九年级英语全册Unit2检测卷新版人教新目标版(附五套中考试卷) 联系客服

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St Andrews is located in a small, historical town to the coast of North East Scotland. The university itself is the perfect place for learning. On average(平均) one in three people you see in the street have something to do with the university. You start to feel very quickly that you belong.

As a student in St Andrews, playing golf is a must. With the town itself known around the world as “The Home of Golf”, the university is within minutes of the ancient golf-playing ground in the world, the Old Course, just near the sea. Students can take a break from their studies by enjoying a game of golf, and the university itself is a popular place to go.

It has one of the lowest dropout(辍学) rates in the UK---98 percent of students complete their degree. Perhaps its popularity is in part because of the fact that St Andrews is good for nearly every subject. It has long been among the UK's top five.

St Andrews University Scotland’s first university and the 54 oldest History university in the English-speaking world ●It lies in a small town on the coast of North East Scotland, a perfect place for learning. Its learning 55 ●It provides students with a 56 of belonging among a large student body(群体). ●St Andrews is home of golf, so the students here need to learn to play golf. ●Every study can be used for a game of golf in the Famous sports university itself or on the Old Course, only a few minutes’ walk 57 . ●St Andrews is good for nearly every subject. ●With one of the 58 dropout rates in the UK, it is Academic(学术的) ranked among the UK's top. achievements ●Over six centuries, it has been a famous teaching and research center in Europe.

七、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的

横线上。 (本大题共 9 分,每小题 1.5 分)


Since last April in Wuxi, __________________________ take-away food online.


Ready Player One directed by Steven Spielberg is such a wonderful film_______________ by the computer game fans.


You should be serious and ___________ the two articles ______________________ .[:Z*X*X*K] 62.他的书桌一团糟,所以经常浪费时间找东西。

His desk_____________________that he often wasted time looking for things. 63.在过去,近距离观察这些危险的黑熊对于我们来说太困难了!

What great difficulty we ______________________ the dangerous black bears in the past! 64.由中国建设的肯尼亚蒙内铁路已于2017年5月31日投入使用,它开启了非洲人的世纪梦想。 Mombasa-Nairobi Railway Line in Kenya built by China ___________________ since May 31st, 2017 and it starts the African century dream. 八、书面表达 (本大题共10分)


观点 理由 1. 放松,信息量大… 一部分同学喜欢络和电视 2.可以足不出户和同学乃至陌生人互动… 1. 与家人相处更加和睦 另一部分同学喜欢亲近家人、自然和读书 2. 增长见识,开阔视野 你的思考 注意事项:

1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯。必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥。 2. 词数:90词左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数。) 3. 不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。

Our society is developing fast. People are getting busier too. As a result, people try to relax in their free time. We students have different ideas of spending our free time. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

…(不少于两点) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


一、单项选择 (14分) 1-5 ABBAB

6-10 ACDCD

11-14 CACC

二、完形填空 (10分) 15-19 CBDBA

20-24 DBACD

三、阅读理解 (26分) 25-27 BAB

28-30 DBD

31-34 DBCD

35-37 CCD

四、词汇运用(8分) (A)38. fortieth (B)42. tiring

39. carelessly

40. wealthier


43. value 44. spreading 45. against


46. testing/ to be tested 50. to encourage 六、阅读填空 (5分)

47. was dividing

48. has stepped 49. is needed

51. will be kept

52. iron 53. would go

54. third 55. environment/environments 56. sense 57. away 58. lowest 七、完成句子(9分)

59. more and more people have been used to ordering 60. that it is thought/spoken highly of 61. neither of; is up to standard 62. was in such a (complete) mess 63. had taking/having a close look at 64. has been in use/service 八、书面表达(10分) One possible version:

Our society is developing fast. People are getting busier too. As a result, people try to relax in their free time. We students have different ideas of spending our free time.

Some classmates like surfing on the Internet and watching TV. They think they can get plenty of information through the Internet and make them relaxed. Besides, it is easy for them to communicate and play with classmates and even strangers without going outside. Others think they

should get close to their family, nature, and read a lot. In fact, they are not only good ways to get along better with family members, but also open up your mind and increase your knowledge.

I think we should do sports after school in order to keep healthy. What’s more, we also do after-class activities so that we will have a rich and colourful life.