专题03 完形填空(第05期)-2019届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项解析汇编 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章专题03 完形填空(第05期)-2019届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项解析汇编更新完毕开始阅读

考查动词辨析。A. be是,在;B. exist存在;C. stay坚持,停留;D. stop停止。此处指头、胳膊、手指被卡在了不该在的地方。表示“在”,故选A。 【51题详解】

考查动词辨析。A. pointing指向;B. returning返回;C. belonging属于;D. growing生长。几分钟后,被卡住手的学生回来了,试管没有坏,手指又变成了可爱的粉红色。表示“变回”,故选B。 【52题详解】

考查动词短语辨析。A. get along with取得进展;B. get rid of摆脱,除去;C. get used to习惯于;D. get mad at对……生气。此处表示不能对这个孩子生气,他只有12岁。故选D。 【53题详解】

考查名词辨析。A. encouragement鼓励;B. disappointment失望;C. embarrassment尴尬;D. achievement成就。作者膝盖被卡住时,面对许多陌生人也很尴尬,与上文in front of lots of strangers at a popular Las Vegas hotel!呼应,故选C。 【54题详解】

考查名词辨析。A. ambition雄心,抱负;B. youth年轻;C. bravery勇敢;D. experiment实验。对作者来说,借口不是年轻,而是愚蠢。与He’s only twelve.呼应,故选B。 【55题详解】

考查介词短语辨析。A. in the end最后,终于;B. in total总共;C. after all毕竟;D. at any rate无论如何。此处指这件事发生时,毕竟作者已经50岁了,所以说借口不是年龄小。故选C。

【点睛】完形填空的解题技巧之一就是要根据上下文来学会“推理”出最佳选项。同学们要遵循“上下求索”的原则来查找信息。例如,小题2根据I suggested he carefully rotate(转动)the tube.可知,当时作者没有慌乱,给学生建议。表示“保持镇静”,故选calm. 小题4根据第一句in science class可知,是在课堂上发生的意外,尝试两种方法没有成功,学生们不知所措,所以教室里一片混乱。根据当时情境可知选chaos。小题13根据at a popular Las Vegas hotel可知,事情发生在酒店里,所以看到事情发生的是许多住酒店的陌生人。故选strangers。


My father lived a long life and was deeply loved by his wife, three children,eleven grandchildren and a large number of friends. He was smart and quick-headed. When I asked if he’d like to join me on Virgin Airlines, I remember him ____21____ replying: “Why not? It’s as close to heaven as I’ll ever get!”

While he could always make us___22___, he was also quiet, considerate and full of wonderful___23___ for us

so that we could do better.

When I was a child, I ____24____ myself to the change in Dad’s loose drawer—I didn’t see it as stealing, but rather as just borrowing without a___25___ to give back—and bought chocolate from our local corner shop.

One day, while___26___ the shop with my father, the shopkeeper questioned my___27___ spending habits: “Now I don’t want to get him into any___28___, Mr. Branson, but I don’t know where young Richard is getting all his_____29_____from. He’s becoming my best customer—I _____30_____he isn’t stealing it.”

Dad ___31___ by looking her straight in the eyes and saying loudly, “Madam, how dare you___32___ my son of stealing?”

After we left the shop, my father never spoke a word about the___33___. However, his deliberate ___34___ for the rest of the day expressed everything. The way he ___35___ the situation taught me a hugely effective lesson. I learned that the power of the ___36___ words can be frighteningly influential.

By ____37____ my honesty he made me feel more ____38____ than if he had scolded me. I also learned the power of ___39___ and second chances. And these lessons have ____40____ me well in both life and work. 21. A. nervously 22. A. calm

B. deliberately B. laugh B. patience B. forced B. receipt

C. sensitively C. benefit

D. humorously D. reflect D. appreciation D. attracted D. plan D. processing D. careless D. change D. money D. remember D. betrayed D. warn D. shopkeeper D. silence D. lived through D. enjoyable

23. A. advice 24. A. guided 25. A. dream 26. A. visiting 27. A. reasonable 28. A. debt

C. expectation C. helped C. way

B. discussing B. flexible B. trouble B. pleasure B. hope

C. exploring C. usual C. honor C. pride C. admit C. attacked C. accuse C. trip

29. A. confidence 30. A. know

31. A. responded 32. A. convince 33. A. question 34. A. absence 35. A. met with 36. A. unspoken

B. exploded B. inform B. incident B. sadness B. lived off B. proper

C. anger C. dealt with

C. meaningful

37. A. discovering B. losing 38. A. guilty

B. powerful

C. defending C. annoyed C. blame C. expressed

D. exhibiting D. embarrassed D. forgiveness D. presented

39. A. communication B. friendship 40. A. grasped

B. served

21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. B 31. 【答案】

A 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. B 【解析】



考查动词。A. calm冷静;B. laugh大笑;C. benefit有利于;D. reflect反应,折射。根据While he could always make us___2___, he was also quiet, considerate and full of wonderful___3___ for us so that we could do better.可知,虽然他总是能让我们笑,但他也很安静,体贴,充满了奇妙的建议,我们可以做得更好。故选B。 【23题详解】

考查名词。A. advice建议; B. patience耐心;C. expectation 期盼;D. appreciation欣赏。根据While he could always make us___2___, he was also quiet, considerate and full of wonderful___3___ for us so that we could do better.可知,虽然他总是能让我们笑,但他也很安静,体贴,充满了奇妙的建议,我们可以做得更好。故选A。


A. guided指导;B. forced强迫;C. helped帮助;D. attracted吸引。考查动词。根据When I was a child, I ____4____ myself to the change in Dad’s loose drawer可知,当我还是个孩子的时候,我自己动手在爸爸的抽屉里找零钱。故选C。 【25题详解】

考查名词。 A. dream梦想;B. receipt收据;C. way方法;D. plan计划。根据I didn’t see it as stealing, but rather

as just borrowing without a___5___ to give back—and bought chocolate from our local corner shop.可知,我不认为这是偷窃,而认为这只是借东西而不打算还钱——我从我们当地的街角小店买了巧克力。故选D。 【26题详解】

A. visiting访问;B. discussing谈论;C. exploring探索;D. processing加工。考查动词。根据One day, while___6___ the shop with my father, the shopkeeper questioned my___7___ spending habits:---,可知,一天,当我和爸爸去商店的时候,店主质疑我平时的消费习惯:---,故选A。 【27题详解】

考查形容词。A. reasonable合情合理的;B. flexible灵活的; C. usual通常的;D. careless粗心的。根据One day, while___6___ the shop with my father, the shopkeeper questioned my___7___ spending habits:---,可知,一天,当我和爸爸去商店的时候,店主质疑我平时的消费习惯:---,故选C。 【28题详解】

考查名词。A. debt债务;B. trouble麻烦;C. honor荣誉;D. change改变。根据Now I don’t want to get him into any___8___, Mr. Branson, but I don’t know where young Richard is getting all his_____9_____from.可知,布兰森先生,我不想给他添麻烦,但我不知道年轻的理查德的钱是从哪儿来的。故选B。 【29题详解】

考查名词。A. confidence自信;B. pleasure快乐;C. pride 自豪;D. money金钱。根据Now I don’t want to get him into any___8___, Mr. Branson, but I don’t know where young Richard is getting all his_____9_____from.可知,布兰森先生,我不想给他添麻烦,但我不知道年轻的理查德的钱是从哪儿来的。故选D。 【30题详解】

考查动词。A. know知道;B. hope希望;C. admit承认;D. remember记得。根据He’s becoming my best customer—I _____10_____he isn’t stealing it.可知,他将成为我最好的客户,我希望他没有偷。故选B。 【31题详解】

考查动词。A. responded回应;B. exploded 爆炸;C. attacked攻击;D. betrayed背叛。根据Dad ___11___ by looking her straight in the eyes and saying loudly, “Madam, how dare you___12___ my son of stealing?”可知,爸爸直视着她的眼睛,大声说:“夫人,你怎么敢指责我儿子偷东西?”故选A。 【32题详解】

A. convince使确信;B. inform告知;C. accuse控告;D. warn警告。考查动词。根据Dad ___11___ by looking her straight in the eyes and saying loudly, “Madam, how dare you___12___ my son of stealing?”可知,爸爸直视