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发布时间 : 星期六 文章人教版的八年级上册英语全册教案设计更新完毕开始阅读


Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示写出单词 1.What (活动)do you have in your school? 2.She (决定)to leave here on Sunday instead of Monday. 3.He (尝试) climbing the tall tree. 4.He lost control of his (自行车) and fell down. 5.There are many (建筑物) in our city. 6.I (想知道) what he is doing in his room. 7.There is no (差别) between the two sentences. 8.There stands a house at the (顶部) of the hill. 9.We didn’t have (足够的) money to buy a car. 10.The poor boy had nothing to eat,so he felt so (饥饿的). Keys:1.activities 2.decided 3.tried 4.bicycle 5.buildings 6.wonder 7.difference 8.top 9.enough 10.hungry Ⅱ.用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.It (rain) yesterday. 2.Jim (go) to the library this morning. 教学过程 3.Lily (help) me (do) my homework last Saturday. 4.Lily (buy) a bike last week. 5.My mother often makes me (help) her with housework. Keys:1.rained 2.went/will go/is going 3.helped;do/to do 4.bought 5.help 教学反思 教学课题 第四课时 Section B (3a-Self Check) 【知识目标】 Important words:duck,dislike Important phrases:something special,something important,go to the beach,have a fun 教学目标 time,find out,so...that,keep doing,go on,come up 【能力目标】 能用本单元所学词汇和句型描述过去的旅游经历。 【情感目标】 学会和他人分享假期的各种经历。 教学重难点 教学过程 ◆Step 1 Leading in 一般过去时的正确应用。 精彩文档


T:Now class,look at the pictures(见课件).Do you know these places? S1:Tian’anmen Square. T:What do you think of it? S1:Beautiful. T:Did you take any photos? S1.Yes,I did. .....( the Great Wall, Beijing hutong,the Summer Palace,the Temple of Heaven,the Palace Museum) 设计意图 通过学生的口头练习,为3a完成日记做铺垫。 ◆Step 2 3a 1.将3a方框中的词汇按以下表格进行归类。(见课件) 2.Ask the students to look at 3a.Try to use the words in the box to complete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. 3.Check the answers.(见课件) ◆Step 3 3b Ask students to answer the questions one by one.Begin with an easy question.(见课件) T:Did you go to any interesting place on vacation? S1:Yes,I did. T:Where did you go? S2:I went to the Palace Museum in Beijing. 教学过程 T:Did you go with anyone? S3:Yes,I went with my parents. T: How was the weather? S4:The weather was hot and sunny. T:What did you do every day? S5: We visited the museum and bought something interesting. T:What food did you eat? S6:Beijing Duck.It was delicious. T:What did you like best? S7:The Palace Museum. T:Did you dislike anything? S8:No.I think everything was interesting. T:How did you feel about the trip? S9.It was great! 设计意图 通过学生的口头练习,为3c的日记写作积累素材。 精彩文档


◆Step 4 3c Write a travel diary like Jane’s on page 5.Use your notes in 3b. 1.Ask two students to write their diaries on the blackboard.Then check the answers. 2.Hand in the other students’ diaries. ◆Step 5 4 Encourage the students to practice the conversation in pairs,make conversations according to page 8.(ask and answer) A:Hi,my name’s Paul. B:Hi,Paul.I am Anna.Where did you go on vacation? A:I went to Nanjing. B:Oh,I went to Beijing.Did you do anything special in Nanjing? ◆Step 6 Self Check 1.Complete the conversations with the correct words in the box.(见课件) 2.Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.(Pay attention to the irregular verbs.) (见课件) ◆Step 7 Summary T:In this class,we learned how to write a travel diary.In the diary we should use past tense.So it is important for us to turn a verb into its past tense form.We divided the verb into two parts,regular verbs (e.g.:work—worked,live—lived,stop—stopped,study—studied,...)and irregular verbs (e.g.:make—made,swim—swam...). 设计意图 通过本环节的总结,让学生确定写旅游日记的时态及动词的形式。 ◆Step 8 Homework Write a diary about your vacation. T:You should write when (you take the trip),what (activities you do ),who(you go with ),how (you feel about the travel) and so on.70 words at least. 教学过程 板书设计 一、规则动词过去式的变化规则 1.直接加ed: clean—cleaned 2.以不发音的e结尾的,加d: love—loved 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的, 变y为i加ed: study—studied 4.以重读闭音节结尾的, 双写最后的辅音字母加ed: plan—planned 二、不规则变化 动词的不规则变化表(课本后) 课堂练习 Ⅰ.单项选择 精彩文档


( )1.— did she spend her vacation? —In the mountains. A.When B.Where C.Why D.How ( )2.—Did you go to Central Park? — .I went to the beach. A.Yes,I do B.No,I’m not C.Yes,I did C.enjoyed D.No,I didn’t ( )3.The weather was hot,so we to have a swim at the pool. A.felt B.made A.special anything D.decided C.something special D.special something D.much ( )4.I didn’t buy in the shop. B.anything special C.much too ( )5.There are people in the bus. A.too much B.too many Keys:1-5 BDDBB Ⅱ.完成句子 1.你们假期去了哪里? you vacation? 2.我们假期去夏令营了。 We on vacation. 3.——昨晚她做什么了? ——她去买东西了。 — she do last night? —She . 4.孩子们昨天下午在公园里玩得很开心。 The kids in the park yesterday afternoon. 5.他们去年参观了故宫博物院。 They the Palace Museum last year. Keys:1.Where did;go on 2.went to summer camp 3.What did;went shopping 4.had a good time 5.visited 教学反思 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 教学课题 第一课时 Section A(1a-2d) 【知识目标】 教学目标 Important words:housework,hardly,ever,once,twice,Internet,program,full,swing Important phrases:how often,once a week,twice a week,three times a week,be full Important sentences: 1.—What do you do on weekends? —I usually watch TV. 精彩文档