2015年学大教育艺考生课程 - 词汇 第二十三讲Theme parks 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2015年学大教育艺考生课程 - 词汇 第二十三讲Theme parks更新完毕开始阅读

2015年学大教育艺考生课程——词汇 第二十三讲Theme parks 适用学科 适用区域 知识点 动词短语辨析;完成句子;句子翻译; 知识:1快速复习掌握本单元词汇。 2. 快速扩词汇量 英语 全国 适用年级 高三 课时时长(分钟) 60 名词辨析;动词辨析;形容词辨析;副词辨析; 教学目标 方法:1老师和学生一起翻译短文并从中找出自己不认识的词汇。 2. 学生将不认识的词汇整理到笔记本上,并默写出所整理的词汇的 汉语意思 能力:1、能根据老师所翻译的文章快速记住生词的汉语意思。 2、能通过不断上涨的词汇量快速提高阅读能力。 教学重点 教学难点 课文中的重点单词、短语及相关句型的掌握和运用 重点单词、短语的灵活运用




1. In communication sometimes body language is more important than ____________ (speak) English. 2. Lucy has a lot of ___ (curious) about what it is like to live in a foreign country. 3. You should use your ______(imagine) to think what it might be like on the moon.

4. The weather in Britain is ______ (change). You can find that one minute it is rainy and the next minute the sun is shining brightly.

5. Sometimes unknown things appear ________( mystery) to us.

6. Theme parks offer more educational things than __________(amuse) parks do.

7. Some theme parks try to teach people about an _______ (advance) scientific idea like Futuroscope in


8. We were selected to be volunteer ________ (translate) at the Third Shenzhen International Cultural Fair. 9. Setting up a company selling toys should be very _____ (profit).

10. Would you like to take a trip to Brazil to experience ______ (survive) an airplane crash in the jungle?