2015年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级)真题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2015年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级)真题更新完毕开始阅读


* 膆Choose from 10 to 25 year terms *

* 蒃Easy to apply — get an online quote in minutes 59.

60.袂 What is the advantage of the B-assured Life Insurance? 衿 It is really . 61.

62.蚄 How can you apply for the B-Assured Life insurance? 节 By applying . 63.

64.羁 Who are qualified to apply for the B-Assured Life insurance?

羆People aged between . 65.

66.莆 How will the policy holder be paid when he is diagnosed with a terminal illness?

肁 will be paid out. 67.

68.肁 What benefit can you get with the B-Assured Life insurance?

莇You can get on your premiums.

袄PartⅣ Translation — English into Chinese (25 minutes)

肄Directions: This part, numbered 61 to 65, is to test your ability to translate English

into Chinese. After each of the sentences numbered 61 to 64, you will read three choices of suggested translation marked A), B) and C). You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 69.

70.膁 To confirm the reservation, please visit our office during business hours with a

螈deposit of 75% of the total tour fare per person.

薆A) 要想确保能够如期旅行,请在工作时间来我们办公室并交足旅行全款的75%。

袃 B) 请在营业时间来办公室确认预订,并支付每人旅行费用总额的75%作为押金。

C) 为了证实你已经预订了座位,请向办公人员出示车票及所交75%的押金收据。 71.

72.腿 The company has appointed more than one hundred agents in various important

羃cities in over 50 countries throughout the world.

薂 A) 该公司已与100多家海外经销商合作,将产品推销到50多个国家。

莁 B) 在世界50多个国家的主要城市中有100多家企业承接该公司业务。

莅C) 该公司在全球50多个国家的许多重要城市指定了100多家代理商。 73.

74.螅 We ensure that there is an environment in which differences are respected and

莀different solutions and ideas are welcome.

蒁 A) 我们保证有这样的氛围:差异得到尊重,不同的解决方案和想法受到欢迎。

螆 B) 我们正在营造的环境是:差异尽管存在,欢迎提出解决问题的方案和主意。

膃 C) 我们要努力创造出一种状态:人人受到尊重,个个能提出不同的创新思想。 75.

76.莃 Once your application has been processed, the details of the benefits and services

蒁will be sent to you within 5 workdays.

膇 A) 当你的申请输入电脑后,福利和服务的详细情况将在5个工作日后送达你处。

袅 B) 假如你需要了解有关福利和服务的情况,请你提前5个工作日提出书面申请。

膂 C) 你的申请一旦处理完毕,有关福利和服务的详情将在5个工作日内发送给你。 77.

芁78.薁 Today you can do nearly all your banking by using your smart phone. Many of

薈the major banks allow you to pay bills or transfer funds with a smart phone. Experts say that about 70% of Americans will use a mobile banking service in the near future. But some of them are worried about the safety of the mobile banking service. If you are to do banking frequently with your smart phone, you should get antivirus (防病毒) software and set a password on your phone.

莃PartⅤ Writing (25 minutes)

羁Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required

to write an Email according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet.


1. 已经收到上半年公司的营销报告;

2. 近几个月来公司的产品销售量下降了20%,有些地方甚至达到了50%。原因是……(原因自拟);

3. 下周一上午召开部门经理会议,要求市场部提出具体改进措施,提高产品的销售量。 4.