2020鐗堥珮鑰冭嫳璇?璇戞灄鐗?澶т竴杞涔犻珮鑰冮鍨嬭鑼冪粌锛氭ā鍧椾笁Unit2Language鍚瓟妗?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2020鐗堥珮鑰冭嫳璇?璇戞灄鐗?澶т竴杞涔犻珮鑰冮鍨嬭鑼冪粌锛氭ā鍧椾笁Unit2Language鍚瓟妗?- 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读

learners’ writing from Cambridge English exams,but we also looked at the vocabulary taught in best-selling British and American English course books.

We have found that there are some words that are still characteristically British or American.British people have biscuits with their cup of tea or coffee,but Americans have cookies.We have cookies too in Britain,but they are a certain type of biscuit,such as chocolate chip cookies,where the original recipe (配方) is American.A British person goes on holiday,while an American takes a vacation;you visit a city centre in Britain but go downtown in the US.

A few words have different meanings across the two varieties of English,which could cause some

embarrassment:Americans who are wearing pants have their legs covered,but if a British person is dressed only in pants,they are in their underwear (clothes that you wear next to your body under your other clothes)!And if you need to fill up your car with fuel,you can ask for gas in the US,but you need to buy petrol in Britain,as “gas” is not a liquid in British English.

Overall,though,our research shows that British and American English are still very close to each other.The 10 most common words (the,of,to,and,a,in,that,is,for and I) are the same in both countries,and most of the UK’s 5,000 most common words are also in the USA’s top 5,000.

【语篇导读】本文是说明文。作者参与了一项关于英式英语和美式英语的研究,发现两种英语依然大同小异。 12.What can we learn about the project the author worked on? A.It offers vocabulary courses online. B.It is based on powerful evidence. C.It is a study on English exams. D.It aims to collect new words. 答案B 解析推理判断题。由第一段的“We analysed a 50-million-word collection...course books”可知,作者所参与的这个研究项目基于可信的依据。

13.What may British people refer to when they say “cookies”? A.Tiny chocolate cakes. B.Biscuits made in Britain. C.American biscuit recipes. D.A variety of biscuits. 答案D 解析细节理解题。由第二段的“We have cookies too in Britain,but they are a certain type of biscuit”可知,当英国人说cookies时,实际指的是一种源自美国配方的特定饼干,如美式巧克力曲奇。 14.Which sentence may be proper when you chat with British people? A.My car has run out of liquid! B.It is great to wear pants for the party. C.I’ll fill my car up with gas immediately. D.I bought the pants in that shop yesterday. 答案D 解析推理判断题。由第三段作者列举英式和美式英语中一些单词的细微差别可知,pants在英国指的是一种内衣,而在美国则指长裤。故与英国人交谈时D项说法中的pants没有特指是哪种类型的衣服,故应该是合理的。 15.What do the numbers in the last paragraph show? A.British and American English are still very similar.

B.The most common English words have changed greatly. C.Short words are most commonly used in the English language. D.The differences between British and American English are obvious. 答案A 解析推理判断题。最后一段的“Overall,though,our research shows that British and American English are still very close to each other”即本段主旨句,该段落中提到的数字是为了说明英式英语和美式英语依然非常相似。



How frequently do you say “I don’t have time”?Quite often,I guess.Every time we say those words,they make us feel weak and out of control.You are in control of your hours and your life. 16

I know it’s not as easy as simply turning off the TV.But here are two steps that will help you take back control and get time on your side. ★ 17

Be honest:do you spend an hour or two visiting Weixin and QQ every day?Are you spending time with people that you don’t really like just to please them?Are there meetings you attend that you can politely refuse?

It’s time to get real about the hours that add up to a lot of dissatisfying nothing.Think how you can cancel daily activities that are not useful. 18 ★Change your language.

Words matter.They have power.Saying “I don’t have time” is an excuse for not wanting to do something.Here are some good,empowering alternatives:

“I choose not to start that project until next year.” “ 19 ”

“I’d love to go out this weekend but have important work I need to do first.”

Get better at saying no. 20 Use little pockets of time (friend running late,car stuck in traffic,meeting ending 10 minutes early) to do some productive thinking.All these things can add up over time more than you believe! A.Identify your blocks.

B.But you are likely wasting a lot of it! C.I really don’t have enough time to do it. D.Replace them with things that satisfy you.

E.Take no notice of all those unimportant messages on your phone.

F.I’d love to read that book—I’ll get to do it after my homework is complete! G.When you don’t have a plan for your life,someone else will plan it for you. 答案与解析 【语篇导读】本文是说明文。我们常常觉得时间不够用,本文介绍了两个具体步骤帮助我们收回控制权,让时间为我们所用。

16.B 由上文作者猜测多数人常常说自己没时间可知,B项中的“wasting a lot of it”与此相呼应。虽然你是自己时间和生活的主宰,但你可能正在大量浪费时间。

17.A 由下文提及的“the hours that add up to a lot of dissatisfying nothing”可知,A项中所指的blocks就是指代Be honest部分列举的那些浪费你时间的事。作者认为收回时间控制权的第一步是要找出阻挠你的事。

18.D D项的“Replace them with things that satisfy you”是针对上文作者所说的“how you can cancel daily activities that are not useful”的解决办法。作者建议换个角度想想你如何能去掉那些无用的日常活动,用能带给你满足感的事情取而代之。

19.F 由小标题“Change your language”可知,作者认为说“我没有时间”只是不想做某事的借口,他建议用其他能增添自信的说辞来替代,今后你就有可能会做此事。F项说辞与文中所举的其他两种选择都能令你增添自信。

20.E 由本段该空缺处前后的“Get better at saying no和Use little pockets of time”可知,作者建议你忽略掉手机上那些不重要的信息,利用零散时间想一想有益的事。



On Monday,April 20,we experienced heavy rain and fierce winds.During a break in the weather on Tuesday morning,I stupidly decided to 21 into town to buy some food.

I left the supermarket around 10 am. 22 ,as I drove the six kilometers back to my home,the weather took a turn for the 23 .It was raining very 24 and I was forced to take a 25 I don’t usually travel.Nearing my town,I watched as the water level on the road 26 in front of me.I had nowhere to go.

Another driver signaled from his car to tell me not to try and cross the 27 road.Then I noticed a man in his early 30s in his front yard 28 the situation.He quickly waved to me to come and 29 in his driveway away from the rushing water.

The man called Trent then 30 me to wait inside his house.I told him I was concerned about the 31 to my father’s car,which I was driving, 32 the continuing rain started to turn into hail (冰雹).Trent then took a cover from his garage and 33 my car to protect it from the hail. 34 ,his efforts saved Dad’s car from being destroyed by the hail.

While waiting for the 35 to improve,I learned that Trent had 36 his job ten months ago and was trying his hand as a local handyman (做零活的人) to make ends meet.

By 12:30 pm the rain 37 so I asked Trent if he thought it would be safe enough to 38 —he told me it was.As I left,I insisted on 39 two of his business cards,and my father has since called Trent to offer him 40 as a handyman at our place doing various small jobs.

【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。作者描述了他在一场大雨中得到好心人的帮助的经历。 21.A.run C.drive 答案C 解析由下文的“I drove...back to my home”可知,“我”是“开车(drive)”去市里买东西。 22.A.Besides C.Instead 答案D 解析由下文“我”因大雨无法继续前行回家可知,“我离开超市时没有下雨”和“开了一段之后天气突然变得糟糕”之间是转折关系,故用However。 23.A.more C.less

B.worse D.better

B.Therefore D.However B.walk D.bike

答案B 解析开了一段时间之后天气变得“更糟(worse)”了。 24.A.lightly C.heavily 答案C 解析雨下得“太大(heavily)”。 25.A.town C.turn 答案B 解析“我”被迫改“道(road)”驱车回家。 26.A.rose C.fell 答案A 解析由下文的“I had nowhere to go”和“the rushing water”可知,由于雨势太大,“我”前面的路面积水“升高(rose)”。 27.A.busy C.quiet 答案D 解析路面积水升高使得道路“危险(dangerous)”,因此一位司机示意“我”不要试图穿过。 28.A.recording C.changing 答案D 解析由下文那位叫Trent的男子向“我”招手示意去他家躲避来势汹汹的雨水可知,这位三十岁左右的男子在他家前院“检查(examining)”路面情况。 29.A.call C.wash 答案B 解析由下文的“wait inside his house”可知,Trent让“我”把车“停到(park)”他家。 30.A.forced C.invited 答案C 解析Trent是“我”回家路上遇到的一位好心的陌生人,他“邀请(invited)”“我”去他家避雨。 31.A.approach C.damage 答案C 解析由下文的“saved Dad’s car from being destroyed by the hail”可知,“我”担心父亲的车因冰雹而“受损(damage)”。 32.A.as C.so 答案A 解析“我担心父亲的车受损”和“一直下的雨开始变成冰雹”之间是因果关系,故用as。 33.A.hid


B.if D.but B.reaction D.attention B.begged D.promised B.park D.stay B.describing D.examining B.wide D.dangerous B.arrived D.disappeared B.road D.market B.normally D.regularly