(河北专版)2017春中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 units 9-12试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(河北专版)2017春中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 units 9-12试题更新完毕开始阅读

1.先把题目补充完整(可用interesting,boring等); 2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,可以提取以下信息:


2.短文要求谈论你的看法,写作时用第二人称更好。 3.根据调查结果,谈谈你的看法,主要用一般现在时。 4.词数约100词,不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名。 【范文点评】

Traveling is interesting ①Traveling__is__interesting.You will have lots of fun things to do and see during the trip.②Just__imagine__that__you__are__walking__in__the__beautiful__mountains,enjoying__the__fresh__air__and__listening__to__the__birds__singing.③It's__amazing,isn't__it?④Sometimes,you__may__meet__people__from__different__places__and__make__friends__with__them,which__makes__your__trip__a__more__pleasant__one.⑤Also,you__may__have__many__interesting__things__to__share__with__your__friendswhen__you__are__back. All the pleasure of your trip will be kept in your memory.⑥It's__not__surprising__that__so__many__students__can't__wait__to__go__traveling__after__the__examination! ①开门见山,表明观点:旅游很有趣。 ②使用了宾语从句,在从句中使用三个进行时态表达想象中的旅游美景,让读者有身临其境的感觉,同时增加了句子的可读性。 ③使用反意疑问句再次强调旅游感受,显示了作者的语言运用能力不凡。 ④非限制性定语从句的使用,显示了作者深厚的语言功底,and连接的并列句使用自如,增加了文章的可读性,介词短语from different places作定语修饰people,也是增分的亮点。 ⑤also一词增强文章起伏,使文章前后呼应。when引导的时间状语从句,显示出句式的多样性。 ⑥以一个主语从句总结全文,说明旅游确实很有趣。can't wait to短语体现了动作的紧迫性,也给文章增色不少。 ,河北中考考点精练


( C )1.—What does the lady look like? —______.

A.She's fine and well B.She's really a nice lady C.She's tall and thin D.She likes wearing skirts

( C )2.(2016路北区三模)—Dad,what do you think of the picture I draw? —______!It's the nicest one that I have ever seen. A.What beautiful B.How terrible C.How wonderful

D.What wonderful picture

( B )3.______she dances! A.How good B.How well C.What well D.What a good rain tomorrow.

A.so we will;doesn't B.so will we;doesn't C.so do we;doesn't D.so will we;won't

( B )5.(2016唐山丰润区三模)—I'm sorry I ______ my homework at home. —Don't forget______it to school tomorrow. A.forgot;to take B.left;to bring C.forgot;to bring D.left;to take

( B )6.______ children there are in a family,______their life will be. A.The less;the better B.The fewer;the better C.Fewer;richer D.More;poorer

( B )7.(2016上海中考)Last week Vivian ______ a dress for her mother with her firstmonth salary.

A.buy B.bought C.will buy D.would buy

( C )8.(2016黔南中考)I've been so bored for a long time.I hope to have ______ to do. A.exciting anything B.nothing exciting C.something interesting D.good something

( B )9.(2016烟台中考)—______ is it from your home to school? —It's about ten minutes' walk. A.How long B.How far C.How many D.How much

( B )10.(2016苏州中考)—I'd like to choose yellow as the color of our bedroom. —______.The color brings me a warm and comfortable feeling. A.No way B.Sounds great

C.In your dreams D.I can't decide Ⅱ.(2016唐山市丰润区三模)完形填空。

Years ago,while I lived in England,part of my college task was to help the kids with special needs.I was chosen to __1__ in a school with disabled kids.The teacher asked me to look after Nancy,a tenyearold girl.One of __2__ hands could not move.At her school the teachers would think it was an achievement if she was able to put on her own coat.But I saw more in her.She had always wanted to put a string(线) __3__ the hole or a key.

For the 5 years Nancy was in the school,the teachers always __4__ to help her,but always ended up doing all the work for her.I knew Nancy could do __5__ ,so I encouraged her to do something herself.At first Nancy often failed and got very __6__. Sometimes I wanted to give up,

( B )4.(2016唐山丰润区三模)If the Browns go to visit the Summer Palace,______if it ______

too.However,after a week Nancy was able to do __7__ she had wanted to alone for so many years.Her teachers cried __8__ when they saw the thing she was able to do with just some encouragement.

Disabled people should __9__ be told they can't do this or that.With just some encouragement they can do it.The look on that girl's face when she was able to do it herself meant the __10__ to me.I hope everyone will encourage people to do all they want by themselves instead of telling them they can't do it.

( B )1.A.play B.work C.study D.visit ( C )2.A.my B.his C.her D.their ( D )3.A.into B.across C.over D.through ( A )4.A.tried B.refused C.agreed D.failed

( B )5. A.stronger B.more C.faster D.less ( D )6. A.weak B.kind C.happy D.upset ( A )7. A.what B.that C.which D.how

( B )8. A.with care B.with joy C.in fear D.in danger ( C )9. A.often B.always C.never D.sometimes ( A )10. A.sun B.moon C.earth D.world

Ⅲ.(2016裕华区中考模拟)阅读理解。 Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you.

But when the leaves hang trembling The wind is passing thro' Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I.

But when the trees bow down their heads The wind is passing by.

( B )1.In this poem,the wind is ______. A.everywhere

B.powerful and mysterious C.gentle D.seen but not felt

( C )2.In line 4,“thro'” is an abbreviation(缩写) for ______.

A.throw B.threw C.through D.thought

( D )3.What does“Neither you nor I”mean? A.Either of us. B.Both of us. C.You,but not I. D.Not you and not I.

( B )4.Which of these is the answer to the question in the title? A.Only trees can “see”the wind.

B.You can't see the wind ,but you can feel it. C.Anybody can see the wind if they look hard enough. D.Only poets and people who read their poems see the wind. ( C )5.The author of this poem probably ______. A.can't stand to go outside

B.has lived through a hurricane(飓风) C.has a deep appreciation for nature D.believes only in things that she can see Ⅳ.(2016唐山市丰润区三模)任务型阅读。

When you look at animals,what do you see? Yang Qingyue,in Junior 1 in Hefei,Anhui Province,sees good friends,while not everyone thinks in this way.Yang once looked up the word “xiong” (bear) in “The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary”,1983 edition when he was studying animal protection(保护).“To my surprise,” Yang said,“it said the paw(掌)of a bear was a delicious food—he went on to look up ‘hu’(tiger) and ‘lang’ (wolf) in the dictionary,and the results were similar.”Yang was not happy.“These are our dear friends,” he said.“How can we think only of eating them or making medicine from them?” So Yang wrote to the editors of the dictionary and told them they should make some changes.“I think it's better to tell us if an animal is a rare species(物种)and how many of them are left,” his letter said.

Yang isn't the only student who has seen these dangerous ideas.At Beijing Botanical Garden(北京植物园)on Sunday,Junior 1 students Peng Yiting and Zhao Weike from Beijing's No.80 Middle School found many signs telling how plants can be used.One ______ read, “The juice of the plant can be made into medicine and is good for the skin.”

“The signs should also tell us to remember to protect wildlife while using it,” Peng said.Zhao said “many people need to change their ideas about wildlife.”“Think what we can do to protect it,not just what we can get from it,” he said.

Have__you__seen__problems__like__these__in__your__city's__zoo__or__gardens? Then write to the government and ask them to help people change their minds.


1.Yang Qingyue sees animals as __good__friends__. 2.In the first paragraph,why was Yang unhappy?


