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to… 把某物搬移到某处(onto可拼写为一个 词也可分开on to,表示动作的方向,into 也有此类用法)

up (恶劣天气)来临并加剧(blow-blew-blown)

gust of wind 一阵大风(gust表示...一阵强风,狂风... gust可单独使用也可用于词组...a gust of...)

into the courtyard below 将床摔碎在下面的院子里(现在分词短语作...it...的宾语补足语)

…until 直到……才……

up 醒来

to pieces 摔成碎片

at the bits of… (本句中...glancing at…...现在分词短语作 时间状语,意为:

After he glanced at) glance at 瞥视,一瞥

for a ride 就当作是一次兜风 take…for 把……当


one’s way 迷路

trip took me longer than I expected take此处意为...花费(时间),通常用...it...作 形式主语的结构:It+takes+sb.+不定

式 It takes me ten minutes to read English every morning

on the bus 上公共汽车

a good view of countryside 饱览美丽的乡村风光

’ll tell you where to get off 我会告诉你在哪下车(where to get off= where you should get off)

is as far as we go 我们的车就到此为止

了。 as far as 表示...达到……程度...(限度)

to do forget doing 忘记做某

事 I forgot to tell you the homework. 忘记做过某

this/that case 既然这样/那样的话

to 更愿意做……


got so bad 情况变得如此糟糕(things用作复数表示情形、状 况事情)

on a diet 进行节食 on diet 节食

of all 首先

out 写出

a visit to sb. 拜访某人

fat as ever 与往常一样胖,as ever是as he ever was的省略形式。如:as beautiful as ever,as quick as ever

was obvious that he was very embarrassed. 显

然,他感到很尴尬。此句...It...为先行主语,that 引导一个名词从句,作真正的主语,动词不定式也 可做真正主语。如: hard to see the stars on such a day.

contained five large bars of chocolate 里面装了五块大巧克力。Contain和include都有...包含、包括...的意思。 但contain通常指在某个容器中包含,include的主语范围也广;contain指包含的全部事物,而include指其中一部分,...包括...并不一定是全部物品。

和rise raise:为及物动词,...提起......举起......使升高......提高......增加......养育... 例如:raise hand举手,raise salary增加工资,raise a family养家糊口 rise:为不及物动物,升高,上涨,(太阳、月亮)升起,过去式为rose,过去分词risen。 例如:

The moon rose from the top of the tree. The river is rising after the rain.

和lie Lay为及物动物,后在直接加宾语,意为...平放......搁......布置......准备...等,过去式和过去分词为...laid...,例如:He laid his coat on the chair. 他把大衣放在了椅子上 Where did you lay my book?你把我的书放在哪儿