版第二册Unit3教案更新完毕开始阅读

2) Why does the author say that each unique life phase brings its own peculiar set of challenges (Para. 2)?

3. Words, phrases and sentences

Give an intensive analysis of the new words (e.g. their origins, literal meanings & implied meanings), phrases and sentences.

* The teacher should help students to understand and think, instead of giving them the answers directly. Allow more time for students’ thinking and reflection.

II. Body part: the odyssey years: a newly added phase of life 1. Structure analysis

2. Questions for understanding

1) According to the author, what does “a norm” refer to (Para. 3)? 2) What are the so-called “odyssey years” (Para. 4)?

3) Why does the author think that odyssey years are “an unavoidable stage in reaching adulthood (Para. 4)? 3. Words, phrases and sentences

III. Body part: characteristics of the odyssey years 1. Structure analysis

2. Questions for understanding

1) Why young people feel pressure (P6)?

2) According to the author, where does the young people’s “confusion” come from (P6)?

3) Why parents feel anxious and upset (P7)?

4) What are pressures for women and men respectively (P8, 9)? 3. Words, phrases and sentences

IV. Conclusion part

1. Questions for understanding

What is the author’s advice proposed? What should not the graduates do and what should they do? 2. Words, phrases and sentences

Part IV After-reading



1. Re-discuss the critical thinking questions:

1) Do you agree with the statement that the odyssey years could lead to self-discovery? Why or why not?

2) What might be the most significant personal effect caused by the delay in transition to adulthood?

3) How might parents look at the new trend and the delayed transition?

2. Recall the main structure II.

Writing skills

1. Recall the main ideas of the text and how the author structures his writing.

2. Introduce two major structures of comparison or contrast: ? Point-to-point ? Subject-to-subject

3. A good example

Suppose now we are going to write an article to compare/contrast two places: my hometown and my college town, that is, Gridlock and Subnormal. How can we organize our ideas by using the following structures?

? Point-to-point(See in Appendix I) ? Subject-to-subject(See in Appendix II)

Part V Assignment

I. Structured writing: You and your parents

1. Recall what you have discussed in the classroom on the differences between you and your parents and reorganize these ideas into an

article based on the comparison/contrast structure.

2. You can either use the point-to-point structure or the subject-to-subject structure.

II. Watching a video clip:

1. Watch the video clip and make a summary of each interviewee’s story, e.g. what they are doing now or what are their problems.

2. Think of the title: Chinese young people: a dependent generation. Do you agree with it or not? Why or why not?

III. Preview

Have a preview of Text B Finding my way back home.