英语第二学期作业(共33页) 联系客服

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3. Months of secret talks with the opposition party finally resulted __________ the

setting free of the political prisoners.

4. When the car broke down on the highway for a third time, John’s patience

completely ran __________.

5. He cannot go without wine even for one day; he is a complete slave __________


6. What one thinks and feels is, in the eyes of social scientists, mainly due

__________tradition, habit, and education.

7. It is a real honor to have the opportunity of meeting the well-known scientist

__________ person.

8. Happiness doesn’t necessarily go __________ money.

9. In the thick forest, you can walk from the edge till your feet ache, and still you’ll

see noting __________ tall trees and other plants.

10. Every day the manager has to account to the chairman __________ how he

spends the company’s money.

VI. The suffixes-ment, -ation, -tion, -sion, and –inon are added to verbs to form


Verb manage inform produce decide educate


Suffix -ment -ation -tion -sion -ion Noun management information production decision deucation 1. commit ________________ 2. attract ________________ 3. appoint ________________ 4. impress _______________ 5. civilize ________________ 6.compose ________________ 7. confuse ________________ 8. congratulate _____________ 9. consider ________________ 10. explain ________________ 11. acquire ________________ 12. depress ________________

VIII. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English

after the model, using “much less”. Model:

Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over extended

small talk, ________________(更不用说带他们出去吃饭了)。

Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over extended

small talk, much less do they take them out for dinner. 1. The student can hardly speak simple English, ____________________________ ________________________________(更不用说写英语文章了)。

2. He cannot manage a small shop, _______________________________________ ________________(更不用说管理一家大公司了)。

3. John couldn’t even pick up the box, _____________________________________ ________________(更不用说把它搬到楼上去了)。

4. I’ve never seen the man, ______________________________________________ ________________(更不用说跟他谈话了)。

5. Almost every scientist now finds it impossible to read all the works connected

with his own subject, ______________________________________________ (更不用说大量地阅读自己学科以外的东西了)。

IX.Combine the following sentences using the conjunction “whereas” to

introduce a clause which contrasts with what is said in the main clause. Model:


The telephone service is superb here. The postal service is less efficient. The telephone service is superb here, whereas the postal service is less efficient. 1. Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars. Eating out at a

restaurant is always more expensive.

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. We thought she was rather proud. In fact she was just very shy.

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. We have never done anything for them. They have done so much for us.

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Natalie prefers to stay for another week. Her husband prefers to leave


____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Some praise him highly. Others put him down severely.

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ X. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。( much less)

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas)

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?( account for)


____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4.他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。( due to)

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。( result in)

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 6.我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ XIII. Have a look at Paragraph 7 to find out how the general statement is supported by specific details and the reason.

Para. 7 The US is definitely a telephone country. Almost everyone uses the telephone to conduct business, to chat with friends, to make or break social appointments, to say “Thank you”, to shop and to obtain all kinds of information. Telephones save the feet and endless amounts of time. This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here, whereas the postal service is less efficient. General statement: The US is definitely a telephone country. How is it that the US is a telephone country? Specific details:

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Why is it that the US is a telephone country? The reason:

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________