第一册习题及答案 联系客服

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3. I’ve told you _______________ not to play with fire, but you never listen to me.

4. As soon as David arrived in Beijing he fell in love with the city and decided that he would live there ________.

5. He was trying to explain but she became impatient (不耐烦) and ____him ______. 6. We must _______ those weeds by the roots.

7. He was the fastest worker and ________ work right away, not stopping until he was tired out. 8. The same problem seemed to come up __________ but neither the father nor the son knew what to do.

9. How could he _____ the best tomatoes _____ for himself and leave the rest to his parents? 10. _________ the students’ request, the teacher has begun to give them more chances to speak in class.

11. Several houses _____________ when the river suddenly changed its course during a flood (洪水) last summer.

9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 看到老人奄奄一息,邻居们一刻也没有耽误,马上请来医生。

2. 一个漂亮的果园要人付出辛勤劳动,要日复一日地浇水、除草、清除石块。不过丰收的时刻总是让人愉快的。

3. 他一辈子都富有,但他从没为他所拥有的财产开心过。

4. 在搜寻的过程中,他们不断以为自己找到了埋在地里的财宝,结果一无所获。 5. 应商人的要求,那家餐馆打发走了其他客人,着手为他一人准备美味的食物。 6. “我可以把这些旧报纸搬走吗?”工人问。“当然可以,”他点点头。

Unit 6

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. injury debate attend realize quit somehow worth courage measure overcome race kindness 1. The soldier showed great __________ in the battle. 2. I’ve voiced my opinion at every meeting I’ve _________.

3. A friend of mine has recently decided to _______ his highly-paid but demanding job in an American company.

4. In the crash the taxi driver received serious ________ to his head and arms.

5. It’s taken me a while but at last I’ve managed to __________ my fear of public speaking. 6. __________, though, he managed to pass all his final exams.

7. He was not feeling well that morning and was ________ whether or not he should go to work. 8. He helped us entirely out of _________, not for the money.

9. As he watched the TV play, he suddenly ______ that he’d seen it before.

10. When he was young, my father ran in the cross-country ______ every year and often won. 11. The English dictionary cost me a lot of money, but it’s certainly ____it. 12. Education shouldn’t be _________ purely by examination results.

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. track down prepare for fall behind in pain even if turn around sure enough mistake… for… happen to make a difference to 1. I often ________ her for her sister on the phone. 2. Take these tablets if you are _________.

3. Did you hear what __________ David last night? 4. I _________quickly to see if someone was following.

5. Tom spent an hour in the library and finally ___________the book he wanted. 6. Exercise can ________________to your state of health.

7. Will you help me _________________the old classmates’ reunion(重聚联欢会)? 8. He said he would come with his wife, and ____________ he did. 9. I wouldn’t lose courage _________ I should fail ten times. 10. After five miles, Tara was tired and started to ___________. 9. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 事实上,她曾考虑过是否该出国。

2. 这是我看过的最感人(touching)的电影。

3. 我一瘸一拐地走向教室,在那儿碰到了汤姆。 4. 他娶艾丽斯不是因为她美丽,而是因为她有钱。

5. 衡量一个学生的学习不能只看他的分数,还要看他解决问题的能力。 6. 最富裕的人不一定是有很多钱的人,而是那些乐于助人的人。

Unit 7

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. aware writing novel experience capture execute nervous upset escape search gap contact instant edge 1. Children’s-Voice is a publishing house that mainly publishes children’s____. 2. I got terribly ________ and dropped a spoon on the floor.

3. The citizens were warned of the trouble that the _______ monkeys might cause. 4. We are fully ___of the problem, why it exists(存在) and what we can do about it. 5. I did a quick ______on the Internet for some local bookstores and theatres.

6. These were lonely people and you could see they were longing for _____with other human beings.

7. My girlfriend is really _______with me for leaving her alone while she was ill. 8. The London Bridge Hotel, which opened in 1998, is located at the ____ of London. 9. Please take a seat. Dinner will be ready in an _______ .

10. The man asked for forgiveness (宽恕)before he was _____ for murder (谋杀).

11. They are debating whether the _________ between the rich and the poor is becoming wider 12. I’ll always smile when I think of my first year’s _________ in college. 13. He went out hunting alone and _________ some wild birds.

14. The Old Man and the Sea is a ______ about an old fisherman and his fight with a huge marlin(枪鱼).

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. in action based on call out come over in any case as though take out turn back 1. The Stones had three sons, two of whom were killed _____during World War II. 2. He spoke ______ he knew all about our plans when in fact he knew nothing at all. 3. The other day my mother ______ and spent the whole morning cleaning my room. 4. He ________to the waiter, “Please bring me a cup of water to drink.” 5. Finally he stopped the car, _________a map, and found the right way.

6. Knowing that the film was ________a true story made it even more enjoyable.

7. If we can’t reach there before dark, we’d better __________now while there’s still time. 8. __________, we’ll finish the work today.

9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.这部小说讲述了她如何逃脱纳粹的搜查,是根据她的亲身经历写成的。 2.当陌生人直视我的时候我会感到紧张,所以我尽量不接触他的目光。 3.就在那一刻,黑暗中有个像火花一样的东西吸引了我的视线。

4. 父母和孩子都应该明白他们之间有隔阂,但他们不必难过,因为这种隔阂不是不可逾越的。 5.无论如何,这个决定必须明天执行,哪怕会招来多数人的反对(objection)。


Unit 8

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. basis opportunity therefore necessarily process fulfill involve master establish attention effective purpose 1. Once you have made a promise, you should _______ it.

2. Applying (申请) to enter a university is a complicated ______ with many steps to follow. 3. You must give your full ________ to what you are doing.

4. Although the brightest students do not _________ make the best teachers, most teachers were good students.

5. He was so _______ in reading the book that he didn’t even hear the knock at the door. 6. We have to have a (n) _______ plan if we are to deal with this serious problem. 7. John has _______ a close relationship(关系) with some of his classmates.

8. If you understand a foreign language and can make yourself understood when speaking and writing, you have _______ it.

9. Getting rich seems to be his only __________ in life. 10. Don’t miss this _________: it may never come again.

11. He works hard and ______ has a good chance of winning the prize. 12. The ______ of their friendship is a common interest in sports.

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. adjust…to at one’s best focus…on at hand worry about takes notes set the stage for to sb’s advantage 1. Most athletes are ___________ during their youth. 2. If you feel cold, you can _____ the temperature in the room ___ your taste.

3. Mary _______ on everything that’s said in class and reviews them in the evening.

4. This weekend’s talks between the two leaders have ____________ a peace agreement to be reached.

5. I’m so tired that I can’t ______ my attention ____ anything.

6. He has the good habit of keeping a dictionary _______ when he’s reading or writing. 7. Your parents __________ you: do write to them.

8. You will find it ____________ to learn French before you visit France. 9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 如果你把注意力集中在学习上,你肯定能实现你的目标,成为一名成功的学生。

2. 好学生知道如何更有效地利用他的学习时间。这就是他能在较少的时间里学到更多东


3. 如果你手头有很多任务,你必须确定优先考虑的目标,否则你将一事无成。

4. 对别人有效的学习策略不一定对你也有效,因此要作出必要的调整以达到最佳效果。 5. 扩展自己的能力而不是把知识塞进脑子里才是你成功的关键。

6. 要在学习上做得好,你就必须在学习过程中成为一名积极的参与者,而不是一名消极的旁观者。


Unit 1

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. smart 2. succeed 3. Shortly 4. managed 5. share 6. fear 7. responsible 8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11. handle 12. comfortable

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. is up to 2. keep up with 3. under control 4. at first 5. grew up 6. make friends with 7. turned out 8. As a result 9. set up 10. in addition 9.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people.

2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too. It’s up to you.

3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father’s illness under control.

4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies.

5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets our needs.

6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in on time.

Unit 2

5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.

1. desire 2. secret 3. honor 4. injured 5. reality 6. imitated 7. developed 8. delivering 9. spread 10. infected 11. created 12. nearly

6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. 1. came to 2. pick up 3. lead to 4. take care of 5. in honor of 6. make; out of 7. has taken 8. made up of

9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. You can keep the message secret by transferring it into a code made up of dots and dashes. 2. The knife slipped from her wet hand and injured the little pet at her foot.

3. It is fitting that October 1, the birthday of the People’s Republic of China, is picked up as the National Day.

4. On my vacation in the country, I took pictures of some beautiful buildings, such as this public school and the small church next to it.

5. The desire to create is very important. If we only imitate, we can hardly develop anything new.