北师大小学一年级英语教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章北师大小学一年级英语教案更新完毕开始阅读

look at the picture on page 10. 2. Make the picture

(1) Have children open their books and look at the two repeat after you. Do the same for the word boy.

(2) Explain that children are going to draw pictures of a girl and a boy, color them with crayons, and decorate them with yarn, string, scraps of cloth. Hand out scissors, glue, crayons, and the craft materials. Set enough time for children to make their pictures and then to finish the rest of the work at this unit and unit one.

(2) Children open their books and look at the picture.

(3) Explain that in the picture there are some objects. They some time to look for the objects.

(5) When all the children stand in a circle . Put on your mask of Mocky and say, I’m a monkey.” Have the children choose a Character Mask to put on. 2.Throw the ball to a child who is not wearing a monkey mask . Heshe stand up and says. “I’m a (boy).” Children continue throwing, catching and producing the new structure and vocabulary. The only rule is that children cannot throw the ball to someone who will repeat exactly what they said. Teaching:

1. Introduce please and thank you. Mime a little sketch to convey the meaning of each word. For example , pick up and carry a pile of books toward the classroom door with both that you want the door for you and say, “please.” When the child opens the door for you, look relieved and say to repeat after you in a choral drill.

1. Games: The box can only be passed along if the next person in the line says , “please” and “thank you”. Hold the box and to children that they are going to learn a song using please and Thank you. 2. Read the words to the children, pointing to each word.

3. Play the tape for the whole song and listen and repond physically to the commands.

4. Play the tape again and join in while they follow. Action:

1. Have children take turns to do things for each other through mime and say, “please” and “thank you”. They might: open the doorwindow, pass a pencil, lend and eraser, tie a shoelace, and so on.

Mime an example for children to watch before pairs: indicate to a child to pass you a book and say, “please.” When you . Teaching:

1. Teach the commands stand up and sit down by using ,” place your . And lower your arms . repeat two or three times.

2. Games: Play a Simon-Says_ style game. Begin by saying, “please sit down” and “please stand up” two or three times . Now vary the exercise by sometimes saying only the commands, without Please. Listen and practice:

1. Point to the picture on the page and say, “This is a cat”. 2. Play the tape , pointing to the photograph matching the word. 3. Now replay the tape and touch the photograph as they listen. Say the rhyme

1. Read the rhyme to the children.

2. Explain the main idea of the rhyme to the students.

3. Play the tape for the whole rhyme and listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page.

4. Add some actions when chanting the rhyme and ask children to act it out. 5. Review the words and match them.

Unit 3 At school

The first period Structures (New)

Productive: It’s a (book).

Receptive: Is this a (book) ? What’s this ? Structures (Review) I’m a (boy).

Commands: Stand up . Sit down. Vocabulary (New) chair , pencil , bag


1. the puppet of Mocky Ken Ann

2. flashcards for this Unit: chair pencil bag 3. the Poster for this Unit 教学过程 Warm--up 1、

让学生对一个男生说:“Hi”,对一个女生说:“Hello”,做几次后,教师说:“Sit down”. 2、

举起布偶Mocky,用它的口气对学生说:“I’m a monkey.”举起Ken的面具说:“I’m a boy.”举起Ann的面具说:“I’m a girl.” 3、

让学生戴上一个面具。教师指令学生说:“I’m a (girl).”依此类推直到大多数学生都有机会说一次。 Preview 1、 2、 3、

举起一只铅笔说:“It’s a pencil.”示范读两遍,让学生跟读。 用同样的步骤教chair , bag。

举起单词卡片pencil问:“What’s this?”引导学生一起回答:“A pencil”,用同样的步骤教chair , bag。 Presentation of new language 1、

指着一把椅子问:“What’s this?”引导学生回答:“Chair.”。教师说:“Yes , it’s a chair. ”示范性地说:“It’s a chair.”两遍,然后学生跟读。 2、 3、

重复上述步骤,教“It’s a pencil.”

将本单元挂图挂起,教师说:“Point to a girl.”然后说:“Point to a boy.”问:“你们能看到谁?”引导学生说:“Ken , Ann and Mocky.” 4、 5、


指着图片Mocky的椅子问:“What’s this?”引导出结构:“It’s a chair.”教师指着说的话说:“Yes. It’s a chair.” Touch and say

学生活动手册第三者19页 1、 2、 3、 4、

让学生打开书,看这一页右边的新词汇。 教师放录音,让学生指着相应的图片。



5、 6、 7、

让学生看主图,教师说:“Show me a chair.”学生拿出椅子的卡片。 重复上述步骤教pencil, bag。

让学生两人一组轮流指和说。教师与一个学生做示范,学生指一张卡片,老师说:“A book.”

8、 9、

举起布偶Uncle Booky问学生:“这是谁?”引导学生回答:“Uncle Booky” 让学生打开书本看图。让他们看Uncle Booky说的话以及它举着的画。问学生他们认为Uncle Booky是否猜对了它看到的物体。

10、 教师举起自己的书,让学生看第一张照片。引导学生说出正确的句型和词汇。

如:“It’s a (pencil).”用同样的方式将其它图片过一遍。 11、 学生进行两人活动。一个学生指图,另一个学生说单词。 12、 学生可以自愿给全班表演刚练习的问答。 Homework

把新教的单词及课文句子读给爸爸、妈妈听。 The second period Structures(New)

Commands: Open your books. Close your books. Take out four boos Put it in your bag. Structures(Review)

Productive: It’s a (book). Commands: Stand up, sit down. Vocabulary(New)

egg ,elephant ,fish ,frog Vocabulary(Review) book ,pencil ,bag ,chair Preparation

flashcards for book , pencil , chair , bag the puppet of Uncle Booky and Mocky 教学过程 Warm—up 1、

教师说:“Show me a book.”学生举起一本书。练习句型“Open your books.”