专题03 完形填空(第05期)-2019届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项解析汇编 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章专题03 完形填空(第05期)-2019届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项解析汇编更新完毕开始阅读


A. merchants商人; B. rescuers救援者; C. contacts联系; D. clients客户。考查名词。根据She thought it was a ___11___ to just throw all this food away so she began to go through her list of ___12___, dropping off food to anyone who she thought might be ___13___ to take it.可知,她觉得把所有的食物都扔掉太丢人了,于是她开始查看自己的联系人名单,把食物送给任何她认为可能愿意接受的人。故选C。 【28题详解】

考查形容词。A. considerate体贴的; B. generous慷慨的; C. willing愿意的; D. conscious意识到的。根据She thought it was a ___11___ to just throw all this food away so she began to go through her list of ___12___, dropping off food to anyone who she thought might be ___13___ to take it.可知,她觉得把所有的食 物都扔掉太丢人了,于是她开始查看自己的联系人名单,把食物送给任何她认为可能愿意接受的人。故选C。【29题详解】

考查动词。A. deleted删除; B. leaked泄露; C. swapped交换; D. dumped倾倒。根据Ours was the last place they planned to stop and anything left would have to be___14___可知,我们的车是他们最不打算停的地方,剩下的东西都得扔掉。故选D。 【30题详解】

考查动词。 A. describing描述; B. understanding理解; C. predicting预测; D. observing观察。根据Still not fully ___15___ what had just occurred, I asked her, “When will you be coming back for all this?”可知,我还没有完全弄明白刚才发生的事情,就问她:“你什么时候回来处理这一切?”故选B。 【31题详解】

A. submitting提交; B. fetching去取; C. consuming消耗; D. delivering递送。考查动词。根据Leslie replied, “It is yours! We have been ___16___ food since 5:00 pm and have ___17___ our list of contacts. Thanks a lot for helping us out.”可知,莱斯利回答说:“这是你的!我们从下午5点就开始送餐,联系人名单已经用完了。非常感谢你帮助我们。”故选D。 【32题详解】

A. packed包装; B. exhausted耗尽; C. refreshed使清凉; D. concluded推断。考查动词。根据Leslie replied, “It is yours! We have been ___16___ food since 5:00 pm and have ___17___ our list of contacts. Thanks a lot for helping us out.”可知,莱斯利回答说:“这是你的!我们从下午5点就开始送餐,联系人名单已经用完了。非常感谢你帮助我们。”故选B。 【33题详解】

考查动词。A. struggled挣扎,努力; B. managed管理,控制; C. decided 决定; D. tended倾向。根据Leslie had no idea that we ___18___ to buy groceries.可知,莱斯利不知道我们买杂货很费劲。故选A。 【34题详解】

考查动词词组。A. ran out耗尽; B. went off爆炸,离去; C. broke down毁掉,精神拖垮; D. caught on理解,明白。根据By the time the freezer food finally ___19___, buying groceries was no longer a problem.可知,当冷冻食品最终用完的时候,购买食品杂货不再是一个问题。故选A。

【点睛】在做完形填空时一定要注意and/but/so/besides/however/furthermore/moreover/in addition/what’s more等词汇、固定结构的运用。它们连接了上下文,起着承上起下的作用。像but(但是)、however(然而),表示转折,这说明前后的内容相反或相对。把握住这一点,做起题来就会得心应手。本题第20小题,根据I admit that I’m still afraid of late night calls, assuming the worst, ___20___ then I remember that summer night when an acquaintance called me to send me turkeys.可知,我承认,即使往最坏的打算想,我还是害怕深夜的电话,但我记得那年夏天的晚上,一个熟人打电话给我,让我把火鸡送去。结合句意可知此处前后是一种转折关系,故选D。


I used to believe in the American Dream, which meant a job, a mortgage (按揭), credit cards, and success. I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us ____21____ chasing the same thing. One year, through a series of unhappy events, it all fell ____22____. I found myself homeless and ____23____. I had my truck and $56. I ___24___ the countryside for some place I could rent for the ____25____ possible amount. I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road over the Potomac River in West Virginia. It was ____26____, full of broken glass and rubbish. I found the owner, rented it, and ____27____ a corner to camp in. The locals knew nothing about me, ____28____ slowly, they started teaching me the ____29____ of being a neighbor. They dropped off blankets, candles, and tools, and began sticking around to ____30____. They started to teach me a belief in a ____31____ American Dream – not the one of individual achievement but of ____32____.

What I had believed in, all those things I thought were ___33___ for a civilized life, were nonexistent in this place. Up on the ____34____, my most valuable possessions were my ____35____ with my neighbors. Four years later, I moved back into ____36____. I saw many people were having a really hard time, ____37____ their jobs and homes. I managed to rent a big enough house to ____38____ a handful of people. There are four of us now in the house, but over time I’ve had nine people come in and move on to other places. We’d all be in ____39____ if we hadn’t banded together.

The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one. It’s not so much about what I can get for myself; it’s about ____40____ we can all survive together. 21. A. separately 22. A. off

B. equally B. apart B. priceless B. left

C. violently C. over C. alone C. toured C. fairest

D. naturally D. out D. passionate D. searched D. cheapest D. robbed D. cut

23. A. awesome 24. A. crossed 25. A. fullest 26. A. occupied 27. A. turned 28. A. but

B. largest

B. abandoned C. emptied B. approached C. cleared B. although B. lesson B. fight B. real

C. otherwise D. for C. nature C. struggle C. different

D. art D. perform D. remote

29. A. benefit 30. A. chat 31. A. wild

32. A. neighborliness B. happiness C. friendliness D. kindness 33. A. unique 34. A. mountain

B. expensive C. rare

D. necessary D. countryside

B. downtown C. river

35. A. cooperation B. relationships C. satisfaction D. appointments 36. A. reality 37. A. creating 38. A. put in 39. A. yards 40. A. when

B. society B. losing B. turn in B. shelters B. what

C. town C. quitting C. take in C. camps C. whether

D. life D. finding D. get in D. cottages D. how

21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. A 31. 【答案】

C 32. A 33. D 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. D 【解析】

本文是一篇记叙文,叙述了作者在美国的生活经历,以及他对美国梦的理解的前后变化。一开始作者认为在美国就会有银行卡,工作和房子。但是在美国经历了一系列不愉快的事件后,作者的美国梦想破碎了。作者在山上找了一座破旧的房屋租住。他从邻居那里学到了美国梦是大家团结起来共同实现的。 【21题详解】

考查副词和上下文的呼应。A. separately 分别地,各自地;B. equally 同样地,平等地;C. violently 猛烈地,激烈地; D. naturally自然地。根据前文的like everyone else向每个其他人一样,我们也每个人都在做。句意:我们各自都在追逐同样的事情。故选A。 【22题详解】


考查形容词和上下文的呼应。A. off 远离的;B. apart 分离的;C. over 在上面的;D. out外面的。根据后文的I found myself homeless and.可知我发现自己孤独,因此处说自己原来的梦想破碎了,崩溃了。句意:有一年,在经历了一系列不愉快的事件,它完全崩溃了。故选B。 【23题详解】

考查形容词辨析。A. awesome可怕的;B. priceless无价的;C. alone单独的;独自一人;D. passionate有激情的;可知我发现自己孤独,因此处说自己原来的梦想破碎了,崩溃了。故C项正确。 【24题详解】

考查动词和上下文的呼应。A. crossed穿过; B. left 离开; C. toured 旅行; D. searched 搜索;根据后文的for some place I could rent可知作者在乡村寻找可以租住的地方。Search…… for……搜….为了找…….。句意:我在乡村搜寻我可以租住的地方。故选D。 【25题详解】

考查形容词和上下文的呼应。 A. fullest完全的,满的。B. largest 最大的; C. fairest 公平的; D. cheapest 最便宜的;根据前文的I had my truck and $56.可知作者只有一辆卡车和56美元,可见他没太多的钱,因此他要租便宜的房子。故此处用形容词cheapest。句意:我要租住尽可能最便宜的地方。故选D。 【26题详解】

考查动词和上下文的呼应。A. occupied 占用; B. abandoned 放弃的,废弃的;C. emptied 倒空;D. robbed抢劫。根据后文的full of broken glass and rubbish可知这座房子是被废弃的。句意:它被废弃了。故选B。 【27题详解】

考查动词和上下文的呼应。 A. turned 转动;B. approached 接近;C. cleared清除;D. cut 剪;根据后文的to