新人教版九年级英语Unit8单元精选练习题附答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章新人教版九年级英语Unit8单元精选练习题附答案更新完毕开始阅读

13. 吉姆不可能在听音乐,他在踢足球。

Jim ________ ________ ________ ________ music. He is playing


14. 他一定是正在公园里锻炼。

He ________ ________ ________ in the park. 15. 玛丽现在可能正在家里看电视。

Mary ________ ________ ________ TV at home now. 02 能力提升 Ⅳ.完形填空。

Last Sunday,we had a class trip to enjoy ourselves. Our head teacher took us to the

beach for a 16 .When we arrived there at 9:00 am by bus,we heard a big 17 . It was made by the wind and the waves(海浪).It sounded like they were playing wonderful symphony.

Right away,we sat down and 18 to enjoy our picnic. We told

jokes,sang and

played games while eating sandwiches,chocolate and other snacks. In the afternoon,some students 19 each other in the water and swam for fun. Alice and I attempted to 20 fish in the water. Some students 21 the cleaners pick up the garbage. Others played cards and chess. Everyone looked extremely 22 .

At 4:30 pm,we had to go back to school, 23 we wanted to spend

some more time on the beach. Just then,I found a blue hair band on the sand.“I think Alice 24 it” Sam said,“because she likes the blue color.” But I thought it 25 belong to her because I saw her wearing a yellow one. At last,we knew it was Cindy's. We went back to school at 5:45 pm. The picnic came to an end,but we'll always remember the good time we had.

( ) 16. A .picnic B. camp C. sport D. party ( ) 17. A. accident B. sound C. story D. problem ( ) 18. A. regret B. refused C. started D. agreed ( ) 19. A. hit B. annoyed C. bothered D. chased ( ) 20. A. bring B. catch C. buy D. lift

( ) 21. A. joined B. allowed C. helped D. organized ( ) 22 .A. happy B. modest C. worried D. sad ( ) 23. A. because B. although C. unless D. when ( ) 24. A. got B. found C. dropped D. took

( ) 25. A. must B. mustn't C. could D. couldn't

第四课时 Section B(1a~1d)




1. In the USA,men in offices usually wear ________ and ties. 2. The plane ________ safely half an hour ago.

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3. He ran slowly and soon he was ________ up.

4. There are a lot of birds flying in the ________.

5. My father bought me a ________ as a birthday gift last year. Ⅱ.选用must,may,might,could或can't完成下列句子。

6. The girl has practiced dancing for two hours. She ________ be very tired.

7. Her father ________ be in the office,because he has gone to Beijing. 8. Don't play on the street. You ________ be hurt by cars. 9. The tall boy ________ be David. David is short.

10. Cindy ________ have the key to the door,but I'm not sure. Ⅲ.单项选择。

( ) 11. Have you ever seen ________ UFO?

A. a B. an C. the D. /

( ) 12. There ________ nothing in the box, since the little girl carried so easily.

A .must have B. must be C. mustn't be D. can't be

( ) 13. —Is Jim coming by train?

—I'm not sure. He ________ drive his car. A. must B. may C. need D. can't

( ) 14. Frank was late for school this morning,because he didn't ________ the school bus.

A. check B. clean C. catch D. collect

( ) 15. —Listen! What's happening?

—Oh,it might be a girl ________ in the next door. A. to cry B. crying C.cry D. cries 02能力提升

Ⅳ. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。

16. This dictionary must be Li Ying's.(改为同义句) This dictionary must ________ ________ Li Ying. 17. That is David's wallet.(对画线部分提问) ________ wallet is that?

18. The woman outside the door must be Li Lin.(改为否定句) The woman outside the door ________ ________ Li Lin.

19. There are some boys who are playing on the playground.(改为同义句)

They are some boys ________ on the playground.

20. We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic last weekend.(改为同义句) We ________ ________ at the picnic last weekend. Ⅴ.补全对话。

根据对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个恰当的句子,使对话完整、连贯。 A: Excuse me,Sally.21.________________________? B: I'm not sure. It might be Gina's. I saw her looking for her schoolbag just now.

A: 22.________________________. Hers is brown,but this one is yellow.

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B: 23.________________________. Oh! Here is a hair band. The owner must be a girl who

has long hair. A: 24.________________________.Linda has long hair,and she's always forgetting things.

B: There're also several ping-pong balls in the schoolbag. A: Then it must be Linda's,25.________________________. B: Yes,you are right. A: Let's go and ask Linda.

第五课时 Section B(2a~2e)


Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。

1. She said she sent me a letter last week, but I haven't r________ it.

2. The p________ of the meeting is to choose a new president. 3. The work must be finished within a two-week p________.

4. The map may help you find the p________ of the train station quickly.

5. The boy is too excited to e________ himself well. Ⅱ. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。


6. The kids stood in a ________ to listen to the old man.

7. The new hospital bought some ________ instruments last week. 8. We should discuss all the problems with our team ________. 9. Williams knew that he had missed his chance of ________. 10. After the competition,Chris couldn't even raise the ________ for a smile.

Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

11. 在澳大利亚,大多数人彼此之间用英语交流。 In Australia,most people ________ ________ each other in English. 12. 不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都将纠正它们。

No matter who ________ ________ our problems,we will correct


13. 蚂蚁是一种昆虫吗?

Are ants ________ ________ ________ insect? 14. 这座桥被建造超过很长一段时间了。

The bridge was built over ________ ________ ________ ________


15. 一些人认为巨石阵是用来阻止疾病的。

Some people think the Stonehenge ________ ________ ________

________ illness.

02 能力提升 Ⅳ.任务型阅读。

On November 5th,1872,the Mary Celeste left New York to sail

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to Italy. The captain,his wife and daughter and seven sailors were on board. But something terrible happened. The captain of another ship found the Mary Celeste floating(漂浮) in the middle of the sea on December 4th,1872.The captain,his family and the sailors were not on the ship and were never found.

What happened?Why did the sailors and passengers leave the ship?The Mary Celeste was not broken. Everything was good. There was no fighting,no fire and no smoke sign. There was still plenty of food and drinking water left. There were signs that the captain,his family and the sailors had left the ship in a hurry. We could tell all these because there was half-eaten food on the table. The sailors also left all their clothing behind. Even their shoes were beside their beds.

How and when did the people leave the ship?Some people said that the lifeboat(救生艇) was still on the ship but others said it was missing. The captain's diary was found on the ship and the last entry(进入)was made on November 24th.So,we could only guess that the happening time was between November 24th and December 4th.

An investigator(调查者) went aboard the ship several times to search for the answers to all these questions. But he could not find any. No one else could solve the mystery. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 16. What was the Mary Celeste?


17. When was the Mary Celeste found?


18. Why was the event terrible?


19. Was the captain's diary found on the ship after the event? ________________________________________________________________________

20. Why is the event called a mystery?


Self Check


( ) 1. Ten children had a picnic near the lake. Li Yun was the only girl ________ the picnic.

A. with B. for C. at D. in ( ) 2. —Linda seems very sad.

—Of course. She lost her mobile phone and it is ________ for

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