专题03 完形填空(第05期)-2019届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项解析汇编 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章专题03 完形填空(第05期)-2019届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项解析汇编更新完毕开始阅读

A. discovered发现;B. assumed假定;C. concluded包括;D. pretended假装。考查动词。根据When Wright and her husband___5___that nearly 70% of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities do not have___6___, they decided to do something about it.可知,当赖特和她的丈夫发现近70%的成人智力和发育障碍没有工作,他们决定做点什么。故选A。 【26题详解】

考查名词。A. interests兴趣;B. talents才能;C. desires欲望;D. jobs工作。根据When Wright and her husband___5___that nearly 70% of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities do not have___6___, they decided to do something about it.可知,当赖特和她的丈夫发现近70%的成人智力和发育障碍没有工作,他们决定做点什么。故选D。 【27题详解】

A. slid滑动; B. hit打击, C. beat打败, D. crossed越过。考查动词。碰撞;拍打;根据“It___7___me like a lightning bolt(闪电): a coffee shop!”可知,“它像闪电一样击中了我:一个咖啡店!”故选B。 【28题详解】

考查副词。根据“I realized it would be the perfect environment for bringing people___8___.可知,“我意识到这将是让人们聚在一起的完美环境。”故选D。 【29题详解】

考查名词。. Pictures图画; B. bills账单; C. orders订单,命令; D. tips建议。根据In this place, taking___9___and serving coffee, they'd realize how___10___they are.可知,在这里,点餐、端咖啡,他们就会意识到自己是多么有用。故选C。


考查名词。A. lines线,行列; B. branches 树枝,分支; C. bargains交易; D. cries叫喊。根据The shop opened in January 2016 and immediately had___11___outside the door.可知,该店于2016年1月开业,门外立刻排起了长队。故选A。 【32题详解】

考查动词。A. returned 归还,返回; B. divided分开; C. advertised登广告; D. followed跟随。根

据National press attention___12___, and six months later, it had to move to a___13___space.可知,国家媒体关注后,六个月后,它必须搬到一个更大的空间。故选D。 【33题详解】

考查形容词。A. larger 更大; B. quieter 更安静; C. remoter更遥远; D. safer更安全。根据National press attention___12___, and six months later, it had to move to a___13___space.可知,国家媒体关注后,六个月后,它必须搬到一个更大的空间。故选A。 【34题详解】

考查名词。A. experiences经历; B. disabilities残疾; C. degrees角度,度数; D. brains大脑。根据Today, the Wilmington store employs 40 people with___14___, as well as two managers who have degrees in special education.可知,今天,威明顿商店有残疾员工40人,以及两个有特殊教育学位的经理。故选B。 【35题详解】

考查形容词。A. newly-designed新设计的; B. time-consuming旷日持久的; C. cost-saving 省费用的; D. well-oiled平滑的,烂醉的。根据The team works like a___15___machine.可知,这个团队工作起来就像一台润滑良好的机器。故选D。 【36题详解】

考查动词。A. wait 等待; B. free使自由; C. spare抽出; D. plan计划。根据“Well, our___16___time is no longer than any of our competitors,” Wright said.可知,嗯,我们的等待时间不比任何竞争对手长。故选A。


A. so 所以; B. since既然; C. when当---时候; D. unless除非。考查状语从句。根据“They've all gotten really good at their jobs and step up___17___somebody else needs help.”可知,“他们都非常擅长自己的工作,在别人需要帮助时挺身而出。”故选C。 【38题详解】

A. shops商店; B. bridges桥; C. models模型; D. houses房子。考查名词。根据But she's most proud of the___18___it's built in the community.可知,但她最自豪的是它在社区中所建造的桥梁。故选B。 【39题详解】

考查形容词。A. awake醒着的; B. alive活着的; C. alike相似的; D. alone独自的。根据“This is a place where people can realize how much more___19___we are than different.可知,“在这里,人们可以意识到我们是多么相似,而不是多么不同。”故选C。


考查表语从句。A. because因为; B. why为什么; C. how 如何; D. what什么。根据And that's___20___it's all about.可知,这就是一切。此处是what引导的表语从句,故选D。

【山西省吕梁市2018-2019学年高三期末】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

During the Nov.11 shopping event, many people tend to buy more than they need because of sales promotions or just plain urge. But what normally___21___the shopping spree(疯狂购物)is not ___22___but regret. That's because many people just buy things to fill the___23___in their hearts, but accumulating things actually___24___the burden in their minds.

The concept of Danshari may provide a (n)___25___to the problem. Danshari was based on three Chinese characters, duan she li, ___26___refusal, disposal(清除)and separation. It promotes the idea of getting rid of ___27___things and separating oneself from the drive to own___28___ possessions. There are two basic rules that____29____whether you should keep something--the relationship between you and the item under____30____as well as the timing. So before you___31___ your payment password for something, ask yourself two questions: Do I___32___ it now? Does it suit me? Danshari encourages you not only to____33____yourself things, but to give up the unreasonable desire associated with owning them. Nowadays, people need to learn to____34____their daily lives. Buy only the necessities and____35____items, regularly____36____things you don't need any more, then you'll get freedom in your heart.

However, it doesn't mean that you should____37____your desire and live a less interesting life. Instead, you should ___38___ yourself rather than material goods. Through ___39___ what to buy and what to get rid of, you can see a deeper reflection of yourself.___40___learning to make wise decisions about more important things. 21. A. prevents

B. follows

C. starts

D. promotes

22. A. expectation B. wealth 23. A. emptiness 24. A. measures 25. A. limit

B. needs B. covers

C. satisfaction D. relief C. silence C. relieves

D. space D. indicates D. introduction D. predicting D. unnecessary

B. alternative C. solution B. abolishing C. violating B. temporary C. used

26. A. meaning 27. A. updated

28. A. private 29. A. prove 30. A. guarantee 31. A. change 32. A. need 33. A. deny 34. A. fix

B. material B. permit

C. valuable C. decide

D. popular D. affect D. discussion D. enter D. match D. serve D. simplify D. optional D. abandon D. balance D. cheer up

B. consideration C. control B. create B. try

C. provide C. want C. spare C. enrich C. suitable C. update C. kill

B. prepare B. risk

35. A. special 36. A. discover 37. A. fuel

B. cheap B. recycle B. identify B. focus on B. avoiding

38. A. reflect on 39. A. choosing 40. A. rather

C. give up

C. comparing D. mentioning

B. otherwise C. therefore D. still

21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. B 31. 【答案】

D 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. C 【解析】



C 考查名词。由but regret可知但是一般跟在疯狂购物之后的,不是满意。expectation 期盼,wealth 财富, satisfaction满意,relief安慰。 【23题详解】

A 考查名词。emptiness 空虚, needs需要, silence 那是因为许多人买东西,仅仅是为了填充他们内心的空虚。沉默, space空间。