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学号 学院 选题编号 指导教师 姓名及职称 指导教师 姓名及职称 中文题目 农村初中生英语学习心理影响下的自主学习研究 On Autonomous English Learning of the Rural Junior Middle School Students under the 外文题目 Influence of Their English Learning Psychology Literature review In China, the number of rural middle school students is much more than that of urban students. However, there exist more obstacles and hindrances among rural middle school students such as the vile language learning environments, shortage of English teachers and the scarcity of language facilities. Those hindrances will affect the rural middle school students? learning conducts especially their learning psychology. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner?s English-Chinese Dictionary (The 7th Edition), psychology is the kind of mind that sb has that makes them think or behave in a particular way or how the mind influences behavior in a particular area of life. Indeed, learning psychology, particularly English learning psychology has a powerful impact on rural middle school students? autonomous English learning. Nowadays, people have to learn through their own life under the fast development of the society. It is necessary for people to accept life-long education in the modern society, in light of what the students have learned at school is not enough to meet their needs of survival and development in the later life (Bai Chunyan, 2012). Consequently, autonomous learning (AL) is a new demand on English teaching. The term autonomy has acquired many different shades of meaning. Littlewood defines autonomy in educational terms as “involving students? capacity to use their learning independent of teachers” (1999:73). Nevertheless, it is obvious that no students will be accompanied by their teachers throughout life and autonomy is an irrefutable goal for learners everywhere. Ryan makes a similar point that “autonomy is a process of ?self-determination? or ?self-regulation?” (Lu Xiaoli, 2002). According to Dickinson?s (1987) definition of autonomy, it is a situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all of the decision concerned with his or her learning and the implementation of those decisions. The term “Autonomous learning” was put forward by Holec at the earliest (Bai Chunyan, 2012). Holec (1981:3) defines it as the ability to take charge of one?s learning, namely “make decisions on issues related to his or her own learning”. Yu Wensen (1999) thinks autonomous learning is being active to learn. Some researchers even consider promoting AL as the ultimate goal of education. In the process of learning, AL presents as “I need to learn”. And that is based on an internal need which contains learning interests and learning responsibility of the students? study. Furthermore, learning independently is an effective way for students to learn. In 1980s, the concept of “learner autonomy” was put forward and AL has been prevailing in the language field. What?s more AL has been a buzzword since 1990s, and 学生姓名 专业 届别 5

开 题 报 告 内 容 domestic and foreign scholars have done a great deal of studies on it. There are some differences in describing the characteristics of AL. Someone holds his opinions that autonomous learners should be able to find the reason of their studies and be responsible for them and have strong confidence and believe that working hard will make constant success. In his view, learners can set an effective learning goal, plan their future, have enough strategies to monitor their studies and control their learning process and so forth. Dickinson (1993:330-331) identified five characteristics of independent (autonomous) learner: 1) They understand what is being taught. 2) They are able to formulate their learning objectives. 3) They are able to select and make use of appropriate learning strategies. 4) They are able to monitor their use of these strategies. 5) They are able to self-access, or monitor their own learning. It is apparent to all that rural middle school students learning psychology has obvious features of the age. From previous studies, there are several factors accounting for their learning psychology features. They are educational value, attitude to learning, learning needs and learning goals. In a recent survey, rural middle school students learning psychology is quite distinct from the past (Geng Gaizhi, Feng Yanbo, 2003). The education value tends to be varied, pragmatic and utilitarian. However, learning needs present vertical multilevel and horizontal objectives. Although learning objectives are clear, they reflect the subjectivity and incoordination. Different from earlier investigation which focused on explaining current situations and features of middle school students psychology, this thesis will analyze the rural middle school students? English learning psychology which includes emotion, motivation, will, attribution, ect. Apart from drawing conclusions from the analysis and study of its influence on the autonomous English learning, it will put forward some suggestions about how to improve the rural junior middle school students? autonomous English learning abilities. Thus, for the purpose of knowing about the English learning psychology of the rural junior middle school students, as well as the influence on their autonomous English, the study aims to answer the following research questions: 1) What is the current English learning psychology situation of the rural junior middle school students? 2) What are the factors of the English learning psychology affecting rural junior middle school students? autonomy? In the pursuit of a suitable methodology, qualitative research and quantitative research was discovered to be the most appropriate approach for inquiring the method of translating English idioms. In addition to this, this thesis also combines both quantitative and qualitative research methods. With data collection and data analysis, this article is arranged in sequence. ⅢKey points The core of this treatise is to dissert on the research background, students? English learning psychology, theories on AL under the influence of learning psychology and method of this study. First of all, this thesis will make a brief introduction of this study?s background and significance. Next, theories on learning psychology and autonomous learning will be expounded. Importance will be attached to the influence of English learning psychology on English autonomous learning. Furthermore, this thesis will analyze approaches to promote learner autonomy from their awareness, teaching strategies and group work. ⅣOutline Introduction 1. Introduction to this Study 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Significance of the Study 1.3 The Overall Structure of the Thesis 2. Theories on Learning Psychology 2.1 The Characteristics of Middle School Students? Learning Psychology 6

开 题 报 告 内 容 2.2 The Characteristics of English Learning Psychology among Rural Middle School Students 3. Theories on Autonomous Learning 3.1 The Definition of Autonomous Learning 3.2 The Characteristics of Autonomous Learning 4. The Influence of English Learning Psychology on English Autonomous Learning in Rural Junior Middle School 4.1 Survey among Students 4.2 Positive Influence of English Learning Psychology on English Autonomous Learning 4.3 Negative Influence of English Learning Psychology on English Autonomous Learning 5 Approaches to Promote Learner Autonomy 5.1 Raising Students? Awareness of Autonomous Learning 5.2 Teaching Strategies for Promoting Autonomous Learning Ability 5.3 Putting Strong Emphasis on Group Work Conclusion ⅤBibliography [1] An Yongfang. A Study on Learner Autonomous in Rural Senior High School [D]. Hebei Normal University, 2007 [2] Bai Chunyan. Investigating and Analyzing the Autonomous English Learning of the Students in Junior High School [D]. Henan Normal University, 2012 [3] Benson,P&P.Voller. Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning [M]. London:Longman Publishing Group,1997 [4] Dickson, L. Learner Autonomy: Learner Training for Language Learning [M]. Dublin: Authentik.1992. [5] Ding Feng. What is learner autonomy, why and how to promote it?[J]. 1994-2012. http://www.cnki.net. [6] Gardner, R.C. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning[M]. London: Edward Arnold,1986 [7] He Ling. A Study of English Learning Strategies Employed by the Rural Junior School Students in Anhui Province [J].Overseas English, 2011. (11):18-21 [8] Holec,H. Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning [M]. Oxford:Pergamon. 1981:5. [9] Jiang Xia. Learner Autonomy in Middle School English Study [D]. Liaoning Normal University, 2004 [10] Jonathon E. Larson. Educational Psychology: Cognition and Learning, Individual Differences and Motivation [M].New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2009 [11] Lu Hongye. An Empirical Study of High School Students? Psychological Status in English Learning [D]. Hunan Normal University, 2007 [12] Lu Xiaoli. Developing the Autonomous Learning of the Students in Middle School English Study [D]. Shanxi Normal University, 2002 [13] Rod Ellis. The Study of Second Language Acquisition [M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1999 [14] Sun Yun. A Study of Students? Autonomous English Learning in Middle School [D]. Zhenjiang University, 2005 [15] Wen Hong. A Empirical Research on Teaching Strategies for Students? Autonomous English Learning in rural Junior [D]. Hunan Normal University, 2010 [16] Wu Jidong. An Investigation of ELSs Employed by JMSSs in Chinese Rural Settings [J].CELEA Journal (Bimonthly), 2009. (2):53-65 [17] Xiang Yun. A Review of Learner Autonomy in Language Learning [J].Overseas English, 2012. (13):90-92 [18] Yang Yicang. Analysis of the Factors Affecting English Learning among Rural School Students and Suggested Countermeasures [J]. 1994-2012. http://www.cnki.net. [19] Zhang Rui. A Correlation Study of Psychological Reactance and English Achievement of Middle School Students [D]. Hubei University of Technology, 2012 [20] 陈谦. 影响学生学习心理的因素及对策[J].泰州职业技术学院学报,2005,(2):53-55 7 [21] 邓红,高晓明.农村中学生学习心理及影响因素研究[J].现代中小学教育,2009,(1):63-66 [22] 耿改智,冯延波.关于农村初中生学习心理的调查报告[J].延安教育学院学报,2003,(3):18-19 [23] 鲁伟明.城郊初级中学学生学习心理的调查与分析[J].宁波教育学院学报,2005,(1):60-68 [24] 乔华林.农村初中学生英语学习心理分析[J].平顶山师专学报,2002,(6):75-76 [25] 王旭.浅谈农村中学生英语自主学习能力培养[N].学知报,2010,(2):1-3 [26] 叶金香. 当代中学生的心理特征及对策[J].江西教育科研,2001,(11):21-22 [27] 余文森. 让学生发挥自学潜能,让课堂焕发生命活力[J].教育研究,1999,(3):15-17 开 题 报 告 内 容 8