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机会来欣赏电影,同时能保持自己的尊严。 I am sure many people will praise your cinema if you design it with good access for disabled people. 如果您设计的电影院能够为残疾人提供方便,那么,我相信许多人都会夸奖您的电影院, It will also make the cinema owners happy if more people go as they will make higher profits! 而且电影院的老板也会高兴,因为有更多的人能够去看电影了,他们就能赚更多的钱了。 Yours sincerely,此致敬礼 Alice Major 爱丽斯·梅杰



Larry Belmont worked for a company that made robots. 拉里·贝尔蒙特在一家生产机器人的

公司里工作。Recently it had begun experimenting with a household robot. 最近,该公司要对一个家用机器人进行试验。 It was going to be tested out by Larry's wife, Claire.这项试验将由拉里的夫人克莱尔来尝试。

Claire didn't want the robot in her house, especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn't harm her or allow her to be harmed. 克莱尔并不想把机器人留在家里,特别是在她丈夫离家三周的这个期间,但是克莱尔被拉里说服了。他说,机器人不会伤害她,也不会让别人来伤害她。It would be a bonus. 这样会是个以外的收获。However, when she first saw the robot, she felt alarmed. 然而她初次见到机器人的时候就感到有点儿吃惊。 His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine. 机器人名叫托尼,看上去更像一个人,而不像台机器。 He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice although his facial expression never changed.他虽然面部表情毫无变化,但是个子高大、相貌英俊,头发平整,声音低沉浑厚。

On the second morning Tony, wearing an apron, brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing. 第二天早晨,托尼戴着围裙,给她端来了早餐,然后问她是否需要帮忙穿衣打扮。 She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. It was disturbing and

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frightening that he looked so human.她感到有点不好意思,很快就打发他走了。机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。

One day, Claire mentioned that she didn't think she was clever. 有一天,克莱尔说起,她觉得她自己并不聪明。Tony said that she must feel very unhappy to say that. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. 托尼则说,克莱尔一定是很不高兴,才会说出这样的话来。克莱尔觉得,机器人会向她表示同情,这有点荒唐可笑。But she began to trust him. 但是他开始信任托尼了。 She told him how she was overweight and this made her feel unhappy. 她告诉托尼她太胖了,这让她很不高兴。 Also she felt her home wasn't elegant enough for someone like Larry who wanted to improve his social position. 还有对于像拉里这样很想提高社会地位的人来说,她的家也不够高雅。 She wasn't like Gladys Claffern, one of the richest and most powerful women around. 她跟格拉迪丝·克拉芬不一样,格拉迪丝是远近闻名的有钱有势的女人。

As a favour Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant. 托尼为让克莱尔高兴,答应帮助她,使她变得漂亮,使她的家变的高雅大方。 So Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read, or rather, scan. 于是克莱尔从图书馆借来一堆书给托尼阅读,或者说给他浏览一下。 She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page and suddenly reached for his hand. 他惊奇地看着他的手指翻动着书页,忍不住伸出手来摸他的手指。She was amazed by his fingernails and the softness and warmth of his skin. 他的手指甲和他那柔软温暖的皮肤使她感到大为惊异。 How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine.她在想,这是多么可笑啊,他只不过是一台机器呀!

Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore. 托尼给克莱尔换了个发型,又改变了化妆风格。 As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her.因为不允许托尼陪克莱尔去商店,所以托尼就给她写了一份购物清单。Claire went into the city and bought curtains, cushions, a carpet and bedding. 克莱尔进城去买了窗帘、坐垫、地毯和床上用品。 Then she went into a jewellery shop to buy a necklace. 然后她去了一家珠宝店买项链。 When the clerk at the counter was rude to her, she rang Tony up and told the

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clerk to speak to him. 柜台售货员对她很粗鲁,她就打电话给托尼,让售货员同托尼讲话。The clerk immediately changed his attitude. 售货员马上就改变了态度。 Claire thanked Tony, telling him that he was a \克莱尔对托尼表示感谢,并说他是个“可爱的人”。As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 她刚一转过身去,就看到格拉迪丝·克拉芬站在那儿。 How awful to be discovered by her, Claire thought. 克莱尔想,被格拉迪丝发现了,这多么难为情啊!By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. 从格拉迪丝脸上的那种有趣而又惊奇的神色来看,克莱尔知道,格拉迪丝认为她有风流韵事了。 After all, she knew Claire's husband's name was Larry, not Tony.毕竟格拉迪丝知道她的丈夫是拉里,而不是托尼。

When Claire got home, she wept with anger in her armchair. 克莱尔回到家里,坐在扶手椅上气得直哭。 Gladys was everything Claire wanted to be. 格拉迪丝的一举一动都是克莱尔想模仿的。 \the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return. 托尼告诉克莱尔说,你可以同格拉迪丝一样,还建议克莱尔邀请格拉迪丝和她的朋友到家里来玩,时间就定在托尼离去和拉里回家之前的那个晚上。By that time, Tony expected the house to be completely transformed.托尼想在此之前将房子改装得焕然一新。

Tony worked steadily on the improvements. 托尼有条不紊地搞着装修。 Claire tried to help once but was too clumsy. 克莱尔有一次想来帮忙。She fell off a ladder and even though Tony was in the next room, he managed to catch her in time. 但是她太笨手笨脚了,竟从梯子上掉了下来。尽管托尼当时在隔壁房间里,他还是及时赶过来把她接住了。He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. 他把她紧紧地搂在怀里,她感觉到了他身上有股暖气。She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day.她尖叫了起来,把他推开,跑回她的房里,那天她就再也没有出来过。

The night of the party arrived. 聚会的那天晚上来到了。 The clock struck eight. 时钟敲响八点。 The guests would be arriving soon and Claire told Tony to go into another room. 客人马上就要到来了。克莱尔叫托尼到另一间房里去。At that moment, Tony folded his arms around

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her, bending his face close to hers. 就在那一瞬间,托尼弯曲胳膊搂着她,弯下身去把脸贴近她的脸。 She cried out \day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her. 她大叫一声“托尼”,然后听到托尼一本正经地说,明天他不想离开她,而且他并不满足于仅仅使她开心。Then the front door bell rang. 就在这时,前门的门铃响了。Tony freed her and disappeared from sight. 托尼放开了她,消失得无影无踪了。 It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window. 也就在这时候,克莱尔才意识到托尼早就把前边窗户的窗帘拉开了。 Her guests had seen everything !她的客人把这一切看得一清二楚。

The women were impressed by Claire, the house and the delicious cuisine. 克莱尔和她的房子、美食给女士们留下了深刻的印象。 Just before they left, Claire heard Gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as Tony. 就在他们离开之前,克莱尔听到格拉迪丝跟另外一个女人小声地说,她从来没见过像托尼这样英俊的男人。What a sweet victory to be envied by those women! 受到那些女士的妒忌,这该是多么甜美的胜利!She might not be as beautiful as them, but none of them had such a handsome lover.克莱尔也许并没有她们那样漂亮,但是她们中没有任何一个人拥有这样英俊的情人。

Then she remembered -Tony was just a machine. 这时候,她记起来了——托尼只不过是一台机器。 She shouted \她高声嚷着:“让我独自呆一会儿!” 就跑上床。She cried all night. 哭了一个通宵。The next morning a car drove up and took Tony away.第二天早晨开来一辆汽车,把托尼接走了。

The company was very pleased with Tony's report on his three weeks with Claire.公司对托尼同克莱尔相处三个星期的实验报告非常满意。Tony had protected a human being from harm.托尼保护了一个人免受伤害,He had prevented Claire from harming herself through her own sense of failure.他使克莱尔没有因为她的失败感而伤害自己。He had opened the curtains that night so that the other women would see him and Claire, knowing that there was no risk to Claire's marriage.那天晚上,他拉开窗帘,让其他女人看到了他和克莱尔在一起,他明白这么做对克莱尔的婚姻并不造成危害。But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt

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