北师大小学一年级英语教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章北师大小学一年级英语教案更新完毕开始阅读

教师把预先准备好的图片发给学生,并怪声怪气地说:“老师不见了四件礼物,本来是要送给你们的,谁帮老师找一 下呢?”这四件礼物也是我们今天所学习的四个单词:(引导 学生说)an apple、an ant、a book、a banana.

The sixth period



1、 熟练掌握Hello, I’m×××.

2、 能用Hello, I’m×××介绍自己.要求模仿正确,语调自然。 二、 三、 四、

教学重点:熟练掌握句型Hello, I’m×××.

教学难点:能用句子Hello, I’m×××.,进行自我介绍。 教学过程

1、 复习

(1) 教师拿出上一课学习的单词卡,举起让学生读出来。然后让学生站起


(2) 教师带起Mocky的面具,并挥手说:“Hello, I’m Mocky.”学生回

答:“Hello, Mocky.”教师依次带上Ann、Ken、Uncle Booky的面具作介绍,让学生回答。

2、 新授



(3)教师指着图中的人物介绍:“Ben, Tim, Lisa, Tina, Ted.”让学生重复跟读几遍。

(4)教师拿出Ben的图片放在面上,对学生说:“我现在扮演Ben,我要介绍自己了:“Hello, I’m Ben.”让学生跟着读。用同样的方法教“Hi, I’m TimLisaTianTed。 (5)利用电脑软件播放书本第8页的情景,有条件的学校可以播放动画影片。 (6)让学生读句子。指着每幅图引导学生集体念出完整的句子。 3、扩展性活动

让学生在空格处把自己的像画在这里,画图并描写单词:“Hi, I’m?”,最后写下他们的名字以完成句子。

检查时可以请学生将画展示给全班看,并说出:“Hi, I’m?”。


告述学生在这幅图中藏有几样东西,他们要找到这些东西并给它们图上颜色。 3、小结

现在,我们学了“Hi, I’m?”,我们以后就要用这句话来向别人介绍自己

Unit 2 About me

A: Teaching Aims:

1. Learn to read the word: a girl ; a boy ; a monkey ; a cat ; a crocodile ; a duck ; a dog .

2. Learn to say: I’m a monkey. Ann is a girl. Ken is a boy. 3. Sing the song ; Match and color. 4.Make the picture, Find and color. B: Strong Points:

Read and say all the lessons and word. C: Weak Points: Make the picture.

D: Tools: Recorder, the Poster for this Unit, flashcard for this Unit. E: Periods divided: Four Periods. The first period 1. Revision

(1) Hold up the puppet of Mocky and mime return the greeting and elicit, “Hi, Mocky.”

(2) Repeat the step above with the mask for Ann and Ken. 2. Presentation of new language:

Put on the mask of Ken and model the new structure, I’m a boy. Repeat twice. Now repeat after you.

(2) Repeat the step above using the mask of Ann to present the structure. (3) Hold up the flashcard of monkey and introduce the structure, I’m a monkey. Repeat the first step.

(4) Review the new vocabulary by saying each word (monkey, boy, girl). Have children repeat the word and point to the matching character. 3. Story

Have children open their books and look at the picture. Ask , “Who can you see?” Elicit, “Mocky, Ken, Ann.”

Have the class look at the picture as you play the tape.

Play the tape again. Have the children repeat the words. 4. Learn the words

Have children open their books and direct their attention to the new vocabulary on the right- point to correct picture. Now point to a photograph of a boy (Jim), Elicit, or say, “A boy. Jim is a boy.” Repeat this for each photograph, eliciting the correct vocabulary.

Have children work in pairs. They take turns to point and say.

The second period 1.Revision

Play a game: change the groups and change the spaces in the room. 2e to the new lesson:

Introduce please and thank you. Mime a little sketch to convey the meaning of each word. Once you repeat after you in a choral drill.

Play a game: pass ball. (Repeat this with other children. Ask them to form two or three lines and see which line finishes first. 3. Touch and say

Have children open their books and point to Uncle Booky’s speech bubbles. As you point to the words, say, “Please” and “Thank you.” Have children read the words and repeat them after you.

Have children look at the five photographs and describe what they can see in each one.

Hold up your copy of the book and that children are going to look at the picture and decide if the word to describe the picture is Please or Thank you. Continue pointing to the other photographs and elicit the words from children in a choral drill.

Have children work in pairs. 4. Sing the song

Explain to children that they are going to learn a song using Please and Thank you.

Read the words to the children, pointing to each word.

Play the tape for the whole song and listen and respond physically to the

commands. 5.Extension

Have children take turns to do things for each other through mime and say, “Please” and “Thank you .”

Mime an example for children to watch before pairs: indicate to a child to pass you a book and say , “Please.” When you

(1) Teach the commands Stand up and Sit down by using -Says-style game. (3) Begin by saying, “Please sit down” and “Please stand up” two or three times. Now vary the exercise by sometimes saying only the commands, without Please.

2. Listen and practice

(1) Have the children open their books and draw their attention to the photograph of the cat. Point to the picture on the page and say, “This is a cat.”

(2) Play the tape, pointing to the photograph matching the word. (3) Now replay the tape and touch the photograph as they listen. (4) Play the tape one more time and listen and say, “Cat” aloud. (5) Repeat the procedure with the word “Crocodile, duck, dog.” 4. Match and color

(1) Hold up the word cards (cat, crocodile, duck, dog), ask children to say these words in English.

(2) Have children open their books and look at the pictures.

(3) Direct children’s attention to the English words and read out aloud the words.

(4) Now match the words with the pictures of the things. (5) Ask children to color each picture. The fourth period 1. Revision.

(1) Begin the class with students saying the rhyme loudly, encouraging them to clop to keep the rhythm.

(2) Say the following commands and listen to and follow them.

(3) Review the vocabulary and structures for this Unit with the Poster, or