水文水资源信息管理系统(WISKI)综述 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章水文水资源信息管理系统(WISKI)综述更新完毕开始阅读


The Summary of Hydrological and Water Resources Information Management

System (WISKI)

YAN Bing-long1, XIE Yue-bo1,TAN Xue-mei2

(1.College of Water Resources and Environment, Hohai Univ. , Nanjing


2.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hohai Univ. , Nanjing


Abstract:WISKI is a hydrological and water resources information management system that integrates water resources management, monitoring, planning and hydrological data collection, transmission, handling, dissemination. With the application in Pudong Shanghai,China and some other nations, this essay emphasizes to introduce WISKI's composing and character and state the necessity of it being introduced into China.

Key words:Hydrology and water resources; Information management system; Integrative; WISKI

作者简介:颜秉龙,山东省青岛市人,男,汉族,现就读于南京河海大学水资源环境学院,硕士研究生,主要从事水文信息采集与处理方面的研究。 联系方式:南京市西康路1号464信箱,邮编:210098; TEL: (0)13524627508,(021)35054999-1716

Email: yanbinglong@sina.com, yanbinglong@mailsvr.hhu.edu.cn
