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41. A. noticing 42. A. talkers 43. A. positive 44. A. testing 45. A. aim 46. A. lost 47. A. usual 48. A. off

49. A. annoyed 50. A. ran 51. A. delicate 52. A. chance 53. A. spared 54. A. actions 55. A. judge B. gathering B. dreamers B. familiar B. improving B. taste

B. controlled B. safe B. in

B. awkward B. gave B. extra B. message B. requested B. reasons B. express

C. hearing C. attackers C. brief

C. questioning C. habit C. practiced C. secret C. by C. scared C. stood C. creative C. order C. prepared C. words C. comfort

D. analyzing D. losers D. convenient D. affecting D. attitude D. continued D. private D. up D. bitter D. rang D. casual D. note D. sent D. promises D. doubt





Henry Edwards Huntington

Henry Edwards Huntington was born in 1850 in Oneonta, New York. In 1872 he went to work for his uncle, one of the owners of the Central Pacific Railroad. Twenty years later, Huntington moved to San Francisco at his uncle?s request to share management of the Southern Pacific Railroad. On the way to San Francisco, he visited San Marino, and later bought it, which is home to his collections today.

In 1902, Huntington moved his business operations to Los Angeles, where he developed the street railway system that created the structure of the Los Angeles area. He greatly expanded the existing electric railway lines, creating an extensive inter-urban system providing the transportation necessary. Huntington?s business interests continued to grow particularly in the areas of water, power, and land development; at one time he served on as many as 60 corporate boards throughout the United States.

At the age of 60, he announced his decision to retire in order to devote time to his book and art collections and the landscaping of the 600-acre farm. In 1911 the large Beaux Arts building, in the charge of the architect Myron Hunt, was completed.

In 1913, Huntington married Arabella Duval Huntington. She shared his interests in collecting. As one of the most important art collectors of her generation, she was highly influential in the development of the art collection now shown in the former building.

英语 第 5 页(共 13 页)

In 1919, Henry and Arabella Huntington signed the agreement that conveyed their San Marino property and collections to a nonprofit educational trust, creating the Huntington, one of the world?s great cultural, research, and educational centers.

Henry E. Huntington died in 1927, leaving his great treasures the Huntington, including the world-famous Huntington Library, Art Gallery, and Botanical Gardens in San Marino, California to the public, which hosts more than 500,000 visitors each year.

56. What can you learn about Huntington from the first two paragraphs? A. He worked in many fields before he came to Los Angeles. B. He built a house to store his art collection in San Marino. C. He did a lot to the USA railway development. D. He founded the Central Pacific Railroad. 57. What did Huntington do after his retirement? A. He devoted himself to his personal interests. B. He worked part time for non-profit business. C. He was in charge of an educational center. D. He shared his wife?s interests with her.

58. Which of the following can best describe Huntington? A. An excellent artist. B. A talented architect. C. An ambitious educator. D. A successful businessman.

59. This article is most probably taken from_______.

A. a science fiction B. a newspaper report C. a novel D. a biography

英语 第 6 页(共 13 页)


For: Doug Smith, Director of wolf recovery, Yellowstone National Park In the world today there is so much we are losing; more and more species disappear from the earth every year. The time has come to put something back,to restore(恢复)to treat some of the old wounds enforced on nature over the years. Wolves are animals killing and eating other animals in North America. They play an important role in keeping the continent healthy. Most places don?t have enough wild country to make their restoration possible, which means it?s even more important to restore wolves where conditions are right, places like Yellowstone, which has both a high level of wildness, as well as abundant creatures that wolves hunt and eat for living. Some who oppose wolf restoration have a human centered point of view that the earth is here for humans, we can use it whenever we want and for whatever purpose. But wolves offer us a chance to live another way—a way to learn to live with other life forms.

60. What are the two passages mainly about? A. How to keep the balance of nature. B. How to increase the number of wolves.

C. Whether to introduce wolves to Yellowstone.

D. Whether to remove livestock away from federal lands. 61. According to the passage Doug Smith is _______.

英语 第 7 页(共 13 页)

Against: Larry Bourret, Vice President, Wyoming Farm Bureau What does wolf introduction to Yellowstone mean? To the average citizen it probably just means introducing wolves to Yellowstone. There would be no unfavorable effects because few people live near Yellowstone. But to farmers it means introducing wolves, which wander over vast areas—in and out of the park—onto their farms. Wolves eat meat—as in the cattle, sheep that keep farmers in business. Introduction apparently also means lawsuits by environmental groups attempting to remove livestock(家畜,牲畜) from federal lands. To farmers, who own private lands in the same area, it means the possibility of ?nancial ruin. To farmers it is a form of land use restrictions. To farmers introducing wolves means taking away the farmers? livelihoods without just compensation. Why do people not want a nuclear power plant built in their backyard? For the same reason farmers do not want wolves introduced into their backyard.

A. a private land owner B. an enthusiastic hunter C. a wildlife conservationist D. a national park administrator

62. What are the farmers concerned about? A. Being forced to leave their homes. B. Suffering heavy financial loss. C. Having to sell their farmland. D. Being controlled by wolves.

63. Why does Larry Bourret mention “nuclear power plant”? A. To summarize his opinion. B. To make his view persuasive.

C. To tell the danger of nuclear power plant.

D. To introduce the background of wolf recovery.


What is the senior project?

The Senior Project at Clark Magnet High School is a program that shows a senior?s ability to apply knowledge and skills, speak, write, solve problems and practice the life skills of time management, organization and risk-taking. Clark teaching staff, community members and school district staff act as advisers, evaluators during the research, project and presentation stages. The key parts of the Senior Project are: 1) A research paper

A six to eight page persuasive research paper on a topic chosen by the students. The research paper strengthens effective writing skills learned in English class. Because the paper is persuasive, students should choose a topic about which they have a strong opinion. They should use elements learned when debating to convince the readers of the strong opinion stated in the paper, and prove it through research. 2) A physical product and fieldwork

A physical product and fieldwork (15-hour minimum requirement) related to some aspect of the paper. The 15 hours can be obtained through community service, job shadowing, or making an actual project. Students explore topics that are academic in nature, a hobby, a passion, or a possible future career. 3) Data collection

Data collection that combines the first two parts and records hours spent on the fieldwork. The collection contains evidence of the fieldwork presented through letters from the students? advisors, pictures showing the process of the project or anything else that would show proof of the work completed.

英语 第 8 页(共 13 页)