大学新视野英语读写第三版Book3Unit4课程教案 联系客服

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The Chinese language is sure to spread more widely in the world.

Step Four oral reproduction 30 minutes Explain your choice on the following topic.

Suppose you are debating with your classmates. You want to show them why you choose to shop online. Part 1. Introduction

1. current situation about online shopping;

2. thesis statement: your feelings and impressions about the online


Part 2. Body (various reasons) Cause 1. convenience of online shopping. Cause 2. goods online cheaper than in stores. Cause 3. access to wider range of options. Cause 4. privacy protection. Part 3. conclusion

The future of online shopping.

Step Five Summary 5 minutes 1. Revision of the useful expressions 1. 从美梦中惊醒 2. 被困在了机场 3. 飞行的奇妙感觉 4. 现代弊病的课程 5. 以非人的速度在空中穿 梭 6. 意识到旅行在提高创新 方面的价值 7. 以字义明确的散文方式 思考 8. 放松认知的链条 steal away a lovely dream be stuck in the airport the wonder of being airborne a lesson in the ills of modernity move through space at an inhuman speed realize the creative benefits of travel think in finite, literal prose loosen the cognitive chains ,.

9. 体验异国文化

experience of an exotic culture 2. Revision of the writing devices and reading skills


1. Exercises after Text A & Text B 2. Essay writing:

Topic: Stressful life for kids

Introduction: Thesis statement: Some parents tend to expect too much from their children. Body:

Cause 1: The harsh reality Cause 2: The peer pressure Cause 3: Parents’ love for their kids

Conclusion: To set reasonable expectations for the kids is no easy, but is worth trying.

3. Oral reproduction: Make a speech on one of the following topics:

1) Why delay marriage? 2) The grain crisis 4. Preview Unit 5.

郑树棠. 新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第三册[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2015.

郑树棠. 新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第三册教师用书[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2015.

夏纪梅. 现代外语课堂设计理论与实践[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003.

张道真. 实用英语语法大全[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.

