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课 题 Unit 2 : My favorite season 课时 2/6 主备人 蔡 剑 教学内容 Part A : Let’s learn & Read and match 知识目标:A.能够正确听、说、朗读“Which season do you like best?” “Summer. I can go swimming everyday.” 学会询问他人最喜欢的季节等交际用语; B. 能够正确听、说、读、写词汇和短语,如:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, go swimming 等; 教学目标 能力目标:能够听懂、会说Let’s learn & Read and match的内容,并根据实际情况运用本课重点句型询问他人最喜爱的季节 以及在每个季节可以做的事情 ,表达内个季节的特征。 情感目标:能够提高口语表达能力和语言组织能力,并且进行积极的思考和大胆的创新,提高自主学习能力。 1. 能够正确掌握词汇和短语:如:season, spring, summer, 教学重点 autumn, winter, go swimming 等; 2. 能够在实际语境中交流询问他人最喜爱的季节:“Which season do you like best?” 教学 重难点 教学难点 学生能够大胆创编和表演有关季节的问答小对话。 1. Cooperative learning; 2. Situational teaching method; 教学方法 3. The whole body reaction method; 4. Game teaching method; 5. Game teaching method。 1. Multimedia courseware. 2. Teaching plan 教学准备 3. Students evaluate small gifts 教师活动 Step1: Warming up : 1. Greetings ; 2. Daily activities : -------How are you ? ------How’s the weather today ? ------What day is it ? ------What’s the date today ? 3. Teacher play the song ; 设计意图:本环节旨在以歌曲的形式复习上节课学习季节的内容,激活学生的知识储备,为新授部分进一步学习有关季节的相关话题,扫清了部分语言障碍,激发了学生学习的兴趣。通过学生唱歌曲,营造了良好的英语课堂氛围,降低了教学难度,创设了语言情境。 Step2: Presentation A. Let’s learn 1. Talk about “What do you do in every season?” 2. Teachers learn phrases through slides: swimming ; 3. Game: Teachers learn phrases through slides. 设计意图: 以 “季节”为主线,通过让学生交流四季都可以做哪些事情以及四季的额特点这两个问题,学习本课的新知,为学生感知学习语言创设了情境,激发学生开口表达的动力以及兴趣。并设置游戏“你演我猜”以及小组对话交流,学生对这种具有趣味性的活动 非常地投入,主动积极地参与到合作交流中,尤其是在“你演我猜”的游戏中,学生有趣的表演,点燃了学生说英语的热情,也让猜出季节的额学生的成就感油然而生. 学生活动 1. Free talk ; 2. Do activities ; 二次备课


3. Enjoy the song ; 1. Talk about it; 2. Play the game; B.Read and match 1. Under the guide 1. The teacher shows the pictures of the four seasons and guides the students to observe the characteristics of the four seasons in the picture ; 2. The teacher guides the students to complete the exercise on the book ; Step3: Consolidation: 1. Teachers guide students in groups, communicate with each other and what 1. they can do in each season ; 2. Make a poster: 3. The teacher guides the students to introduce the poster painted by the group; 设计意图:本环节通过调查,画海报,小组展示表演,不仅培养了学生相互之间的合作与交流能力,以及学生英语学习的兴趣,并且将组内的交流成果创造性地以海报呈现,培养了学生的创造力与想象力,激发了学生的思维能力,学生们用英语表达的欲望高张,纷纷踊跃参与到合作表演中,获取知识的同时体验了分享的过程与快乐。 Step4: Summing up : 1. Summing up : 2. Sentences: guidance of teachers, students learn to understand sentences: Spring is green with flowers and songs; Teachers students in groups, communicate with each other and what they can do in each season ; 1、Listen and recite the dialogue; 2、Finish the relevant workbook exercises; 家庭作业 3、Do a survey about your friends can do in their favorite season; Unit 2 My favorite season Which season do you like best? Spring is green with flowers and songs. Summer is hot and the days are long. I can go swimming every day. 板书设计

课 题 Unit 2 : My favorite season 课时 3/6 主备人 蔡 剑 教学内容 Part B : Let’s try & Let’s talk 知识目标:A. 能够正确听说、朗读“Which season do you like best ?” “I like_____ best.” “Why?” , “Because--------.”等询问他人和表达自己季节喜欢的交际用语; B. 能够正确听、说、认读词汇和短语,如:good, job, 教学目标 because 等; 能力目标:能够听懂、会说、会表演Let’s talk 的内容,并把本课所学语言运用在真实场景中交流; 情感目标:能够提高口语表达能力和语言组织能力。 教学重点 1. 能够在真是语境中交流运用关于季节的问答句:“Which season do you like best ?” “I like_____ best.” “Why?” , “Because--------.” 2. 内化并表演Let’s talk 部分的交际内容。 教学 重难点 教学难点 1. 2. 3. 4. Cooperative learning; Situational teaching method; The whole body reaction method; Game teaching method; 学生能够大胆创编和表演有关季节的问答小对话。 教学方法 5. Game teaching method。 教学准备 2. Teaching plan 1. Multimedia courseware. 3. Students evaluate small gifts