2019上海市静安区中考英语二模(含参考答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2019上海市静安区中考英语二模(含参考答案)更新完毕开始阅读

Visit the museum of Liverpool. Opened in 2011. Liverpool One Find the best shopping in the centre of Liverpool at Liverpool One, Liverpool’s new shopping centre. Opened in 2008 .More than 160 shops ,restaurants, cinemas and cafes Learn all about the history and culture of Liverpool . Free early Open daily 10.a.m-5.a.m 69. We can learn that Liverpool is a city located in _______. A) American B) Britain C) Canada D) France 70. The Beatles Story is a well-known _____.

A) music group B) football stadium C) storybook character D) tourist attraction 71. It's impossible for you to visit ____ at Christmas A)The Beatles Story B) Liverpool Ones C) The Museum of Liverpool D) Anfield Football Stadium 72. If your parents go to Anfield Football Stadium with you, they should pay ____for the tickets

A) £9 B) £15 C) £24 D) £39

73. You can visit ____ to know how the city has developed. A) The Beatles Story B) Liverpool One C) The Museum of Liverpool D) Anfield Football Stadium 74. The main purpose of the writer is to ____ A)get some information about Liverpool B) send the pictures of Liverpool to readers Sebowseporsiruenldstni1D

C) suggest tourists visit Liverpool's attractions D) encourage people to go shopping in Liverpool

B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文) (12分)

At four o'clock, Polly left work and stepped out into the fog. She wondered if the buses would still be running. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.

\to run. Take the

75 to Green Park. The weather might be better and you might be able to get a taxi there.\

When Polly got off at Green Park, she found few people at the exit. The fog lay like a thick grey cloud 76 . There was no one in sight. Polly set out towards Park Street. As she walked along the narrow street, she heard the sound of footsteps. But by the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone. She could feel her heart beating with 77 .

Then she heard the sound again-soft footsteps behind her. A minute before, she had wished for someone to come along. Now she wanted to 78 , but she couldn't move. The footsteps seemed nearer. Then a man's voice came out of the darkness, \Polly 79 . At last she answered, \Then a hand held her arm tightly. Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man.



In his right hand the man carried a stick. Polly heard it hit the step. \Polly was beginning to feel frightened again. \

\rest for a while?\

\be more people lost today, and I'd like to help them. You see, a fog this bad is rare. It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when it's sunny. A(n) 80 person like me can't get across the road without help, except in a fog like this.\75. A) bus B) taxi C) plane D) underground

76. A) inside B) outside C) upstairs D) downstairs 77. A) joy B) anger C) fear D) sadness

78. A) run B) sit C) talk D) watch

79. A) replied B) smiled C) complained D) hesitated 80. A) old B) bind C) sick D) week C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格填入适当的词,使其容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分) -

Staying indoors during winter time can be boring. You need to find some fun apps to play with. Here are a few good c 81 . SpinMe

Is it hard for you to wake up on time every morning? Are you often late for school? If so, you may need a more u 82 alarm clock. There are thousands of alarm apps, but SpinMe might be an effective one. You cannot turn its alarm off just by pressing a button. You need to stand up and turn around while holding your phone in your hands. And turning the phone around when lying down on your bed won't work. There is no o 83 way to turn it off

You can also pick your favorite music for the alarm. It makes the clock more fun to use.

Star Walk 2

You may wonder what the stars are c 84 when sitting in the yard and looking into the night sky. Star Walk 2 can give you the answers. Just point your phone at the sky d 85 . The app tells you the names of the stars. It also tells you the history and stories about them. If you move your phone, the app can give you more i 86 It also shows 3D images of stars. You can move the images around with your finger and have a look. It's like having an astronomer(天文学家) in your pocket.

Safari Central

You don't need to go to Africa to see wild animals. Safari

Central brings nature to you on your mobile phone. The app can see w 87 you are. It tells you if there are wild animals in your city. It also has 3D images of six wild animals, including elephants and bears. They look very real. You can take pictures with them. Using the app, you can share your pictures with your friends, as well as see their pictures. Animal lovers can use the app to raise money for wild animals.

D. Answer the questions (根据以下容回答问题) (12分)

Do you sometimes feel different, alone or left out? Teenagers need to feel they belong. They will feel upset when they have to eat alone in the cafeteria. They are afraid of being a \独来独往的人) But actually, being a loner has become a lifestyle in many

countries among young people. It doesn't always mean being strange or disliked.

In South Korea, there are more and more people who describe themselves as \(tribe). These people eat alone, travel alone, and enjoy being alone.